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I always wondered what the writer’s block was. Okay, this might sound crazy and even more stupider but this was my thoughts on the meaning of writer’s block. When I first heard the phrase ‘Overcoming the Writer’s Block’ I was a little confused that I might be on the wrong side of the page. I actually thought that the Block ( actually meaning not able to proceed further ) meant a group of writers ( distinguished and highly qualified). So, the block that I was thinking of sounds, like I said, stupid. When I was a kid, I used to live in the company quarters. There were individual houses and then there were apartments. So, these apartments were named Block A to G. So, you see. Now, I guess you get the gist , right? 

Then I started hearing the phrase more often. I had started believing that I am not only on the wrong page, not even the wrong book, but on a totally different planet. I couldn’t make sense of it until I realized the actual meaning. What I made of this ? Nothing! What I wanted to convey from this? I ain’t no perfect in the slightest possible way. Let me elaborate this. 

There are a lot of people around me whom I have tried to inspire my best so that they could get their skills to the better of themselves. I mean writing. Like I said, I have never been good at English. As I write this, I still feel, I have made some grammatical mistakes and also the whole layout of so called writing. I still don’t know. But there is a problem. People believe that I am better at writing or lets just keep it to English. Believe me, I am exactly the opposite. So, when I say ‘Hey, why don’t you start writing. I am sure you will be a good writer’, to which I get replies like ‘I don’t know man, I am not good in English’ or ‘I am not good at writing’. Ahem, Ahem! Look at me. I pretend to be an awesome writer but at the end of the day, I just drift into sleep hoping that I will be perfect one day ( umm, lets forget about my insomnia and pretend that I regularly sleep at nights at correct time ). 

So, my dear friends who think they are not capable of writing, believe me you could do wonders. You just have to believe. And when you reply back praising me for my skills or comparing yours to mine, I really don’t know whether I should laugh or cry. 

Anyways, I am facing serious issues with this writer block. I have tried to overcome it, but alas! I haven’t been much successful about it. And then again, there is a friend of mine, who had started blogging like an year back and who was inconsistent with his blog-posting, has finally picked up the lifting ground and is upbeat about it and is striding forward and that too in an awesome way. 

Now I am stuck, again. I am not even able to write about my “writer’s block” condition. Hopefully, I will come up with much better posts.

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0 responses to “Block.”

  1. lol …so you are trying to overcome an invisible army of writers staying at some block 😛

    and who of your vast readers forgets that you are an insomniac?

    ahaaaaaaaaa…..striding forward in an awesome way?…i wish i can tell a story as good as you do or write a poem as rhythmic as you do…heck i dont even know 'how to' of writing haiku's even

    dont worry dude…you will blast the red matter with your next post 😉

  2. lol …so you are trying to overcome an invisible army of writers staying at some block 😛

    and who of your vast readers forgets that you are an insomniac?

    ahaaaaaaaaa…..striding forward in an awesome way?…i wish i can tell a story as good as you do or write a poem as rhythmic as you do…heck i dont even know 'how to' of writing haiku's even

    dont worry dude…you will blast the red matter with your next post 😉

  3. It was more like a community where writers wrote or shared their thoughts, which was exactly opposite of what it actually meant.

    I was referring to keeping aside that I am an insomniac for a moment.

    Yeah. Wait ? What story ? What poem ? And where's the rhythm dude? My poems contain the least of everything. They don't have a base, a foundation, neither do they have any kind of rhythm in any way.

    Yeah, I am blasted off already and that doesn't look good at all.

  4. It was more like a community where writers wrote or shared their thoughts, which was exactly opposite of what it actually meant.

    I was referring to keeping aside that I am an insomniac for a moment.

    Yeah. Wait ? What story ? What poem ? And where's the rhythm dude? My poems contain the least of everything. They don't have a base, a foundation, neither do they have any kind of rhythm in any way.

    Yeah, I am blasted off already and that doesn't look good at all.

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