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The day started fading in the misty rain that lashed the surface for over a hour. Time flew by and the rain was not monotonous. It had its times on a single evening as the evening gave rise to night. The full moon which illuminated the roads the other day which usually contained tints of sodium vapor lamp is no where to be seen. My time had dawned upon me to make my way back home. But it was raining, raining like there’s no tomorrow. I belong to the adamant lot. I walked the slippery roads slowly drenching in the cold water droplets that hit harder than the canon ball falling from the sky. I was in a state of oblivion of what was going on around me. A slow music filled the atmosphere inside the rather unstable mind of perpetual thoughts giving a little room for the thought bubbles to take a break. But it knew me too well, the thought process was never far from me as they started getting populated the time I felt them leaving. What was I thinking? The something I wish I could tell, but the same holds my thoughts to see the daylight or at least the night-darkness. 

The other day I was supposed to give an exam. The exam was divided into two phases. One in the morning and the other in the afternoon. I really don’t understand why people would want to kill anyone twice. Seriously, why ? I belonging to the most intelligent lot started the exam without even know the exam format or even the time frame until I entered the exam hall. Now if you ask me did I prepare for that exam? I would have to reply with a big NO. The phase of self-immolation was complete, ok! not with fire, for the time being lets call the ‘what-the-hell-are-these’ questions! Now, for the Phase II there was a time gap of three hours. I slowly walked down the street, took a public transport, paid double the fare (felt like punching him in the face) because I was no mood of an argument and also that my “English” is just an alien language to him and as a matter of fact “Hindi” as well. Mc Donalds was the stop and there was where I had my lunch. It took about half an hour for all that. I cursed myself for being so fast, though I made sure I had all the time in the world and did exactly like that. But don’t know everything was over in thirty minutes. And the best thing that could happen is my phone flashing ” Battery Empty. Please Recharge”. I turned to my iPod, unlocked it only to find 2% battery remaining. I had to exclaim at the happenings. Thank you so much God. I came back to the exam center with my dead phone and almost dying music only to find a bunch of people made their place on the stairs outside the exams center and banging their heads with different kinds of books in their hands and all around them. 

It was then I saw a person looking calm as if there is nothing to worry about. He climbed the stairs and found a suitable place. Well, like everybody else he too took out a book after a lot of thinking. I just wondered what he thinking to do that. What shocked me was that he took out a novel and started reading it. A few heads turned twice to see exactly what he was reading but he didn’t bother to give them any attention as is he was busy and seriously preparing himself for an exam. Two hours went by and he was still reading the same novel flicking the pages faster than I could. A bell rang to inform the exam will begin in some time. It was then I saw the same person staring at me, in the reflection on the mirror by the side of the wall. Oh Damn! That was me! 

Hello there, 
I know I haven’t made myself visible for quite some time. Hope you remember me. Right? No? What yaar ? I was out for a few days and people forget me in this couple of days? Not fair. Not cool either! I was just wondering how can anyone forget me ! Well, let me introduce myself if you are still wondering who is this guy typing in red. I am the Alter Ego as they call. But I call myself the fair side of the coin. Because I tell the truth, unbiased truth. 

So, now that I have made your acquaintance, I suppose and wish to see you more often and do write me letters. I like the printed words. Well, moving on. You might as well ask, ‘Where the hell I have been?’ Well, to point out I have always been here and around here. But I was deep lost in contemplation and plotting about how to handle the neatly dug pit which people are trying to push me into. Yeah, I am busy trying to find a solution to held this rather ignorant-adamant-arrogant guy, AK. But after frustrating myself with the headache and not-going-anywhere plot, I gave up considering the fact that they pit is at least neatly dug for this guy’s convenience, though I don’t say it is a good one to stay in the first place, but I guess somethings are inevitable. But again, I am not backing off. Given time and a little more that frustration, I will have to vent out and believe me, when I do that it is not a nice image and would recommend you all to stay out and never give a look. 

Well, I am back. I will back with more. Time is clearly is not on my side at all. Bloody Hell, man. AK goes to office. And he used the time to skim through a few pages of some novel which keeps me entertained in the journey to and fro. And the time in between, I think of the plot to stop all this. AK returns back opens his laptop and tries to write. He thinks way to hard to write a single word. And lastly gives up when he goes no where near a single word. I keep myself busy with flashes of the beautiful people I came across by the day. Come on, give me a little space, a little freedom, will ya? What else do you expect me to do, huh ? Anyways, AK dozes off and wakes up to the morning alarm with is is in its hundredth ‘snooze’. He cursed the time and he is back on the way to office. See, no time to write at all. And also no time for me too. But I am planning to change that. Pretty Soon.

Until Later, 
Lemme rephrase that.

Sooner than Later,
The Guy in the Hat.
Have a Great Day. 

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0 responses to “Day 149.”

  1. Dear AK,

    During exams I'm incredibly calm. I guess the thought behind that is that it's too late to stress 😛 I do all my stredding beforehand. Well I take that back. I don't usually stress at all, neither do I study much. BUT my talk is high school talk, I'm sure I'll be stressing lots more in uni.

    Dear Guy In The Hat,

    Welcome back! We've missed you

  2. Dear AK,

    During exams I'm incredibly calm. I guess the thought behind that is that it's too late to stress 😛 I do all my stredding beforehand. Well I take that back. I don't usually stress at all, neither do I study much. BUT my talk is high school talk, I'm sure I'll be stressing lots more in uni.

    Dear Guy In The Hat,

    Welcome back! We've missed you

  3. Well, that is the calm that you expect just before the exams 😛 Well done Ajay!

    Dear GITH,
    Welcome back! I knew you have not gone anywhere but just dozing off a little bit. 😛 Continue with your pranks but just tell me what exactly is the purpose of your existence? What is that you want to do? #JustAsking #JustCurious

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  4. Well, that is the calm that you expect just before the exams 😛 Well done Ajay!

    Dear GITH,
    Welcome back! I knew you have not gone anywhere but just dozing off a little bit. 😛 Continue with your pranks but just tell me what exactly is the purpose of your existence? What is that you want to do? #JustAsking #JustCurious

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  5. Yayy awesome post and I loved the novel bit 😛 Welcome welcome again to the guy in the hat:P In regards to the matter you discussed in your last visit to my blog I tender my official affirmation, it is just a matter of time until I get myself in a mood to write something. But I am looking forward to it 😀

  6. Yayy awesome post and I loved the novel bit 😛 Welcome welcome again to the guy in the hat:P In regards to the matter you discussed in your last visit to my blog I tender my official affirmation, it is just a matter of time until I get myself in a mood to write something. But I am looking forward to it 😀

  7. Dear Wanderer,

    Well, that is what happens with all intelligent people. Now, you have to understand here something. I am not intelligent, not even close. But I pretend to be one, and all that calmness is just a mere act of self satisfaction though in my head I know I am gonna fail, damn sure.

    About the university, I don't think you won't stress there either. Come on, you an intelligent person and the uni is just child's play for you. 😛


    Thank You, Wanderer. By the way, I haven't got a chance to say that you got a very unique name. Good one. Far better than mine. 😛 #NoKidding.
    The Guy in the Hat

  8. Dear Wanderer,

    Well, that is what happens with all intelligent people. Now, you have to understand here something. I am not intelligent, not even close. But I pretend to be one, and all that calmness is just a mere act of self satisfaction though in my head I know I am gonna fail, damn sure.

    About the university, I don't think you won't stress there either. Come on, you an intelligent person and the uni is just child's play for you. 😛


    Thank You, Wanderer. By the way, I haven't got a chance to say that you got a very unique name. Good one. Far better than mine. 😛 #NoKidding.
    The Guy in the Hat

  9. Thank You, Keirthana.
    Wait, you aren't mocking me, right ?

    Dear K,
    Thank you for welcoming me back. Yeah, you are right. Oh, I see Hash-Tags. This AK is spoiling all people. My existence? Nice question. My work or should I say intention is to guide the body that I exist within. But since this is one empty bowl, I am obliged to live on my own terms and timely do the right thing which AK fails to all the time. Well, I am not so sure about the purpose. But I am there, isn't that enough? 😛 #JustSaying #JustAnswering

    Sooner than later
    The Guy in the Hat

  10. Thank You, Keirthana.
    Wait, you aren't mocking me, right ?

    Dear K,
    Thank you for welcoming me back. Yeah, you are right. Oh, I see Hash-Tags. This AK is spoiling all people. My existence? Nice question. My work or should I say intention is to guide the body that I exist within. But since this is one empty bowl, I am obliged to live on my own terms and timely do the right thing which AK fails to all the time. Well, I am not so sure about the purpose. But I am there, isn't that enough? 😛 #JustSaying #JustAnswering

    Sooner than later
    The Guy in the Hat

  11. Yay. IQ's here. Okay, was here. 😛
    Well, what else I could do? I don't know a thing, didn't prepare a thing.

    Wow. Thank You. I really appreciate that. And also thanks in advance. 🙂

    Dear IQ,
    Thank you for the warm welcome. 😀

    The Guy in the Hat

  12. Yay. IQ's here. Okay, was here. 😛
    Well, what else I could do? I don't know a thing, didn't prepare a thing.

    Wow. Thank You. I really appreciate that. And also thanks in advance. 🙂

    Dear IQ,
    Thank you for the warm welcome. 😀

    The Guy in the Hat

  13. Exams dont remind me of them – its been a while I gave exams but I dont remember getting stressed. I used to be the first one to complete the paper for I was always scared the time would get over and I would still be fumbling with my answer sheet :/

    Hey The Guy in the Hat!

    truly missed you and your err… emmm… I dont have the exact word here and would leave that you to choose from – jokes / talks / antics / sheer presence!

  14. Exams dont remind me of them – its been a while I gave exams but I dont remember getting stressed. I used to be the first one to complete the paper for I was always scared the time would get over and I would still be fumbling with my answer sheet :/

    Hey The Guy in the Hat!

    truly missed you and your err… emmm… I dont have the exact word here and would leave that you to choose from – jokes / talks / antics / sheer presence!

  15. Ah, another intelligent person. Is there anyone falling in my category? 😛
    I too write the exam as fast as I can. The few pages are supposed to be in the hand writing and the last pages the opposite. But in my case it is always vice-versa.

    Dear Me,
    Wow. That's too kind of you to say. And wow, again. I never know I possessed any of those things you just mentioned.
    The Guy in the Hat

  16. Ah, another intelligent person. Is there anyone falling in my category? 😛
    I too write the exam as fast as I can. The few pages are supposed to be in the hand writing and the last pages the opposite. But in my case it is always vice-versa.

    Dear Me,
    Wow. That's too kind of you to say. And wow, again. I never know I possessed any of those things you just mentioned.
    The Guy in the Hat

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Day 149.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ