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I have always been a lone person. Well, it means that I like being alone and taking care of myself. So, for the four years of my college I opted to be alone. Besides the fact that I am crazy, stupid and all, I always needed space. I have never understood the reason for myself being such an as$. I needed space just for the studying. You seem I am the bee, oh no that’s not it, yeah…. a fly. It just flies away at everything. So am I. I get distracted with the minutest of the possible things. And the thing to get better grades was one reason I preferred alone. Because then at least I get to meet a little of the expectations, parents expectations. First year, I had a roommate, but he used to be out with his friends. So, fortunately I was alone. Second year, I took a single room in a hostel. It was one packed up box, but I managed it as well. Third year, my parents bought a home, so I stayed there for like a month or so and was kicked out because one fine day I didn’t had lunch and my uncle caught me. And then I came to college hostel, which I hated the most. But fortunately, no roommate was assigned to me. Hmph. At the end of the third year, I had a roommate, who then cleared out to another room with his friend in the fourth year. And the fourth year was the same, no roommate. So, practically speaking, I have no roommate experience. And need I say, I am no roommate material. 

College was over and am stuck with a job. Fortunately, I made a few friends with whom I am staying right now. But still, I am same crazy-stupid guy that you will ever know. My roommates have friends, I mean like a lot of friends and Bangalore being the HUB of software industry(sort of) most people stay here and have to come here for exams. So, I have heard my friend mentioning that everybody finds you calm and silent and busy with your gadgets. And I got those compliments from a lot of people. Those are not called compliments, dumba$s. You clearly don’t have a social life, or you have no idea how to live in it. I didn’t just hear that from my conscious. 

So, how would you find me if you happen to be in my room? In front of laptop, headphones plugged in with full volume, to which the neighbor can hear the songs, a remote in hand and eyes shuffling from laptop to tv in precise amounts of time. If it is not called crazy, I don’t know what is. Well, so you get the point right? I get a lot of questions about my being silent ( here I get implies that my friends get those questions from their friends). 

As of now, I stay in a one bed-room flat with a kitchen (which doesn’t look like one, it looks more like a room enough just for the shoes) and a hall. I stay in the hall because I get the tv to myself for all night and day long. And in the one bed room we have there are 3 guys stay. Above us there live another three people who are friends of my roommates and spend most of their time in our flat. Enough of the boring pep talk about how crazy you are and how crazy are people about you. Get on with it and say what you wanted to say. And while you are at it, try to get a life. 

Living up with MARS. 
MARS is the acronym that one of the genius roommate gave where each alphabet is the starting letter of our names. So, the wifi also has the same name – MARS. These are some incredible guys ( not in a sarcastic way) plus there are three more people from upstairs. So, since I have a tendency to judge people and write stuff about them, I ma here again. And someone was trying to get rid of it. Yeah, I was. But unfortunately, I have a feeble mind. 

The  Perfectionist/Daddy-Figure/(the list continues)
This guy is the replica of neatness and a perfectionist. I mean come on, who has the time to clean up ones’ room everyday? He has got brains, he has got charms, well… in simple words he got everything. But that’s not enough. Probably one already knows how the guys keep their rooms and their belongings. Look at me for instance, I have everything on my bed itself – laptop, phone, iPod, iPod-charger, headphones, tv remote, Mobile Charger, laptop table, some books, my bag, bread toaster. And it takes like a life-time to clean it up every night. Obviously, right? But this guy has a perfectly arranger wardrobe, bed, books, plates and everything that he is concerned with. I don’t know whom he is going to marry but I am pretty sure his wife would be damn happy. She wouldn’t have to do anything. I mean this guy will take care of it, more like he will make sure that the work is done, if that has to be done by himself. He sure does the household stuff pretty perfectly. So, his wife would be one damn lucky person. Moving on… he got a bright mind and a fast imagination. And when he speaks English, suddenly his voice changes. There is change in is accent and tries to look like he speaks English very well and he stress most of the words he say. He speaks everything that comes to his mind. But sometimes what happens is that he wants to tell something and he gets cut off in the middle. Like someone making up the thing at the last moment and which goes terribly wrong. So he finishes up with some funny words that comes to his mind. He is an initiator. He would probably take the initiative and is the authoritative person among us. He leads the changes and the remaining guys follow it. And I too am compelled to follow it. Sometimes, it sucks, well most of the times. So, I keep it to myself  and get busy in my work of doing-nothing. I mean he gets all the crazy ideas and the others find it fascinating. Come on, I may be crazy but I don’t do crazy ideas. He has got some unique persona which is quite difficult to understand and more difficult to explain.  Some of the guys nick-named him Daddy for various reasons including which I have mentioned.

Before coming to Bangalore, I was at a training in Trivandrum where this same guy was in my project team and he happened to be the team lead, since he is intelligent. And what more? He was my partner. I was much pissed off by his crazy ideas and more by his holding on to it, even more by his trying to explain what he says is right. Some people know something, but everything? Gimme a break please. And now I am stuck with the same guy. Well, he is a Genius for sure. But come on, I don’t do genius stuff. Coming to the funny part. If the water is finished in the water tank, probably you can point your finger to this guy. We have trouble making time to bath one a day and this guy would do the same more than twice in a single day. And there are people without enough water in Africa. What’s fascinating is what is does afterwards. His complexion is already fair and can be termed as white. But no, he would empty bottles of face powder. If you see something really really white on the streets, don’t get scared. That would probably that would be this guy. And we wonder what would happen if he were supposed to be she. He would probably need a room full of cosmetics. 

The Shouty.
This guy is two years elder to us. But we don’t usually keep a count of the age, I mean we don’t mind who is elder or younger. Out of the Blue, I hear shouts and whistles. I mean like real loud. Don’t know what gets over him but he gets excited, I suppose. He just shouts at the top of his voice. In other context, if the remaining guys in the room plan to go home, though this guy has no plans for going home, he would be the first one to go to home. That happens all of a sudden. The worst part is that when he comes back from office, we have to deal with some serious stink of his socks, even if the socks are brand new. 

Apart fro mall this, we are all allocated some domain for the projects. It was rumored that this guys domain have a waiting period of 14 months and they are not many projects. But fortunately, he is already mapped into a project while I am stuck with no projects. Yeah, I don’t want any project for another month or at least for this month. I just planned to go home and the time doesn’t seem to favor me in this quest. :[

A Little Unfortunate. 
There is nothing much to tell about this guy. He is really a nice guy except that he had a unpleasant experience. He was mapped into a project which he didn’t like. So he talked to the responsible people and those people told him to get out of it. A lot happened while he was in the process of getting out of the project. Some unpleasantaries were exchanged with their immediate superior. Since they told him to leave, so he didn’t go to office for 2 days. But when he didn’t go to office for 2 days, the issue was escalated to the higher authorities and they told him to come to office from the next day itself. Now, that would be a little awkward to work where one just wanted to quit and everybody knows about it.

Those were my roommates. There are three more people to add to this. One of the guy is nice, friendly and all. While his roommates always brags about his complexion being black. One time, it is ok, 2nd time also one might hear but repeated expressions about the same just pisses off. And he would like something to be done, but he doesn’t want to do it. I really don’t understand what he thinks. He is the one initiating that we should do something, but then again he is the one acting all lazy and not willing to do that work. He doesn’t think before he speaks. Sometimes he says something harsh, some times he tells his office password. And the last but not the least who is too much worried about the declining hairline and who never stops commenting on anything he has eyes on and he never stops questioning at all. And all those are silly stupid questions. 

So what do I do when I am being stuck in their situations. First thing is that these guys stay up most of the nights talking about their childhood and about other people they work with. Aww …. thats’ cute. Don’t give me that cute-thing. Last time I checked who would spend all night talking was my mother and her sister. And the real problem is when I can’t here the TV because these guys are chatting about something. Come on, the TV volume is blaring out and I still have to read the subtitles just because I can’t here a thing. When I get down to write some blog, I face the same problem. So, what I do is plug in my Headset and keep the volume at MAX and write. That’s what I am doing right now. That’s what I had been doing for all my previous posts. And what more ? I can’t even read a novel, because there is always some jibber-jabber going around all the time. So, Music On, Novel Read. Music On, Write a Blog-Post. Music On, Think.Yeah, thinking also.  What can I say, I’m Insane & totally Crazy. 

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0 responses to “Living Up With….”

  1. “And we wonder what would happen if he were supposed to be she. He would probably need a room full of cosmetics.” hahaha oh god.

    And you keep a TOASTER on your BED? :/ YES INSANE!

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Living Up With….

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ