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A week is over. Another came by and went off in a dilemma. “Hey buddy, it’s December”, heard this while I was walking back to my room. I barely remember this year,2010. Its DECEMBER. It was so fast. I never knew when time flew by and left me to the last month of the year. What about the resolutions I made at the start of the year? Do I remember any of those? Frankly speaking, “I do not remember even a single resolution!” . I guess, it’s time to make new ones. Right?

I am not worried about making a new set of resolutions by the beginning of the next year. I am feeling it quite awkward. It is because, when I try to make some things straight and absolutely nothing goes well, then what is the point in making such attempts and wasting time. I would like to make a long list of resolutions and with full determination to implement the very first day of the month January. But, sometimes things don’t work as we think and always gives us a blow at the right and the perfect time. The new year starts and with in no time its December. It’s hard to believe though, but time flies at the speed of light. Before, I could even think and even try to implement any of my so called resolutions, the year comes to an end and I write the same old thing. Another passes by and I question myself, “What did do this year?”. The answer from inside me echoes,”Nothing“.

Nothing. I just can’t believe it. 350 days passed, just like a whoosh. This is quite obsolete. Some days were longer and some days were shorter, but none of the days were like, “Wow, what a day is today? Surely I want to remember this day. I had some bad hiccups last night. And some bad days this year. Sometimes, I wish somethings shouldn’t have happened. I do not know how this year is going to end, but I can tell with surety that this was not a good year. I realized so many things. I wish they never happened. I am stuck with one thing. I don’t know whether it is for good or for bad. But, I just wish that didn’t have happened, but somewhere in my heart, I wanted it to happen. I am not telling it, margining it as my personal thing. So, please don’t mind about it. Besides that many unexpected things happened. 

Firstly, I wasn’t stable. Stable in the sense, I was never in a fixed place. Once I bagged a College Hostel seat, which I never wanted, I had to settle here. I had to move on. Frankly, I hate the idea of college hostel and when the reason is so weird, ” I don’t eat food well, if I stay outside”. Precisely, I was in four different places this year, constantly moving a shifting the heavy load. I guess it was in August, when I reached the last stand-out and I was told to stay here for another two years, until I complete my under-graduation. Well, so it is. Four months have passed and stepped deliberately into the fifth month. About academics, it’s hard to say. The higher the difficulty and and the meaner are the subjects. The tougher the job gets to subside the literal weight on the shoulders. And I had a very unusual experience this time, while I was writing the exams. A typical feeling overcame my pestilent little brain. I just knew that something was wrong, but had nothing to straighten up the things. 

I had been finding a bit difficulty in adjusting the sudden changes in places. “Did I overcame it yet?”. The answer is still a ‘No’. I had been trying to figure it out, but I being so poor at statistics, couldn’t actually figured it out correctly. Now, leaving about the odd things of the, “Has anything good happened to me this year?” . Hmm, as far as I can think of, “Nope, nothing good“. The college had started and the atmosphere is getting a bit turgid. With the new semester on the start and a way too long time for competence, look forward to this semester to be good, if possible. Anyways leaving about the odds and the evens, I hope to make the best of this year and the coming year. So moving ahead..

Puzzle of the day !!! : Puzzle # 2

If you take a marker & start from a corner on a cube, what is the maximum number of edges you can trace across if you never trace across the same edge twice, never remove the marker from the cube, & never trace anywhere on the cube, except for the corners & edges?

And answer to the Puzzle#1::


Assume that initial there were 3*X bullets. 

So they got X bullets each after division. 

All of them shot 4 bullets. So now they have (X – 4) bullets each. 

But it is given that, after they shot 4 bullets each, total number of bullets remaining is equal to the bullets each had after division i.e. X 

Therefore, the equation is 
3 * (X – 4) = X 
3 * X – 12 = X 
2 * X = 12 
X = 6 

Therefore the total bullets before division is = 3 * X = 18

P.S. : I am not feeling well now, so may be the post could be boring and off the hood like thing. If you have read it,  I truly appreciate your patience and thank you.

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0 responses to “This year…”

  1. The problem with resolutions, that we think we have 12 months to accomplish them, so they are getting postponed till a point, it's too late.
    I advise you to make a chart for every 3 months and add only 3 or 4 resolution to each section. This way you will more likely score.
    It worked for me!

  2. The problem with resolutions, that we think we have 12 months to accomplish them, so they are getting postponed till a point, it's too late.
    I advise you to make a chart for every 3 months and add only 3 or 4 resolution to each section. This way you will more likely score.
    It worked for me!

  3. @ Petra : Truly said. When we think, we have a long time to implement the resolutions, we tend to postpone it slowly. Will definitely work on your idea. Thank you for your time.

    And thanks for the visit and writing such a nice inspirational comment. 🙂

  4. @ Petra : Truly said. When we think, we have a long time to implement the resolutions, we tend to postpone it slowly. Will definitely work on your idea. Thank you for your time.

    And thanks for the visit and writing such a nice inspirational comment. 🙂

  5. I feel ya a bit. I'm a bit shocked the year is almost over too. It's like, where did it go, what did I do? Trying to think back it can feel like nothing, but in reality a lot did happen so I wouldn't fret over the feeling.

  6. I feel ya a bit. I'm a bit shocked the year is almost over too. It's like, where did it go, what did I do? Trying to think back it can feel like nothing, but in reality a lot did happen so I wouldn't fret over the feeling.

  7. @ Patricia Lynne :: Yeah. I do agree with you. But, the time elapsed doesn't seem like an year. It seems like yesterday the year had begun and now it's December.

    Anyways, thanks for the visit and comment. And Have a great year ahead. Merry Christmas.

  8. @ Patricia Lynne :: Yeah. I do agree with you. But, the time elapsed doesn't seem like an year. It seems like yesterday the year had begun and now it's December.

    Anyways, thanks for the visit and comment. And Have a great year ahead. Merry Christmas.

  9. nice post.. i guess thats the case with almost everyone in the college..
    We aim at stars but dont even reach moon…. The ideas which we happen to get in coll days,when implemented will created magic… wish u a happy semester….

  10. nice post.. i guess thats the case with almost everyone in the college..
    We aim at stars but dont even reach moon…. The ideas which we happen to get in coll days,when implemented will created magic… wish u a happy semester….

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This year…

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ