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Dear Fake Profiles,
It is really very easy to find that more than 1/4th of the total Facebook users use another account. And the funnier thing is that the guys are lured by the fake display picture and seemingly girly/feminine profile. Seriously? I don’t really think the girls would have such large time to keep on adding 4000+ people to their friend list. Seriously guys, I know you do want to maintain a large following of people though you wouldn’t really talk, unless its a girl. And the funnier thing is that the profile doesn’t even belong to the girl itself. Haven’t you observed that the same display photos are with other girls too just that the name changes in every other profile. Those profiles remain totally inactive, whether you buzz them or even curse them. What I think is that those profiles are created by guys only. No? May be not, but it’s still my opinion. What happens is when I log in, there in the sidebar a list of people is displayed which says “People you may know” ! Well, that’s fine that I don’t know them. First of all, how did they come under that name. And second of all 90% of them are girls and the rest are guys with totally repelling dp’s. What to say about the feminine dp’s? You might guess right enough. The original is totally different or most importantly the profile isn’t even theirs. I have observed this. I have another account, I tried adding all the people under the list People You May Know. The funny thing is the Facebook can very well differentiate between a guy’s and a gal’s profile. It didn’t ask me anything while I was adding a guy, but when it comes to girl’s profile, after adding two it asks Do you know? To prevent misuse of facebo… ! like message pops out. Well, I even ignored it and added. Lastly, got bored. And of all the friend requests I sent, 60-70% accepted the request; mostly girls. Really? I said to myself. Later after some days, I saw the same dp’s with different names, different places. The conclusion I made was that most of the profiles which aren’t updated daily and that which are being accepted (here I mean the profile which claim to be girls) aren’t real for sure. So don’t keep sending your friend requests and get blocked in the process and also if they add you stop those idiotic messages on their wall. It’s spoiling my wall saying he posted on her wall like bullshit. And don’t ever think that you would end up hooking up with the girl from Facebook. Later, you might realize that it was the guy playing with you and you will be the fooled one. Seriously stop it. Of all the chances you might actually have 0.0001% chance that it is a girl and again 0.0000000008% chance that she would hang out with you ! Stop that nuisance before it gets even worse.
The Observer

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ