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It was pitch dark, as I  looked out of the foggy window. The rain had made it lusturous and incredibly clean. Predictably, nothing was visible. I lied down back to my too much comfortous sofa while I continued watching the TV. The clock showed nearly 0230 hours. It was last night. I could see the moon, as it was a Lunar day. Huh, anyways I let myself drain away with the battling tv channels as I could not stay on one single channel. The dark room made florescent colors blinking at each second. But who cares, everybody else was asleep. My  eyes are totally glued to the TV, as I was reading the subtitles. Why? I kept the volume to mute, so as not to disturb anybody. 
Suddenly, the wind made a comeback from the early evening blow. Literally, the windows were wide open for circulation of the air, and indeed, I hate Air Conditioner, I prefer sleeping under the fan. I quickly ran to shut them so as to avoid the blasting noise of the windows and the doors. After closing all the wind inlet and probable break-prone windows, I went to my study room where the download of some tv serials and software was going on. And frankly speaking, I haven’t switched off the laptop for nearly a fortnight or even more. I lost the count. Well, mine is not a hi-speed broadband so that I could wind up all my bulky downloads in an hour or a day. I checked the status and returned to the TV and continued with the subtitles thing. 
I looked at my cell, while the advertisements were bothering the show, “NO NEW MESSAGES”. Later I looked up the FABEBOOK, NO NOTIFICATIONS” read the tiny blue transparent world picture. Though, I found people online, some 8 to 10 people, I guess none was interested in chatting at this hour of the night and more-over to a boy. HELL NO. I again came back to TV, while the show continued and I had to read real fast as the subtitles were moving very very fast. Later, I switched off the TV, though I wasn’t feeling sleepy. I lay down and looked in the darkness of the room. The room was silent, literally meaning no sound of the tv and the flickering florescent light. 
I was led into thinking. Well, actually I haven’t used my mind for over a month and to be precise, nearly 40 days. REALLY. I did attend the Industrial Training, but I didn’t find anything to get my mind and learn something new. I was least interested in that. Almost the summer vacation is over and the 4th semester year is gonna begin in a week, I don’t have a minimum of the tension which my colleagues are having. They worked hard, I could say. They were writing GRE, one of the many competitive exams. But I sat consistently in front of the TV and the laptop and doing the most easiest work ever, NOTHING. 
I recently started a page of my own for the bogus photography with which I am obsessed with. You see, I like publishing and frankly no one gives a s*it about it. But I still persuade them by uploading some of  my favorite pictures which happens to be of the same genre and almost exact location and nearly the same pictures. Well, you could find the page here on the right side. I really like photography, but when ever I find something interesting and fascinating, everything goes the opposite for me. My battery suddenly goes dead before I could even click. And sometimes, I don’t even have a camera. And sometimes and most common, people around stare as if like they haven’t seen a camera before, or may be probably thinking “What the hell is there that that dude is clicking photos”. And moreover I haven’t moved of my home, since last month, so I dont have anything fascinating to keep up with my photographic skills ( 😛 ). 
Well, “What happened to writing, blogging?” . I always wanted to write something new but how could I? I never used my mind, so gradually I lost the lust and the thoughts section of my mind and I guess its quite rusted now? Well, I got some questions for myself.
How many hours do you sleep daily? 
Nearly SIX hours. That’s a lot for an INSOMNIAC person.
How may hours I spend on Facebook daily?
5 hours tops. That basically includes all the notification checking and messages, which frankly are zero.
How many hours does you chat shows that you are online?
Almost all the time. I never keep my chat to offline. So was the case fort the past 40 days also. So, it would be 24 x 7 .
How many hours do I spend on TV daily?
The rest of the time is for TV only.
How many people on facebook do you think have blocked my updates on their wall?
Nearly 10-15 people. This is a guess. Mostly, this would coincide with reality.
Well, enough questions for today and I got some stories to write. I was just trying to ease my rusted brain and let some thought flow as I write after two months gap. I suppose, I will keep up with my writing and the stories also.

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0 responses to “Idealy Idle.”

  1. Nice rambling. My 2 cents? Well ok, since you asked for it:
    Doing nothing never inspires you to do something, that goes for your mind as well, whilst doing something, just a small start has a snowball effect on what you can and want to do.
    But enjoy being idle while you are able.

  2. Nice rambling. My 2 cents? Well ok, since you asked for it:
    Doing nothing never inspires you to do something, that goes for your mind as well, whilst doing something, just a small start has a snowball effect on what you can and want to do.
    But enjoy being idle while you are able.

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Idealy Idle.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Idealy Idle.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ