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Extraordinarily Ordinary – I
The melodious music received a few cheers which turned into a loud cheers and claps as the voice made its way through the lyrics of the song. 
There was long queue. He was getting late for something, but he says it could wait. That was the coffee queue and one has to swipe their company id card to access a cup of coffee or tea of whatever they wish to have. Though the options are kind of limited, but this is usually the way it happens. He got his cup of tea and made his way through the crowded tables and grabs a chair next to a group of roughly five people. He was humming some music. Yeah, he is an expert. Expert when I say means in playing keyboard (piano) , drums or guitar. You name it, this guy got it right under his grasp. Okay don’t go into the extremes of the music that you yourself can’t pronounce. 
There was a function that is coming up and he is like a hot cake selling ( per say) . Let me put it in other words, like, he is the only keyboard playing guy available and a pretty darn good one. He is also a singer which one can simply imagine. Once someone even called him Mr. Orchestra . And I couldn’t agree more.
…The melodious music received a few cheers which turned into a loud cheers and claps as the voice made its way through the lyrics of the song… 
There he was playing the music as well as singing the song with utmost precision. A perfect melodious performance. A big round of applause and a lot of cheers and shouts. Seriously though, he deserved it. 
Everything was going fine. A encounter left him spellbound and kept him during daytime as well. Yes, he as day dreaming. But one could never tell what he was dreaming about. He mentioned that he saw a girl while checking the bus time table in the office which kind of swept him off his feet. But well, one can imagine what kind of stories can spun. Mr. Orchestra, he is for starters. He is kind of the only music player back in his hometown and well in office also he is kind of very good with instruments and all. One can imagine the kind of fan-following this guy might have. May be people may not be approaching for signatures or other stuff, but almost everyone is an admirer of his work. 
Let me introduce to you Gautham. When I asked 5my friends to describe him in a word, here are the responses : Rocket Putani (whatever that is supposed to mean!) , Innocent, Tubelight, Talented, Hard Worker, Sensitive. But let me put up my words as well. A high talented lazy person, who is sensitive and funny. While having a mind full of conscious, a little bit of doubt, (wait, not a little, too much doubt. God, One would feel like killing themselves if they hear his questions). A creative soul with a passion in music and singing. A happy-go-lucky person. In short, a great guy to hang out with.
To be Continued…
P.S. : I am still in the character-introduction stage. There are a lot of people yet to be written about. So, don’t go anywhere. Catch the action here under the HashTag  – #ExtraordinarilyOrdinary

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Extraordinarily Ordinary – I

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Extraordinarily Ordinary – I

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ