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“Oh boy, someone make that guy stop”. This was my first reaction when I was literally dragged into a project and I was along with a known acquaintance. After a month of extreme torture or non-stop babbling, mindless queries I finally got free from his clutches. I thanked God. Then there was work, which kept me busy and away from his mindless inquisitions. Believe me you don’t such kind of a person besides you. Inspite of eating the little brain that I have been saving from getting lost, he worries too much and then doesn’t keep it with himself. The thing is that he says everything that’s on his mind when he is supposed to say. But for him, it is not over yet. Later when we go for a break, he inquires about how he said. “How did I speak with him?” “I think I said it a little harshly.” “I think I was demanding.” “I think I was …. bla bla..” . I mentally block my ears and don’t listen to his bullshit. 

I usually do things alone. Not that I don’t like the company of a few good friends. I always encourage that. But it seems like the people whom I call friends are a bit different. It was actually good until my school, then I moved to a new place and people were strange and eventually I changed. 

Now let me give you a picture of the people whom I am around with. Lets go with office. The starting few lines are about a guy who got into the same line of work as mine the same time. As a matter of fact at the same time, actually. Now after a few months of working our asses off, the module that we were working on was stopped due to some technical reasons. Fine, whatever. But the last month of that module/or whatever that is called, in order to meet the deadlines, an extra bunch of people were called upon doubling the number of people who were already working on it, you know, to increase the productivity. Well, it took almost a month for them to understand what was actually going on and what they were supposed to do and we were supposed to teach them, which is usually called knowledge transformation. Cool, right? Yeah, I thought so too. A few days was fine. When I started explaining them the work, explaining the software and the tool. After a week, they started asking the doubts. Actually that was supposed to be good, I mean asking doubts is always healthy. But not repeated doubts, repeated questions. It was as if they didn’t even listen the first time I was telling them. They used to bring a book, okay. more like a two pages of questions as if I was appearing for a final exam. The next, the same questions but the order is different. Then I started doubting myself that was I not explaining properly or what. That was out of picture because I was explaining everything from top to bottom that wasn’t explained to me either. The same thing took less than a week for me to learn. So, when I could do that anybody can do that. That was that easy. The only thing I didn’t do was over-think, like these dudes. Phew! That was one hell of a month. Then that module stopped. 

I thought it was over, finally. So, now I was actually without any work or with any project. Not that I was with a project earlier. I was just a helping hand in the corporate melodrama. I really don’t understand why this company recruits tons of people each year as if they have abundant projects and requirements, but come on, look at us. It is over a year and we still don’t have a project. And the recent news says that they will recruit 47k new people. Are you out of you f#ing mind? Come on, seriously look around your messy backyard before you think of expanding it.

I was actually without any work. But I was supposed to keep reading something or the other till I get dumped into a project. So, there I was silently minding my own business reading, hmph..erm.. I mean doing nothing on my system when that new gang arrives at my workplace (cubicle). The office is usually silent, as always. But these guys just disrupt the perfect balance of silence with their nonsense chatter. I tell them to keep their voice down. They do that for a second, then again its the same old story. After a few minutes which looks like a century, a century of literal-torture they leave me to get back to whatever I was doing earlier. After a few minutes they are there again, to make my miserable life eve more miserable. To avoid any awkwardness in the office floor and also not to disturb the people who are actually working in the floor, I drag them for a cup of coffee. Phew! Thats’ a relief. Or so I thought. Now in this openness, the pitch is higher and the talk even more non-sense. The problem is that they don’t usually think what others might think. Or is it just me? Or may be I am just the problem. The thing is that as we are without any work, these people give the impression that we are just passing time talking, drinking coffee and having a nice time at office and also disturbing other people who are actually doing their work. So, is that only me who think like that? It is fine for one day, two days, a week tops, but for the past one and a half month? Come on, give me a break. Only god can save me from this torture. 

Next comes my roommates, the vulgar batch. They don’t give me a break. It is good that I am almost out of my room for the major part of day and evening. But the problem still persists. Thats’ why I am usually seen with headphones plugged in. Everytime I go out with this batch, I regret it to the core. They talk rubbish, I mean real sh*t, all the vulgar sh*t, act like sh*t and behave the same. It surprises me that they are more intelligent than me and still they act like unmatured adults. For god’s sake they are working. One of the guy is a nice guy who doesn’t encourage them but as a part of the group he also gets involved. And again, this is the same guy who says we should enjoy and starts behaving like a college student. And then they talk. It is usually said that “A person is best judged by the friends he has”. So,by that I could proudly say that I am __________________. (Okay, that’s one for you, but I think I kinda know the answer).

I actually stopped writing this post in the middle, or to be precise even before I even started it. I didn’t wanted to talk about other people. I wrote a few lines and then dropped it. The next day when I was in office, those people were literally asking for it, I mean they were in their usual self and that was compelling me more to write. But I didn’t, and then again the next day, the same story continued. Now, they were asking for it each and every day. So, here it is. 

#Office #Friends #Rubbish #Ranting #Life #Random #Work

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0 responses to “aRound Me.”

  1. ha ha ha..oh! your ramblings…I am sorry but everytime I get you fustrated in your words, I can't help with laughing..BTw you have told almost everything in earlier post except than your roomates..bring out something fresh..!!!

    If the roommates are the problem then it's better to leave somewhere alone!! Just saying, not suggesting!

  2. ha ha ha..oh! your ramblings…I am sorry but everytime I get you fustrated in your words, I can't help with laughing..BTw you have told almost everything in earlier post except than your roomates..bring out something fresh..!!!

    If the roommates are the problem then it's better to leave somewhere alone!! Just saying, not suggesting!

  3. Its' okay. At least you could get a nice laugh.
    Yeah, I'm trying.

    That's on mind for quite some time.

    BTW, you are still here, I mean reading my blog. I thought you were busy in Hyderabad and might have totally forgotten about my blog, like most people.

  4. Its' okay. At least you could get a nice laugh.
    Yeah, I'm trying.

    That's on mind for quite some time.

    BTW, you are still here, I mean reading my blog. I thought you were busy in Hyderabad and might have totally forgotten about my blog, like most people.

  5. One and a half month? Haha, poor poor you.

    Its not just you, almost everyone is surrounded by such people. Especially me. Sometimes I feel like I'm the dreaded magnet attracting crap! No kidding.

    And if you start judging me by the friends I have, then well I'm f**ked.

  6. One and a half month? Haha, poor poor you.

    Its not just you, almost everyone is surrounded by such people. Especially me. Sometimes I feel like I'm the dreaded magnet attracting crap! No kidding.

    And if you start judging me by the friends I have, then well I'm f**ked.

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

aRound Me.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ