In a city not far away from here, there lived a guy with a personality, a splendid one fortunately. And as we all know that a great personality comes with a lot of baggage and fortunately for him, the baggage was all the good stuff. He had a great work, not what he had dreamed of as a kid, but it pays the bills. Well, “When there’s money, everything is probably fine“, isn’t that right? Anyway, after a few escapades with a few friends from work or a few from his earlier association with the town he was from, college and the school, he had his share of fun whenever he had the chance. Moreover, there were someone to give him a nudge for a weekend getaway or likewise.
As life balanced on the tight rope between the present and the oblivion, he grew on it, the life. He switched jobs, shifted places and met some of his college mates from his town. As he was battling between different chores and keeping up with little things like promises to his friends was on the downfall. As if the the routine juggling wasn’t enough, he also found his love, his college sweetheart who had come to he big city looking to do something big and meaningful just like he did. As fate might have it, he was drawn to her with invisible strings which he terms as “complicated”.
“Complicated! What do you mean complicated?“, an inquisitive friend of his asked.
“You wouldn’t understand“, he said with a sigh!
“Complicated. Life is complicated, sure. Love is complicated, more sure about it. But that’s what life and love are all about, a challenge to simplify it, un-complicate it.“, his friend argued like the great philosopher he thought he was. It didn’t take much for him to pass along the details of his complicated relationship status to his friend. They will not be together in the future which both of them knew it, but they are together now, sometimes.
“Complicated? Bloody hell, it doesn’t seem to do justice”, his friend expressed his agony but then again there was no better word for it. He told his friend that he was still holding on to those invisible strings, swimming in it and letting the stream to take its natural course.
For a while these complicated strings had kept him awry of social life and also from his usual escapades for quite some time now. He and his friend made last minute calls and would meet up but there was no fun at all. They would hang out sitting in the shopping mall staring “at” people(read : girls), and feeling bad (read : sad) about the recent developments in the love lives of all these people, which they are missing/missed out on while they were of their age. While they were sulking in silence, as the year was coming to an end and hence, they decided to go on a different directive this year, something they had always wanted to do but lacked the company of a few more whilst it won’t be fun. So, the plan was drafted and the timeline was mapped for the last few hours of the last day of the year. His philosophical-friend was all excited for the year coming to an end realizing that this would be the first time he will be doing something other than his ordinary-boring stay-at-home-and-sulk adventure. Time took an express train and it was new years’ eve finally and the plan was still in play. As his philosophical-friend was a little excited and that there were on the clock, he camouflaged through the shadows and bunked his office to be that punctual guy he always was. The day turned out to be the busiest day as the traffic had almost come to a standstill or perhaps moved at snails pace. No one could really put a finger.
While his philosophical-friend was stuck in traffic all this time, he went to one of his other friends’ home and was eventually added into our group or two. But they had an early celebration when the new member was called for a night shift. They popped up a few chilled beers and got down to the business of sinking in the early celebration. For him it was the first time while the new guy was a regular. He was slowly getting the kick of the soar tasting chilled beer that slowly made its way down and then up. Eventually he got used to it and he sank into its influence floating in that reserved space that was left unexplored till now.
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He looked at his buzzing mobile to find his philosophical-friend’s number blinking who was still stuck in traffic. He made the small talk and decided to meet up and then proceed with the plan. But by then he had just started his experiment with the soar drink. And time did its magic and whosh fast forward one hour, he felt he was still ready for the big plan while the time slipped away. His philosophical-friend on the other end of the phone had already started feeling that the plan was going sidetracked for the obvious reason thought he never had any clue what was happening on the other side. Fast forward one more hour, he was still making up promises and assuring that he would come and pick him up in another half hour. His philosophical-friend on the other end now knew for sure that he shouldn’t have made that plan with him. “This wasn’t the first time he had kept someone hanging midway”, his philosophical-friend thought feeling like a fool. He silently went for a dramatic long walk, had something and returned back, all by himself. Then the phone buzzed. It was the now-drunk guy, the one who just bailed on the plan perfecting the art of breaking trust and not living up to the word.
“Hey, I had a few too many drinks for the first time. And I can’t make it. I am really sorry about it. Don’t mind”, he sounded almost convincing and sorry he was.
“Hey. Wow, really? It’s all right. Don’t bother about it. We could do this some other time”, his philosophical-friend responded.
“This was the first time I got drunk and I am sorry. Don’t mind“, he responded with his train of thoughts that he could make up from the aftermath of being drunk.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s no big deal. Next time may be” his friend sounded almost-normal hiding the disappointment.
“We will meet next weekend. Sorry. Happy New Year“
“Okay, next weekend, sure thing! Oh, thanks! Happy New Year to you too. Have Fun”.
The philosophical-friend reached his room, opened his laptop and started his annual stay-at-home-and-sulk adventure. The ritual he followed almost every year without fail, it seems. This year was supposed to be different. Unfortunately for him, it wasn’t. It didn’t go according to the so-called-plan. That rest of the night was spent on the internet replying and forwarding the New Year Wishes to each and everyone one in the contact list.
That day his philosophical-friend learnt an important lesson, though history almost repeated itself. He had quite a few similar experiences in the past and that was the reason he wasn’t as disappointed as he should be. A prominent one of them happened few years back on his 8th birthday. A lesson that some people just could not be make up to the for what they promised or gave their word for. And those whom he considered friends always had another friend that usually didn’t include him. And the next fifteen years just solidified his misconception, or was it the truth he choose not the believe in? Eventually he learned to keep everything to himself. But he felt too rooted in this anomaly and wanted something new, something that kept him at par with others. And he felt he was turning a new leaf in his diary and decided to let go of this deeply rooted old notion that he bothered himself for almost all his life. He was on the right track finally, he thought. But the dilemma that whether he was too late to realize or may be that he just didn’t fit in bothered him. And he just realized that he made a grave mistake. He thought he could simply turn a new leaf and hoped that everything would just fall into place. He was wrong.
All these years made him self dependent, or perhaps self centered and reminded him everyday that he could never be involved completely as a friend. Each person in his so called friends circle had their separate group of friends. And guess who was left behind when each one of them were to team up. “Please divide yourself into separate groups” always had him wondering where to go while each of the other person knew where they belonged, their place among the multitude of people. What was he battling through? Was it the scar that the life, over all these years left him with? Was it bad or was it a blessing? Or was it those few people who left him scarred. No, it was him, and only him. A pointed finger indirectly points three more fingers at self. That concludes the discussion. It was him. Or was it him really?
0 responses to “Left alone.”
Someone's z continuously writing on Serious issues like trust, anger etc.I hope everything is fine…:-P
Btw, I wonder to which category u belong? Philosophical friend or the guywho ditched him…I guess u belong to d second one(just kidding..!)
Once again it was an interesting post. Liked the way u described “complicated lives & complicated love”
Oh, I wonder who this someone is! 😛
Anyway, trust acts as the foundation, a building block in a relationship either it is friendship, love or whatnot. Anger is that little enemy which we try to avoid to protect those foundations we laid. So, these are important.
Oh yeah, everything is just awesome. Well, that's what I chose to believe in.
I guess, the previous para answers your question, does it not? I wish I was that narcissist but then again if I was, I wouldn't have written this, would I?
Why, Thank You! 🙂 I really appreciate it. You are always first on the blog. You deserve a treat, and I mean it. 😀
Well, talk about complicated! Why so serious AK ji? All of a sudden?
I know, why so serious??
Umm. -_-
It is that phase where there is a lot on the mind and letting it go is the only way. So just venting out here.
Not serious. May be disappointed ? Or concerned? Or I don't know really what it is.
I apologise for the serious posts. -_-
Umm. -_-
Just venting out, I guess.
Life is a blessing… Thats all I know…
Very serious post, yeah…
But thought provoking!
Life's simple. We just like to complicate things. Is that the case so? 🙂
I agree. But truth be told, I sometimes disagree.
Thank you. I guess you are the only person to have considered it thought provoking.
And thanks for dropping by. 🙂
Indeed, life's simple. And in the process of simplifying it, we do complicate it.
Yes, in a matter of speaking, that is the case.
I did complicate it, a lot actually.