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I really don’t feel so good. Whenever I am travelling or sitting at office staring at the computer, I get some brilliant ideas and I make a mental note of that to write about it no matter what. I think about the whole script on my way back to my room where I have to walk like 200 feet. The music keeps playing, but I am numb to it as my mind is busy with its dwindling. And then again I don’t think about it much. You see, I am kind of a superstitious as well. Let me clear the air about it. I have a feeling that when I get those great thoughts, I get in a flow, at a time. So, I just keep thinking about the topic or the starting lines. Frankly speaking I have had such experiences when I think of the whole script in my mind and then when it comes to writing, I don’t get a word. So, the past couple of years, I have made it a point not to think much about the thought, as in the connections and intermingling; and just let that build up when I put it on paper or the written word. Am I confusing you? I guess I am. 

At the beginning of the month, I had received an awesome guest post by an equally awesome writer. It was a story and it was a damn good story. So, I told about it to a couple of friends and my cousin sister. When I said about the ending, that she would love it, she sat down and read the whole thing. And believe me, she is not the reading type. Because whenever I tell her to read my blog, she gives a big sigh and calls herself English-illiterate. God, did anyone look at me, my writing? What should I be called then? Since I gave a clue about the ending, and her zeal and excitement to tease me compelled her to continue reading it. But as most people kill the suspense by reading the last chapter or pages of the book, she did the same thing. And yeah like other she read the whole story as well. 

My point about that asking her and the others to read the story was to point about the detail of a character ( read : me ), a complete stranger ( umm, she would kill me if I said that. Lets say a writer and reader who has been reading my crappy posts for over a year and still doing that. And also let me add, studied me. Or is it that I gave more hints and clues about me than I know. Whatever! you get the gist , right? ) . So, the point I was referring to was about the character detail that a reader could grasp just from the writings. May be I have given more clues about me than I know or not, but everybody just can’t read other people that easily. Believe me, my friends don’t even know half of me even though I hang out with them almost the whole day. See, it is an art. 

Though, my sister appreciated the writer and sent praises as well, but she also kept the last part to keep teasing me. That teasing thing is mutual. She is about to get married and I tease her about that. So, she is reciprocating that. Of course she would. I have been teasing her for like a year now. You could imagine how much balance (read : revenge per se 😛 ) that is still left. 

So, I wanted my friends also to read the character (me) detail which I was referring to earlier. Even they too said they are English-illiterate and also that they need a dictionary to read my blog! I was like, WHAT ? You were referring to my blog, right? Mine is like th simplest language ever. Even the third grade kid would laugh at me. ( Now, you don’t have to laugh ). And when they said about the dictionary, I was rendered speechless, like umm, whaaa.. ?! Even then, I forced  a guy to read that by sitting just beside him. He read exactly half and then got back to his work and then forgot about it altogether. I am kind of a little relieved about that now. I will get to that why part.

The WhatsApp Group

Recently we created a group in WhatsApp. Okay, I am guessing everybody knows what this is right? Umm.. If you don’t kindly open a tab and search for it. Its the least you could do. Thanks. This group has only six members as of now. But that’s sufficient. It has only been two week since we created it, but most part of the time we are busy. We here means I myself alone. I am group admin, so I have to be. #JustSaying. No, its’ not like that actually. I just respond to whenever there’s a ping or message from the fellow members. There is no motto for this group. But what we do the whole day is tease others about the imaginary girlfriends and the crushes. The single people’s idiocy. So, you see why I am glad that my friend didn’t complete the story. 

The other day when we were discussing about the crushes, I had woven a nice convincing story. Thanks to my writing and imaginative skills. *Self Praise* *Pats myself*. I just created another crush. 

The Coincidence. 

Two weeks back we went to a Go-karting. It was awesome, to speak about it. As we were hungry we went to Dominos. We ordered a few pizzas and sides. And then as we were waiting one of the guy started the topic discuss about crushes and the stuff like that. Some of the other members didn’t know about his side of the story. As he mentioned his side of the story, one of the girl from his story just entered the Dominos. Now, imagine that. He was just speaking about her and she comes and sits at he adjacent table facing us. From that day, he is completely booked. There is another story related to this guy, which I will probably tell in the coming posts.

P.S. I am still fighting with the writer’s block. When I started writing this, I opened the New Post almost ten time. I wrote one line and just stared at it. I was not able to write a word after it. I tried my best. But then, I just wrote this another crappy post. umm.. 

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0 responses to “No Title Post.”

  1. Dude, Stop that modesty thing!

    And looks like your life is exciting and you are standing outside and watching it instead of jumping right in the middle and going 'whheeeeeeeeeeeeee'… I don't know why I say this, but that's the feeling I get when i read such posts of yours. Go jump in the middle of that life and this thing which you call 'writer's block' will also go away 🙂

  2. Dude, Stop that modesty thing!

    And looks like your life is exciting and you are standing outside and watching it instead of jumping right in the middle and going 'whheeeeeeeeeeeeee'… I don't know why I say this, but that's the feeling I get when i read such posts of yours. Go jump in the middle of that life and this thing which you call 'writer's block' will also go away 🙂

  3. First of all I am sooo sorry I didn't get to reading these posts as often as I had in the 'beginning'. I know how much it sucks to refer to someone, especially a reader, and then they never come around to see what you wrote about them in the first place. But YAY!- thanks again for your enduring praise and appreciation. Aaaaaaaand….again, I promise to come back and finish my incomplete commenting tomorrow. 😀

  4. First of all I am sooo sorry I didn't get to reading these posts as often as I had in the 'beginning'. I know how much it sucks to refer to someone, especially a reader, and then they never come around to see what you wrote about them in the first place. But YAY!- thanks again for your enduring praise and appreciation. Aaaaaaaand….again, I promise to come back and finish my incomplete commenting tomorrow. 😀

  5. Are you kidding me? Seriously, it's okay. And you could drop by any time whichever is convenient to you. And no need for apologies. Dosti mein sorry-worry kya ji ? 😛

    Wait, the comment is still incomplete ? :O *Dies of too much love* 😛

  6. Are you kidding me? Seriously, it's okay. And you could drop by any time whichever is convenient to you. And no need for apologies. Dosti mein sorry-worry kya ji ? 😛

    Wait, the comment is still incomplete ? :O *Dies of too much love* 😛

  7. Loved the way u described “coincidence” & I guess even I belong to your sis & friends group, not too good at vocabulary…& I don't think your English is 'so easy..ok this post is written an year back, may be at that time it was easy, but your recent posts..they r quite different, even I need a dictionary sometimes…;-)

  8. Loved the way u described “coincidence” & I guess even I belong to your sis & friends group, not too good at vocabulary…& I don't think your English is 'so easy..ok this post is written an year back, may be at that time it was easy, but your recent posts..they r quite different, even I need a dictionary sometimes…;-)

  9. Why, thank you. 🙂

    Hey, come on. Stop kidding. If at all, I just got worse at writing and my English has falllen down.
    Do you really think that my writing is that complicated ?
    I should make certain changes perhaps.

  10. Why, thank you. 🙂

    Hey, come on. Stop kidding. If at all, I just got worse at writing and my English has falllen down.
    Do you really think that my writing is that complicated ?
    I should make certain changes perhaps.

  11. Naah, it's not complicated ..u dont need to make any changes..u write well, i guess u knew dz.but u seriously made me fall for ua latest post 'A beautiful mistake'…simple story but the way u described it made it special .

    But, derz one thing which I'm unable to figure out….
    That 'why' in your comments paired with thank you…

    'Why, thank you'.. im not too genius.cud u please help me to figure it out;-)

  12. Naah, it's not complicated ..u dont need to make any changes..u write well, i guess u knew dz.but u seriously made me fall for ua latest post 'A beautiful mistake'…simple story but the way u described it made it special .

    But, derz one thing which I'm unable to figure out….
    That 'why' in your comments paired with thank you…

    'Why, thank you'.. im not too genius.cud u please help me to figure it out;-)

  13. I write ok-ok. I wish to write better though. But thank you.

    Like I mentionted, I wasn't sure how to write it. But I guess I tried my best.
    Thank you once again. 🙂

    Why, Thank You! : It does sound like a question – “Why are you saying Thank you” , right? The first time I heard it, I remember replying “I didn't say thank you!”

    There is quite an explanation. I will say what I know.
    When people say “Why, Thank you!” after being appreciated or likewise, it means that the recipient wasn't quite expecting that appreciation. So, as a surprise they reply as “Why, thank you!”. In simple words, it is the equivalent to “Thank you very very much, I wasn't expecting that”.

    So, when your comment is full of these appreciations, I'm compelled to say ” Why, Thank You” ! because I wasn't expecting any. I hope you understood.
    Did I go all complicated again?

    P.S. Don't belittle yourself. You may be a genius and may be you don't know it. Wait till it gets out.

  14. I write ok-ok. I wish to write better though. But thank you.

    Like I mentionted, I wasn't sure how to write it. But I guess I tried my best.
    Thank you once again. 🙂

    Why, Thank You! : It does sound like a question – “Why are you saying Thank you” , right? The first time I heard it, I remember replying “I didn't say thank you!”

    There is quite an explanation. I will say what I know.
    When people say “Why, Thank you!” after being appreciated or likewise, it means that the recipient wasn't quite expecting that appreciation. So, as a surprise they reply as “Why, thank you!”. In simple words, it is the equivalent to “Thank you very very much, I wasn't expecting that”.

    So, when your comment is full of these appreciations, I'm compelled to say ” Why, Thank You” ! because I wasn't expecting any. I hope you understood.
    Did I go all complicated again?

    P.S. Don't belittle yourself. You may be a genius and may be you don't know it. Wait till it gets out.

  15. Ufff, every one use words to write but seems like u use words to complicate our already complicated minds:-P..i read d whole two times & then finally understood it..but then thanks for the explanation..

    Why, thank you for the P.S….;-)

  16. Ufff, every one use words to write but seems like u use words to complicate our already complicated minds:-P..i read d whole two times & then finally understood it..but then thanks for the explanation..

    Why, thank you for the P.S….;-)

  17. I feared as much. Sorry.

    Actually it's kind of a show off. 😛
    That I'm an expert who uses complicated words. But it backfires all the time. 🙁 And to state the obvious, I'm no expert. -_-

    You understood right ? Phew. Need to uncomplicate myself. #NoteToSelf

    Aha, see. You got it. #awesome

  18. I feared as much. Sorry.

    Actually it's kind of a show off. 😛
    That I'm an expert who uses complicated words. But it backfires all the time. 🙁 And to state the obvious, I'm no expert. -_-

    You understood right ? Phew. Need to uncomplicate myself. #NoteToSelf

    Aha, see. You got it. #awesome

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

No Title Post.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ