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“Don’t Judge the book by its cover.”

Recently, I had a grave encounter which surpassed my normal thinking capability as I tried to bind it away and never to re-open it ever. But, I was forced to. I had long thought of writing about this Topic – The Chemistry.

It all began when I was on my bike and raging roaming the roads ( I was on a beach road, to be precise) of the City of Destiny, when I saw a girl on her Scooty zoomed from behind me. I was not at all surprised at that. I rather thought I had a competition to win and beat then by raising my acceleration and leap so fast that I fade in front of them. Just as I was preparing my mind in a span of a few seconds, a bike sped past me having two dudes’ on it and they were following the Scooty which had just sprung besides me. Now, though the competition was over, I mean I forfeit because my bike can’t even match one-tenth of that dudes’ bike. The matter is not about the bikes, its about chemistry. Period.

There was this girl in my class who looked a little better than the rest of the people. A guy points at some other guy who was staring incisively at her. It is obvious he has a secret crush on her. It was quite evident when asked about it later, when he blushes. The question now is, the guy who pointed out about the staring-guy, was also staring at her. Later just to make sure no one saw him staring, he caught his likely self and made him the culprit because I was looking at the first dude did all that. Now you imagine the behind-the-scenes story. Period.

Movies are a bad influence. Is there any movie with no love story attached to it ? Hmm, let me think.. hmm..filter all the horror movies, or may be not. If some movie doesn’t have a love story, it means it is one really sick psycho movie. The matter at hand is not about love, it is about how people are crazy about it. I can give you some examples, but you probably know more than I do.


The Enthusiasts. 

Now, tell me who doesn’t want to know a love story. Be it girls or boys, we just want to know. During this training period, I have been to some small trips in and around the place where I usually stay- Trivandrum, in God’s Own Country. But seriously, I don’t know whats’ here that it got this name. The trips usually consisted of journey of minimum four hours or so. While in the journey people keep some games and something like that. I don’t usually particiapate much, because I don’t know any regional songs and also I suck at acting. Apart from that, they ask these questions about crush, love, exes if any and all related things. Once, it was going on. There were both girls and boys. Girls have prepared the acts for the boys to be performed, before hand and each guy was given a unique thing to do. But, guys didn’t have any such preparation for girls. After all the guys were done expressing their love, past experience , a song , a proposal demo et cetera, except me – Well, I was sleep-acting just to escape those stupid questions/acts. Now it was the boys turn. The question was same for all the girls except that the girls changed. How many people proposed ? Why didn’t you like/accept? Why did you accept? How did he do that? 

Last week, we had a very long trip. And while we were returning, out of a blue some idiot told the rest of the crew that the least active person in the group will be called upon and the rest can ask any questions they like. I was the first to be called. But seriously, I was active this time in-spite of me reading the novel for a major part of the journey. And anyhow, I was standing there and all those stupid questions came darting at me. 

Idea of Love?
Waste of Time. I would rather spend travelling and taking photos.
Idea of Friendship?
Well, I value it. 
Do you have any crush? 
I said No. But I ask you, what does it mean? I like a lot of gals, I mean, look at them, they look seriously good. If I have crush, then there will be a pretty looooooong list. 
Why don’t you like any girl ? (in response to my reply that I don’t like any and I was pretty assuring when I said that. Some might have also thought that I might be *you know* but I am not.)
I just don’t like. Now I wasn’t going to tell them that I like a lot of people and also they don’t leave easily. If I say, I like someone, then they are prepared with the adjoining question about who? where ? the rest of the bulls#it questions! I preferred to tell a lie. 
And there were some more stupid questions which I am rather skipping. 

The Boy’s Perspective.

Its common that people like other people. And people like more of the opposite gender. Now the next step that involves is talking. We see a stranger and who happens to be good looking more like smoking HOT, what can one do? Some man up, some just stare and some keep staring. But in most cases it happens that they are already seeing someone. I mean look at them, who would not have tried and who would not have succeeded, keeping aside the failures. Like I just said, I like a lot of people. But I don’t give myself easily. I mean I would pretend as if I care the least and I am pretty convincing at that. Now, don’t tell me that you don’t have fantasies. I just stay there and don’t come to reality often because what I learnt is reality is a bitter truth and look at me! I am not a bf-material, seriously I am not. So, I don’t give a try. Let me share something, I am not the bf-material but I could try if it starts from the other side. I may, I am not sure. Now, I have confused myself. It always happens that where ever I go, my class doesn’t meet to the expectations of most people, as a matter of fact any. Some adjust. I have an example. 

What can someone do to win over the other person. There is this girl who didn’t fare well in one of the exam that was conducted and there is this guy who was trying to console her. I was not sure whether he was trying to console her or make her cry. First thing is that we don’t know much about the subject on which we had the test. And there was a bonus for the week performers.  Bonus in the sense that those people would be made to stay for training for another week or so. So, in order to avoid that we had to show what we got. This guy was all over her advising. I have no idea as of how much he knows, but he is now the preacher. And last week, it was the friendship day and we were on the trip and some people were getting friendship bands. This guy comes all the way and gets it specially tied with someone whom I mentioned earlier. After early two weeks, the band still stays in his right pocket and is occasionally seen on his hand. Am I judging? No. I was just observing all these and making notes in mentally as of how can people be and how does one act to attract someone. Period.

 I will brief about myself in such situations. I mean dealing with them. I mentioned already. But still, Now I making it even clear. Like most people, I find many attractive and sometimes find even better than the previous. And these keep piling up. And if you want me to count, I might lose track of numbers. And then I don’t bother them because may be I don’t deserve or may be I just can’t talk or may be I am not bf-material or may be I like to give their space. And now I don’t show off. Something I am never good at. I tried but I end up in a worse place than I was before, so I backed off. And I don’t talk because I kind of know what they might think even before I even speak and look at me, well don’t. You might get nightmares. So, you get the point right. Enough  said. 


I started writing this post some 6 months back or more. And I just ruined a perfectly thought-pre planned post with I-don’t-know-what-I-just-wrote. May be I will come up again with a clear thought and precise content in version 2.0. 
Did I just hear someone shout “NOOOO!”? I usually over-think and over-hear sometimes. 

 – A Favour – 

And a small request – If anyone can write or enlighten us with the female/gal side, I would be more than happy. I would refer that as a guest post. So, if anyone is interested, please lemme know. Write in the comments below. 

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0 responses to “The Chemistry.”

  1. Yeah, You are right.
    Random posts have random thoughts which eventually fit perfectly.
    Pre planned ones have to be directed in one way, and we have to force our thinking in that direction.

    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  2. Yeah, You are right.
    Random posts have random thoughts which eventually fit perfectly.
    Pre planned ones have to be directed in one way, and we have to force our thinking in that direction.

    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

The Chemistry.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ