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There has always been an unanswerable question about the existence of god. As we speak about it, there are usually two sides : One who believe in god  and the other who don’t. Coming to me, I am still not sure. If I have to go with science which I have been learning for the past decade, my answer would vary. Science would definitely prove the existence of god wrong. Only if I did see some miracle that the bible states like turning of water into wine or anything as simple as that. If only. Hell, I even asked him myself and did I get a response, No! But the other part of me still wants to believe that there is god, that there are miracles that could happen, even if it hard to believe. But that’s what we call hope or faith, if I could say.

No, I am not trying to divide the whole population on the basis of anything. I want to believe that there is God, because there is a long list of wishes that he has to fulfill. But then again, I question his existence. And believe me, I am not happy with the results. Because no matter how hard one cries or shouts, there is no reply! Did you get one? You lucky fellow! Next time, say hello from me and tell him that there is someone else also, shouting for his help.

“God created man in his own image”, I have heard this a lot. And I would like to stop people there. How many of you really believe that? Almost everyone. I knew it. Because its’ a fact, is it not? Now my question : Who created who ? Is it man who created god? Lets keep all the other questions aside and focus on this. It seems totally apt if this is true. Man created god. Man created stories of god, of magic, of valor, of sacrifice. One can never underestimate the power of man and his thinking. Now, you ask me who gave man such kind of thinking in the first place? Man acquired it, duh! Like there is sand in the ocean, water in the sea, clouds in the sky, leaves on the tree, man gained knowledge. It is not a one day process, believe me, a steady and generations of hard work and learning. If it were upto god, it would have taken a day at most, to transfer all the knowledge that was required by a person to do the normal day-to-day things.

 With all this, I could say that man is more powerful. He created God, to keep himself in limits. He just gave his esteem place to a fictional character that was born out of fiction, if I could say. Because though I want to believe the magic that happened like two millenniums ago which marked the death of the Almighty God,  and gave birth to the new calender era. I just ask one question, where did all that magic go. Please don’t give me your version of thoughts. Because may be you don’t agree with me at all. I really don’t care whether one agrees or not. But ask yourself, when you pray before you go to sleep, is there anyone hearing to your prayers or just to let out you pray. Because I want answers and a decade of praying hasn’t fetched me even one answer. This post is dedicate to god for an answer in whichever way possible. I don’t have to see God, just show something that you exist. Just show you exist, that there is someone hearing the silent cries at the night. That I could hope for the best of the days and have faith in something to keep me moving forward. 

So, I ask again. Is there god? Yes there is or are. The question of his existence isn’t the question here. Because we have to believe in something that is superior to us. Because we should have the feeling that we are being protected by some superficial force from all evil (if at all that exists). Yes, evil does exist. It exists in the corrupted minds of the people, who have lost faith, hope in the name of God. They have polluted themselves with what-shall-I-say, worldly pleasures , greed, whatnot! And isn’t it why Jesus once flooded the whole world because there was too much evil in the thoughts of the people. There is evil even now. But I haven’t seen such a flood, like ever. So, you see there is someone taking care of all the evil, well once upon a time. 

The point being that there is no point. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. And this was what I was thinking. Am I thinking wrong? Probably! 

The post for the eight day of the April month is titled Divine Grace for April A2Z Challenge .

P.S. : This post purely my imagination and my thoughts alone. It is not to hurt anyone’s sentiments or religious beliefs. 

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0 responses to “Divine Grace.”

  1. Maybe we pray to God very often, to remind ourselves what our dreams and needs are.
    Praying is just an act to remain grounded.
    Even God might be there so that we humans don't drown in our own wrong doings, He is there so we can ask for forgiveness, overcome the situation and then lead normal lives until further we do something wrong.
    He is just there to make us feel good about ourselves…

    As far as origin of life and evolution are concerned, science has some pretty convincing theories and proofs, so all this creation by God is once again their to fill the gap or the loophole in our knowledge…
    I oftentimes find that if there are or has been some things that we don't know, we blame it on God. In this way we again protect ourselves from lack of knowledge and its results.

    Did you get this or am I sounding way too Genius 😛

  2. Maybe we pray to God very often, to remind ourselves what our dreams and needs are.
    Praying is just an act to remain grounded.
    Even God might be there so that we humans don't drown in our own wrong doings, He is there so we can ask for forgiveness, overcome the situation and then lead normal lives until further we do something wrong.
    He is just there to make us feel good about ourselves…

    As far as origin of life and evolution are concerned, science has some pretty convincing theories and proofs, so all this creation by God is once again their to fill the gap or the loophole in our knowledge…
    I oftentimes find that if there are or has been some things that we don't know, we blame it on God. In this way we again protect ourselves from lack of knowledge and its results.

    Did you get this or am I sounding way too Genius 😛

  3. Yeah, I got that. You believe in Gods.

    Lol. Look at the comment above your's. I didn't even read it. It looked so big that I preferred to give it a pass. It looks like too much information and whatnot!
    But a great attempt in being a genius. You were almost there! 😛

  4. Yeah, I got that. You believe in Gods.

    Lol. Look at the comment above your's. I didn't even read it. It looked so big that I preferred to give it a pass. It looks like too much information and whatnot!
    But a great attempt in being a genius. You were almost there! 😛

  5. Ummm no I do not believe in Gods… That is why I wrote that we created them so that we don't look stupid…

    Ya I know… Even I didn't read it


  6. Ummm no I do not believe in Gods… That is why I wrote that we created them so that we don't look stupid…

    Ya I know… Even I didn't read it


  7. 😛

    Hmm u might be right… But I prefer psychology (of which I have the exam) rather than or over religion…
    But u shud read it, probably it will give you a new 'insight' 😀

  8. 😛

    Hmm u might be right… But I prefer psychology (of which I have the exam) rather than or over religion…
    But u shud read it, probably it will give you a new 'insight' 😀

  9. Excellent post, One of your best inquisitive posts. I belong to the same category as you, the confused ones. Agnostic. However, lately some form is taking shape in mind. The clarity was even more helped by your question -“Who created whom?” Was God created by man? In a way, yes and in a way, no!

    To be exact, I now feel that the energy and the silence beyond the energy are the divine sources. But mankind created its own stories around that simple concept of a divine power. Maybe to make people behave. Would you have listened if as a kid, you were told you should not do something wrong because the energy would even out whatever you do? You would be like 'Bleh!” So they created names, stories to go with them and eventually went overboard in an attempt to discipline mankind.

    Right now, I feel clear about the belief that there is an energy which is the divinity that everyone talks about but it is not for fulfilling whatever we ask for because it does not take a human form to think “Oh he needs help, so let me help him” Karmic bonds resolve each and every event in our lives and at times that would seem like a divine intervention or the lack of it for the naive human mind.

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

    P.S: Sorry for writing a post instead of a comment here. This is a topic which kept my mind running for years and now feel like having gotten a clarity and your post helped it take shape. Will soon write a post on this.

  10. Excellent post, One of your best inquisitive posts. I belong to the same category as you, the confused ones. Agnostic. However, lately some form is taking shape in mind. The clarity was even more helped by your question -“Who created whom?” Was God created by man? In a way, yes and in a way, no!

    To be exact, I now feel that the energy and the silence beyond the energy are the divine sources. But mankind created its own stories around that simple concept of a divine power. Maybe to make people behave. Would you have listened if as a kid, you were told you should not do something wrong because the energy would even out whatever you do? You would be like 'Bleh!” So they created names, stories to go with them and eventually went overboard in an attempt to discipline mankind.

    Right now, I feel clear about the belief that there is an energy which is the divinity that everyone talks about but it is not for fulfilling whatever we ask for because it does not take a human form to think “Oh he needs help, so let me help him” Karmic bonds resolve each and every event in our lives and at times that would seem like a divine intervention or the lack of it for the naive human mind.

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

    P.S: Sorry for writing a post instead of a comment here. This is a topic which kept my mind running for years and now feel like having gotten a clarity and your post helped it take shape. Will soon write a post on this.

  11. Why, Than k You. 🙂

    Good that there is someone who is on the same page as me. People are usually telling me that they will pray for imbibing some faith into me.

    I agree with all the statements you pointed out. And I feel great when my thoughts gave you the clarity. Thank you.

    No need to be sorry. I love BIG comments and comments-turned-posts. 😀

  12. Why, Than k You. 🙂

    Good that there is someone who is on the same page as me. People are usually telling me that they will pray for imbibing some faith into me.

    I agree with all the statements you pointed out. And I feel great when my thoughts gave you the clarity. Thank you.

    No need to be sorry. I love BIG comments and comments-turned-posts. 😀

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Divine Grace.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ