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“I am freaking LUCKY!”

I am in a constant debate with myself about the supernatural entity called Luck.Well, it has helped me a lot many times, I think ( I guess I am just being nice). But it has also drowned me a lot many times as well. So, what should we make of this supernatural power called LUCK ? I have never, I mean I could never associate myself to being the lucky one. Because sometimes life’s a bi*ch and there is nothing we could do about it. 

When I have associated myself for a random pleasure of playing poker online ( for fake money obviously) I realized how lucky I was when I lost over a million dollars in succession. And I can’t imagine what I would have gotten myself into if I played that game for real. I can’t begin to imagine my fate, or should I call it Luck, and moving a little further can I call Life.          

When after a week long debacle of keeping my hairstyle intact for a week since I feared that taking a shower might ruin the alignment of the hair (which was looking awesome by the way though however messy or dusty and need I say Dandruff might have been accumulated, if I should point out) and it would never be the same ( in perspective of looking good/awesome). So, when I finally decide to take the shower, a few moments later(while I was mid way) I was welcomed with air through the shower. I was like what the hell? Yeah, you guessed it right! There was no water in the water tank in the middle of the afternoon, when I or anyone would least expect it. So, I had to clean myself up with the little drops that were pouring out of the shower. It happened not once, not twice, but thrice in succession.Someone sure is pissed off at me. Can we call him God. Or is it just my bad, very very bad LUCK.

I went to a movie last week. And since all my friends were busy, I went alone. Plus my friends are not a fan of English action movies as much as I am. And to add to that they are selective about what kind of movies they would be watching. Anyway, I went alone and as I as waiting outside the theater since the previous movie stretched a little longer than expected. So, I came across this girl who looked like WOW, like really WOW!, not jaw dropping but just Wow! As I was the good guy that I am, I preferred not to stare creepily and started minding my own business. I really don’t give the better looking people much of my eyes. If I do, there will be a well enough reason. So, when the movie started and grabbed my seat in the theater, I was smiling wide when that very girl sat beside me. The first thing I did was tweet about it. *People collectively shouting in unison WHATTT?* What did I do now? I was tweeting. So, what’s wron.. Oh I get it. Your question is “What the hell am I doing tweeting at that time?”. I missed the part where I forgot to mention she came with her boyfriend, who (uneasy for me ) was holding her hand all the time and never let it go even once. Lets get back into the theater. And wait, it gets more interesting when they swap their seats and now that guy is sitting beside me. Simply Great! 

When everything is going just fine, I start worrying, almost each day because it is an bad sign. Something bad has to happen, no matter what, no matter how good you(I) might be feeling or however lucky I might be. A day which goes without any incident(preferably bad/unlucky) is like a miracle. So, the day before yesterday was such day. I currently have no work at office ( remember my reference “Jobless with a Job” : THATand I was feeling pretty bored being at office. So when I called my friend who was also in similar shoes, he was playing caroms. I was like, Oh yeah, we have a games room in office right? When I went there, they were playing the game and I saw the empty Table Tennis table, so I decided to play TT from then on. That very day, I bought a pair, which I got for a cheap rate which was surprising. All this about the night before the actual day. So, I reach office leisurely and to check my hair I went into the restroom. It was okay, which was unusual because it is always messed up and I have to spend literally an hour to get it into shape and then I frown when it doesn’t turn out into what I expected it to be. So when it was fine after a bumpy bus ride, I was like “Ah, my lucky day!”. It was short lived when my zipper malfunctioned. It was fine in the morning when I started but now I have no idea what happened. It didn’t open. And when it did open, it was gone, as if it was torn. I was just into office. If I were just leaving, then I could have covered it with something and silently made an exit. The problem was that I just reached and promised all my friends that I would play TT with them and it gets interesting as my next bus back home it in the evening after nearly 6 hours. And imagine my situation with an open zipper. Oh wait, don’t (what was I thinking! My sincere apologies) It would be disgusting. I had hell of a time covering it. I think my attempts in covering itself might have given away what I was trying to hide. And well, I just couldn’t leave it like that. Then I thought, I should have a spare shirt and trousers ready in my bag. Oh God! It is really not a good experience at all. Fortunately ( yeah, I missed the ‘Un’ in front of it) I didn’t take the pullover which I usually keep ready in my bad or the sweater. None. 

Yay! I sure as hell am the LUCKY one! I have no idea whom should I blame. Wait, why should I blame anyone for the mishaps that happen to me. And with that I reveal my superpower : Unlucky! I am currently working on a symbol and done a rough drafts for the costume. It will out soon. Don’t forget to buy then on OLX. Yeah,  I was kidding about buying them on OLX. Who wants to be unlucky? Stupid me! 

P.S. : I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on (ya ya! we get it. Dude, stop!) about all my lucky encounters. But let me tell you, the last one is the worst, so far.  I am not hopeful that it will be the last one. I am sure, I will be facing many more such incidents. If not, it is not me! It can’t be. And the starting line which I wrote as if it was some quote or something, it isn’t. I searched for some nice witty quotations. I didn’t get any. So I made up a random one. And don’t say, I know its the lamest. But it could never be lamer than my luck. 

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0 responses to “Luck – A Superpower.”

  1. Ok once again i am laughing out loud!!!! And this time i am wearing pants 😉 Damn you are so funny!!!!
    Oh poor you!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    I mean the girl problem is still tolerable but the zipper one! Damn!!!!

    So while i was reading this post my sister was sitting right across me and she got scared when i gave out a loud cry and questioned whether i was crying or laughing! She took my happy wail as a crying wail! And i was reading '… zipper malfunctioning…”

  2. Ok once again i am laughing out loud!!!! And this time i am wearing pants 😉 Damn you are so funny!!!!
    Oh poor you!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    I mean the girl problem is still tolerable but the zipper one! Damn!!!!

    So while i was reading this post my sister was sitting right across me and she got scared when i gave out a loud cry and questioned whether i was crying or laughing! She took my happy wail as a crying wail! And i was reading '… zipper malfunctioning…”

  3. Haha. Good to know you were wearing pants. 😛
    I am funny ? :O Thats' a first time I am hearing this. 😛

    It happens. Like I said, I have a super power.

    Believe me, It was hell.

    Lol. And I suppose you didn't tell her why you were crying slash laughing !
    For the time being, lets keep this low and between us. 😛

  4. Haha. Good to know you were wearing pants. 😛
    I am funny ? :O Thats' a first time I am hearing this. 😛

    It happens. Like I said, I have a super power.

    Believe me, It was hell.

    Lol. And I suppose you didn't tell her why you were crying slash laughing !
    For the time being, lets keep this low and between us. 😛

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Luck – A Superpower.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Luck – A Superpower.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ