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Disclaimer : Brace for impact in T minus 60 sec.
Advice : Run away.

Sometimes the road never ends. Sometimes, there is a shortcut. Sometimes, there is no road. But a path we take, nevertheless. A necessary evil or a virtuous quest. 

What do we associate a wolf with? A cunning, vicious, self loathing, preying on others. A self centered creature. The keyword being cunning. We have a story of the red riding hood where the wolf disguises as a grandma ( yes! No questions asked ). While we were at it, there was one black sheep, the one disguised as sheep perhaps. Nevertheless, we have a wolf among us. We see them everyday, everywhere. But we can’t make them stand apart because well, they blend in perfectly among us, don’t they? We have no idea who is who, unless we feel that sting of pain in our back. We believed and let the belief sink in deep within us. And boy, did they enjoy every moment of the back stabbing. We never understood what it was, because well, aren’t we the just and trustworthy lot. By trustworthy, I mean putting our in the good of people, however evil they might be, however devilish they plans may be. And most importantly, we wouldn’t even believe if someone did say so. “No, he / she / they would never !” , we might argue and get a few teeth broken as well for the false implications. Warned, they did but did we listen? We trust. We trust too much. And how deep was the trust for that one person whom we totally believed in.

But what did you know? 
God, what did he / she / they do to us? 
God, as we know him / her / them, was the big bad wolf all along.

To be continued ? 
Wasn’t the impact hard enough ?

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0 responses to “The Big Bad Wolf.”

  1. what if the road never ends, and there is no shot cut, and hen one day u realise that the path u took was probably no road at all….
    what if u suddenly tart feeling unworldly..
    and simultaneously ungodly..

  2. I am sorry, but there isn't one. Thats' how good they are. They blend in so perfectly that you wouldn't even know. I guess, it is better to be safe than sorry. Keep them close but also keep an eye on them.

  3. Well, I don't bother about the wolves anyway. Not because I am super strong like that but because they are gonna be there anywhere. Amongst you. Why worry about it? Just deal with them as and when you have to.

  4. Well, I have always been an introvert. That's one reason for blogging.

    The key is to let let others that you are keeping an eye in them. Talk, and explore people. Some are beautiful, inside. May be he / she is just as introvert as we are. We just need to give them and let them give us a comfort zone. These kind of people font betray. Never. Ever.

  5. Ufff…serious trust issue…hope everything is fine vd u….!!!

    Loved d starting…& even I'm bad at identifying this kind of disguised people..I guess each one US gets to experience it Atleast once..!!

    Btw….I didn't expect a to be continued at the end…!!!

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

The Big Bad Wolf.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ