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“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
– Albert Einstein

“That is why we fight – in hope of a day when we no longer need to.”
-Barack Obama

Another year is about to come to an end. And will this day be any different. This should be. But lets don’t jump into the party mood and get on the dance floor, get drunk and get a huge hangover on the first day of the year. Well, I don’t drink also, so that narrows down. And also there are no much dance floors vacant either. So that narrows even further. So, umm… what’s left? Nothing, right! Exactly. 

You know they say the life flashes before our eyes before we die! Okay, I am not going to die today, but we can force out thoughts to ponder about the year that just passed by and how different I am today compared to this day last year. Yeah, so I did force my thoughts to think about something amazing that just might make my day. I tried. When I mention about trying, you should also get the idea that there are no such things. Doesn’t it look like I am forcing myself to think about something, something amazing, something equally awesome that never happened and wished to happen. But alas! I am left with a empty page and a dripping pen. 

I don’t make resolutions because I know I am the worst at following anything. So, if I say I want to go on a diet ( which is like suicide, come on whom am I kidding? Phew! Me dieting?  ) , I would eat even more. Okay, that was a wrong example. Umm, lets talk about swearing! Not even one word was my target, though it wasn’t a new year resolution, but still something I had thought of “NOT DOING”. You hear me, not-doing! It is like a thing I should really do, no matter what, no matter how small the issue is. So yeah, you get the story here , right ? Keeping that in mind, I have decided to make the exact opposite of resolutions, if I make any! 


Since I forced myself to think about the year, I don’t remember much of the things. But let me jot down some of the normal things that aren’t quite normal in my life. 

  1. I got  into a project. Though there was too much drama in the beginning and even in the end, but still I could tell that this is the year, I actually started working.
  2. I got to make a few good friends as the year drew to its near. And the cycle of life works in mysterious ways, as we know it. So, when something really good happens, the life just have to kick in the ass and as they say give lemons. Okay, that sounds gross when I write it like that. The point here is that those few friends that I made are leaving, left the project. So, you see. LIFE! 
  3. I spent a hell lot of money and when I say spent, I mean wasted. 
  4. Thats’ it ? WTH ! Seriously, is anyone going to kill me? 

Twenty – 14 ! 

I don’t have much hopes for the year to come. Because I never understood what I would do differently. May be that is the reason, I am still stuck in this small world and not exploring. They say hope and passion drive the people’s mind. Wait, did anyone say that! I just made it up! So when you ask Dude, what are your plans for next year? I reply with a Poker-face! So, don’t ask me please. I really don’t make plans for the future. Yes, I know I am weird and stupid; and also nothing is going to change that. Anyway, let me end this with a poem which I have been posting on every 31st December, that is the last day of the year.

Past has taught Lessons.
Memories have brought Happiness.
  Time has taught Living.
Mistakes have brought Wisdom

Now, New is the Year.
 New are the Aspirations and Dreams
 Behold the Newness.
 Step forward, Step Ahead.
 Here it comes, yet another Glorious Year. 

Welcome it. 
With a Smile on your Face.
And Hope in the Heart. 
Cherish the Past.  
Replenish the Future. 
And Never Forget,
Live the Moment.  

Okay, I agree, this is not a poem, in any angle. My apologies. But let me conclude with this.

“Wish you and your family a Happy and Prosperous New Year.”

Life is short, just like 70-80 year. And remember I said something about the memories flashing before he eyes before we die, please do make sure that they aren’t as vacant as mine. #JustSaying. 

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0 responses to “Year End.”

  1. First thing I'm going to comment on is this^ friendship I've seen happening in the last couple of days. I don't know why, and I don't even hardly know the other half of the friendship, but I can say that it sort of makes me happy, and warms my heart. Why? I dunno really. I have found it kind of rare to see guys really stick together and really talk/share/discuss things. Especially online, it seems guys seem to make more of those relationships, be it friendship or otherwise, with females… Or rather that's just a slice of a cake that I've only witnessed. But anyways, I don't want to make you feel self conscious about that. That's the lsat thing I want to do! But I always believe that friendship is one of the best best best best best things to have, if not equal to or second to, and definitely not exclusive from, love itself.

    I have to tell you, when I got my first 'real' job (ie. when I was through with uni and not working AND studying) I blew all my money. On what? I can't even tell you properly what I spent it on, the money just went: food, books, clothes, random things. Somehow I wasted 3 years worth of salary. It's something I really really really am ashamed of everytime I recall it, and I think I can safely say I've learnt my lesson and I'm more careful about my money and I think I also got fed up of shopping/spending money from that lesson also LOL. I am going to come back and comment further about the rest of your post…coz that stuff is more important and beautifully written.

    and yes, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

  2. First thing I'm going to comment on is this^ friendship I've seen happening in the last couple of days. I don't know why, and I don't even hardly know the other half of the friendship, but I can say that it sort of makes me happy, and warms my heart. Why? I dunno really. I have found it kind of rare to see guys really stick together and really talk/share/discuss things. Especially online, it seems guys seem to make more of those relationships, be it friendship or otherwise, with females… Or rather that's just a slice of a cake that I've only witnessed. But anyways, I don't want to make you feel self conscious about that. That's the lsat thing I want to do! But I always believe that friendship is one of the best best best best best things to have, if not equal to or second to, and definitely not exclusive from, love itself.

    I have to tell you, when I got my first 'real' job (ie. when I was through with uni and not working AND studying) I blew all my money. On what? I can't even tell you properly what I spent it on, the money just went: food, books, clothes, random things. Somehow I wasted 3 years worth of salary. It's something I really really really am ashamed of everytime I recall it, and I think I can safely say I've learnt my lesson and I'm more careful about my money and I think I also got fed up of shopping/spending money from that lesson also LOL. I am going to come back and comment further about the rest of your post…coz that stuff is more important and beautifully written.

    and yes, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

  3. Oh come one. How can anyone's memory be vacant? I think you underestimate yourself. Maybe getting over it can be a new year resolution 😛

    Happy new year and have a wonderful year with loads of memories ahead! 🙂

  4. Oh come one. How can anyone's memory be vacant? I think you underestimate yourself. Maybe getting over it can be a new year resolution 😛

    Happy new year and have a wonderful year with loads of memories ahead! 🙂

  5. So I'm the the only weirdo thinking that a year ending means that your life flashes before your eyes?!
    Not calling you weird.
    And here's pre-wishing you a happy new year too!

  6. So I'm the the only weirdo thinking that a year ending means that your life flashes before your eyes?!
    Not calling you weird.
    And here's pre-wishing you a happy new year too!

  7. Umm, It does feel plain, that's why! When you say like that, I feel I have accomplished a lot. 😛

    May be you are right about exaggeration.

    Haha, You really think it is a satiable approach ?

    Does it sound so ? Thanks, dude. 🙂

    Thank you and same to you. 🙂

  8. Umm, It does feel plain, that's why! When you say like that, I feel I have accomplished a lot. 😛

    May be you are right about exaggeration.

    Haha, You really think it is a satiable approach ?

    Does it sound so ? Thanks, dude. 🙂

    Thank you and same to you. 🙂

  9. I totally agree with you. It is one of the best-est thing ever to happen to anyone. And I am glad, I am in your friend list as well. 😀

    May be I still have to learn the lesson. My dad would monitor about all my expenses and warn me about all the things that too much spending might do. I feel that the urge and the excitement to buy new things eventually fades with time and that I am too far away from that feeling. 😛 So, I still have a lot of time to spend, I mean waste money and then realize that I should stop now. And also I feel that once a time passes I would look back and feel that I should have owned that thing and now I am too old for that. 😛

    Aww, thanks. 🙂 You are going to come back? That's very generous of you.

    Thank you. And wish you the same. 🙂 Happy New Year.

  10. I totally agree with you. It is one of the best-est thing ever to happen to anyone. And I am glad, I am in your friend list as well. 😀

    May be I still have to learn the lesson. My dad would monitor about all my expenses and warn me about all the things that too much spending might do. I feel that the urge and the excitement to buy new things eventually fades with time and that I am too far away from that feeling. 😛 So, I still have a lot of time to spend, I mean waste money and then realize that I should stop now. And also I feel that once a time passes I would look back and feel that I should have owned that thing and now I am too old for that. 😛

    Aww, thanks. 🙂 You are going to come back? That's very generous of you.

    Thank you. And wish you the same. 🙂 Happy New Year.

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Year End.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Year End.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ