People. Different People. I see faces with expressions, thoughts. Some worried. Some just plain happy. Some innocence. Oh! No, I ain’t a face reader. The mind perceives what it sees. It is a way to keep oneself at bay, away from boredom in long Journeys. Then there are those looks, which convey disinterest. Just the first itself, says it all. That’s what I was on a hectic-messed up Train Journey. I never liked Trains. And the journey in it. But sometimes, one has to travel in time of need. And no again, I had no need, no sense of urgency. Call it escaping, getting back or whatever.
I was home (Ahmedabad) for almost near to a month; a few more days and a month would have been completed. And my birthday could have been celebrated among the loved ones. But No, I had to do the hard way. Last minute planning, I set out and came back to the place I am staying now – Bangalore. And now I feel, kind of different. Something has changed and I don’t know what the hell it is. :/ May it is the aftermath of a heinous journey, or so I call it. And the journey was hectic. I wished I had a Tab. I could have watched a movie in between besides writing. And though the laptop is packed safely in my backpack, I hardly opened it since it has a very very long lasting battery(Sarcasm). But I had to read the posts. So, I did open, read a few, commented on a few. So, anyway That was it.
Children crying, Children playing
People talking, People shouting,
I listening songs, I Writing down.
So, here it goes…
A child I saw, Just aged three
Bid farewell to his mom
To stay with his father.
A old man I saw, Troubled he looked,
With great difficulty in his oldness
Did his work without anybody’s help
A young Man I saw, Smiling he looked
But confused he was, a bit
Talked to all, like all were his own.
An old lady I saw, too talkative she was
Had to carry, more than she could manage
A young girl I saw, Busy she looked
Keeping herself awake till midnight,
Work she did on her laptop.
Between confusions and Dilemma,
A game that the mind played
He took a pen and a book,
And wrote, that he himself never understood.
Battled he, all way long,
Keeping himself busy,
With work unknown, But
Wished the time moved a bit faster.
Woke up in the middle,
Baffled he was,
Looked at the watched,
And sighed! Not even five minutes?
Spent a sleepless night,
For the situation was such
But he cared the least, In mind
He said someone else is happy.
Okay. Fine. That officially sucked. I tried, but I guess I just failed. That usually doesn’t happen to me. (Yeah, I was Kidding) Lets’ call it the Jet lag… wait… Journey Lag…wait not even that.. whatever-it-is lag. So, I was sitting all the way with a pen and a book as if I was a big writer of some sort. No Kidding. People were thinking you were doing some homework/assignment which you didn’t do. Seriously? Damn! But…I … hmm.. err… (Nothing to say).
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Kiddin’ 😛 |
Anyway, here is goes the daily thing…
P.S. : So, I have been thinking about poetry, I mean worambling a lot. So, I ended up whatever that is I just wrote. And these Illustrative images that I am uploading are from the Internet, Don’t know the exact source.
0 responses to “A Journey.”
Interesting. Though it as lil weird, it conveyed your distorted thoughts. Journey are , to me, interesting, as I get to see faces and my imagination weaves story, keeping itself occupied 😛 The poem spoke your observation of the people around you, and you said in indirect terms their story. bdw hope your birthday goes well! 🙂
“Between confusions and Dilemma,
A game that the mind played
He took a pen and a book,
And wrote, that he himself never understood. “
Haha,thats really good yaar 🙂
My mind does weave story, but they don't get a definite form.
Yeah, I tried. But Guess, I wasn't just that good.
Thank You. 🙂
Thank You. 🙂