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The world is my adobe
 I sing in sanity
I dance in vanity
I pray in sanctity

Here, There and Everywhere
I see diligent people
Exploring the world
Learning their way
Hard, They work to achieve
Steady, is their path
Striving towards success
With never-ending determination.

Here, There and Everywhere
I see people in love 
Pure, Serene Devotion
Lost in their tiny-huge worlds

Happy they look, being lost 
In their beautiful sphere
For Life is such, without which
It is just a meaningless journey.

Here, There and Everywhere
I see people exploiting
Relentless plots they make
For a prize of little penny.

The mighty mindless wins
While the weak suffer in silence
Which makes this true 
‘The rich becomes richer, The poor poorer.’

Here, There and Everywhere
I see the hatred in the eyes
The reasons being many
I just fail to understand the reason

I am just confused, 
Lost I contemplation
As I fail to understand
The world around me.

Now, Here, There and Everywhere
I see people like me, 
Just lost in adversity
trying to answer the unanswerable questions. 

Looking at confused myself everywhere
I find it hard to sing and dance.
Now, I pray for myself and the think-alike
For some perception of reality, of hope.

– Ajay Kontham © 2013

This is written for Carry on Tuesday under the prompt ‘Here, There and Everywhere‘.

P.S. Though I’ve mentioned everywhere for some of the entities like hatred, people exploiting, I was just referring figuratively. Not everywhere you can find, but there are such people, per say. 

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0 responses to “Here, There and Everywhere.”

  1. Stark reality projects itself from time to time. Being contemplative to mull over the truth can sometimes throw more light on life. Loved the poem. It was soulful:)

  2. Stark reality projects itself from time to time. Being contemplative to mull over the truth can sometimes throw more light on life. Loved the poem. It was soulful:)

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Here, There and Everywhere.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Here, There and Everywhere.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ