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That twist of fate.

Part 1 : It all began … 
Part 2 : Insanity has a new meaning 
Part 3 : Sinking in 
Part 4 : Steep Slope 
Part 5 : The lost art (continued)

It was midnight at touchdown. I returned to my room and instead of sleeping, I opened my laptop. I don’t even know why I did that, perhaps it was a habit. Anyway, I wake up late the other day and as it turns out I was running way too late for office. Who would have thought, right? I nearly the dodge the you-are-late bullet and settled in my desk only to find that the nutcase was taking a leave and as a result I was supposed to do his work. That was preposterous, I shouted, in my mind. But then again I had no choice there. It was that kind of work which needed attendance, like a dying patient. Actually, come to think of it, the reason we were called so urgently was the very same reason. So much work, very few people and so less time. I was the one performing CPR, I mean close to it. Yada Yada Yada. I am doing that guys’ work.

*Stare at the fan*
*Imagine you are going into flashback* 
Round , round and round, the day is two week before the above mentioned day.

We would like you to extend your stay.”

“But as per the prior arrangements, I was supposed to be leaving on this month end.”

Yes, but since a the Phase I is still under review and minor changes are coming our way, we would like you extend for three more weeks. You have been doing a great job in Phase II, but it would be great if you could extend”.

[ After denial and bringing up the agreement clause and this and that, it was decided that I had to stay for three more weeks. The work was divided then and there itself that I would be working on Phase II and the nutcase would be working on Phase I ]. 

“Damn. There was no point calling me and having a discussion when they had decided to put me here, there was nothing much I could have done about it”, I was speaking to myself on my way back, cursing all the way.

I booked the return tickets immediately without any delay as I had no intention of staying any longer and also that they said that they won’t ask us to extend the stay. So, this brings back me to the situation at hand. I was working on Phase I and my Phase II was on hold. One week in, I am still working even when the nutcase returns from his hiatus. And when the second week started, I was given new work of Phase I and with a deadline. Wow, these are really crushing me with work. The initial work which I was supposed to be doing had a tentative date, which I could set. But this was just getting out of hand. Even though, I meet the deadlines and everything, their management of things wasn’t proper. And I think that was the case why they were running on hot waters.


#NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) #Day8

NaBloPoMo November 2015

#Explore, #Kolkata, #KolkataDiaries, #Work, #Deputation, #NewAssignment, #newToTheCity, #Agile, #Struggle, #Flight, #touchdown, #work, #pressure, #Extention, #Day8

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A twist.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

A twist.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ