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The calmness was damning. The cool air prevailed as the Air Conditioner adjusted itself to the adapting room temperature. The glow from the laptop was illuminating the room as I sat before it reading whatever I could. I was scared. No, it would be an understatement. I was terrified. With being acquainted of a task I knew nothing about and being brought upon for an immediate help was making my legs shake. The mind exploded with million things that could go wrong and a billion things I would screw it and a trillion things that would backfire and I would be standing there at the middle. The scene was pretty damn insane in my mind and  no one would like to visit it. Not even if the prize money was a billion bucks. 

Just as the millionth fission took place in my mind, the door opened. Silence, my mind stood for a fraction of a second. A five foot something figure barged in, threw away the backpack on the bed and grabbed the remote and started browsing through the channels as if some stock market had crashed or some epidemic has arose in some part of the country / world. “Blahblah…channel…blahblahblah…” He was speaking gibberish to me, but to his friend he was speaking Tamil. I stared at him for a few seconds. I returned to my bombarding world a moment later when there was no concern whatsoever for the new guy in the vicinity. Apparently, some Tamil channel wasn’t coming and he was getting agitated about it. Turns out it is some entertainment channel and not even a news channel. 

I looked at him a couple of times, hoping to swing in my hand and introduce myself. But he wasn’t interested in formalities, I guess. Either it was Tamil marathon or an WhatsAppathon. Either way, this guy didn’t give shit. I just returned the favor. Moreover, I had a bomb to take care of, so I could care the least about this fellow. 4 days I shared the room with this ‘I-don’t-care-guy’, without knowing his name or whatever the reason he was there for. 

#Kolkata, #KolkataDiaries, #Deputation, #Work, #Roommate, #whatThe, #Day12

Recent Comments

0 responses to “I don’t care, okay ?”

  1. Sharing a room with a stranger without speaking Atleast once…gr8 job dear….!!
    If I were in your place, that silence would make me mad.

    Btw, how r u dear??
    Hope things r going right….
    Exam month dear, isliye unable to come to ua place, but Wat about u??
    Exam month for u too….may b that's d reason u disappeared suddenly…!!


  2. Well, I have got used to it, over the course of time. -_-
    I think you might be right. People can't stay without talking.

    I am kind of fine. Thank you. 🙂 How are you doing?
    Not exactly. Still trying to figure out.
    Oh, it's okay. You don't have to apologize. All the best for the exams. 🙂
    No, no exams. I think I am past them, until I have to.
    I am kind of off mostly because of the other things.

    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  3. That would have been quite something. Sharing a room with a guy and not getting a chance to speak to him at all because he didn't seem to care. I had a roommate in college who was quite weird on many levels but I still did talk to him just to keep some conversation going otherwise the room would have felt lifeless and unusually quiet.

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I don’t care, okay ?

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

I don’t care, okay ?

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ