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The Month that was August

The rain that lashed the lush green humid climate toning down the temperature, toning up the water level while I slept under the warm of a blanket only to be woken up by an alarm. 9 o’clock, it shouted. I snoozed it. I woke wearily a moment later, kicking the blanket under my legs. Time. 11 o’clock. Holy. That has how mostly all of my weekdays have passed by. August. Augustus. I really have no idea how this came up. Oh wait, the commercial in the TV. “I am a grenade, ready to explode” “I love you“. “Oh gus, my love ..” That was the one romantic turned nostalgic novel I have ever read. It was great, of course as it was recommended by a great friend of mine.

“Frankly speaking, you look like ten pounds of shit in a five-pound bag.” 
― Stephen King, Finders Keepers
I read one novel , finally. I mean it took a lot of time which it should have. But finally I did complete. I think I will review the book. I should. I bought a couple of other  novels with the sole intention of finishing them off as soon as possible.

The wind blowed in the silent turbulence. The music played hard and loud, the voices, the cries, the silence kept away at arms lenth. Sir, please refrain from using electronic devices. A smile here, and an increase in the volume there. Bleh, a sigh. What’s your seat number? Oh, you missed by a row. She would have sat just beside you. The hope that someday, a very hot girl would sit beside me… and I would spill all over myself and trip and fall on my face only to find a chubby dude taking half of my seat. 

So, I traveled to Hyderabad this month. By flight. I am always excited about the flight journey. But what is more painful is that it doesn’t last long enough for the money you spend. It takes a 5000 bucks for 2 two hour flight and the two hour feels like 5 minutes. You don’t even feel like you traveled in the flight and spent 3 hours in the airport and then 2 hours in the air. It just takes 5 minutes. 5000 bucks for 5 min. And my goal was to complete one novel in the journey. Guess what I turned just one page. That’s all I could do in 5 minutes.

How was the month that went past ? Not so good, I must say. I had a few unforeseen situations which are going to bother me this month as well. Thats’ pretty much it. I guess, I am not good at rambling either. Oh man, I need to rekindle and change a few things here.

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Oh gus, my love.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Oh gus, my love.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ