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Do you even adventure?

Part 1 : It all began … 
Part 2 : Insanity has a new meaning 
Part 3 : Sinking in 
Part 4 : Steep Slope (continued)

Another reason for having my hair chopped was that I had to go home and there I would have to hear the non stop rambling of why I should get a hair cut and how stupid I look in that long hair and bla bla bla. It was better to just shush them by trimming the hair, which didn’t turn out as planned, did it ? Remember, I mentioned about trying to do the job on my own of getting that sexy hair style, turns out it didn’t work either. And every time I looked myself in the mirror, I had the urge to strangle that guy staring back at me for that monstrous clown looking hair style. 

It had been two more years in that City of Joy, with the only time I went out was to have some dinner or watch a movie. I was quite an adventurer, believe me I shocked myself. I had this crazy thing of exploring the new countries and I couldn’t even explore the city. I then realized that I needed someone, a company or a guide to walk me through the city. Or just someone who was interested in exploring, by which I mean like minded people. But no much luck actually. The weekends faded with constant constipation. I claimed myself to be an adventurer with a knack of clicking photos. 

Finally, the two years were coming to an end, I mean the 2nd month was almost coming to an end. And I had to hop on a flight for a house warming ceremony along with my brother. The journey, I tell you was simple, okay? But traveling in a flight does feel like a privilege, doesn’t it? And we have to enjoy it, though a few people have their share of discomfort to fly in air, but I really do enjoy. But what happens is after waiting for an hour, followed by security check and then again waiting for an hour and then finally board the plane all excited only to find myself asleep. After five minutes, I get down and feel like, “Wait, did I even fly? Didn’t I just get on plane?”. All that excitement of boarding a flight ends, just like that. Anyhow, I reach the city, attend the house warming  ceremony, got an earful about what I am doing with my life and to get a hold on it, I return back almost immediately. And that brings us to the end of the month of August. Phew, 45 days felt like two years. Another 20 days to finally getting out of here, I slept on that thought.

#NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) #Day7

NaBloPoMo November 2015

#Explore #Kolkata #KolkataDiaries #Work #Deputation #NewAssignment #newToTheCity #flight #houseWarming #brother #adventurer #Photography #hairCut #Struggle #Flight #Day7

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

The lost art.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ