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Chapter “Intervention and Other Things”
The Lunch Box Journal


It’s bizarre that you are letting
a girl come in between your friendship.

Why isn’t he clarifying in the group?
If there is nothing, he should tell the same in the group.

If you don’t tell then they will
assume that there is something going on.

So, what is going on in between those two?


Author’s Intervention : 

I will be honest this time. It has been hard to write the last couple of posts and it is still hard to continue the future posts as well. If you have observed, it is mostly centered around one person.While people will have everything to say about something or the other, I am mostly not bothered by that. Having said that, I am human after all. And a few comments of people have left me astray and made me think about the choices and things that I have done. There is no need at all to even write all these stories, well, mostly because no one seems to be reading except one or two, the second being me. I am still doing it either way. I have my own reasons. One of them is I want to clear some things that people have been floating around assuming and distancing me(which I should have already seen coming). I thought having stayed with them for such a long time that they would understand people, me, but apparently, you never know anyone. The reason for this little intervention is to point out that this following series will be mostly biased in opinions and what not. And since it is from my perspective, I would appreciate a little discretion more the same, or well it’s okay otherwise as well. While I know that conclusions have already been made upon me and that the ‘people’ have been distant ever since I would like to tell them that I don’t really care about that (Actually, I do, but I really don’t want to). Like I have said, I have no reason to waste my time for someone by engaging and stomping down to their level who doesn’t even value people but I am still continuing it so that I see this through so that could finally if nothing else, unknow. 


– Check out for new updates on the questions and quotes posed at the beginning;
if at all you are interested –


The Lunch Box Journal


ak, mmxviii

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6 responses to “I n t e r v e n t i o n”

  1. I hope I’m the other reader, ’cause I’ve read every chapter you wrote. And let’s be honest here, you should continue writing no matter what, even if anyone questions you, because you are the author after all.

    Sending hugs and coffee ☕☕☕☕

    • I have quite a few other people to read it as well. 😛

      I have completed the whole series which will be posted on alternate days. The end of this month will mark the end of the whole series.

      May be if something comes up, I will add later, but that’s pretty much it.

      Thank you. 4 cups of coffee for which I am still waiting. 😛

      • Oh that’s nice to know. Everything is set then to publish. Sending my congratulations! Finally! It’s all done. And maybe not for another sequel yet, might give you a headache

        Darn, I reall owe you lots of coffee now. I might end up paying for one whole year free coffee.

        • Yup. Everything is set. Just done with it. Hopefully. Unless, there’s an intervention for me.

          Sequel not sure how and when I would bring that up.

          Keep it going and make it a lifetime. And you’d be needing to start working quite a lot of jobs.

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