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Haha, How hard could it be?

Growing up, life seemed so easy, so simple. We got everything we wanted, though to be fair, we almost got it. Of course we looked at life under new light. And well, who could blame us, the light was new and it was all about exploring. We were kids after all, what did we know anyway? Gradually, we grew up. We were told stories about the struggles by our parents and their parents and their grand parents. And the moral of the story was to work hard, perhaps a little harder then they ever should or may be could have. We were intrigued by this notion of hard work, perhaps a little scared as well weighing the struggles we might have to face, but we eventually always discarded it, because we never really understood what they were trying to tell. Don’t get me wrong, we appreciated the struggles and the comfort we were living in because of them, and also in a matter of speaking privileged to be in the position without doing much. But having everything at our hands reach did imbibe the sense of freedom, a bit too carefree. We would lean back in our comfortable chairs, because why not, the more comfortable the better, put our legs on the table, we never realized what was in store for us. We were the undisputed kings and queens. Amidst all this chaos, the people, the friends, teachers, the talks, the lessons and whatnot, we grew up, learning, falling , getting up and dusting ourselves off, of course after the seamless cries and a soft encouraging pat on the shoulder, we grew up, we finally grew up. We were a long way from growing up, but still we understood this mystery called life. As a matter of fact, we knew better than the people who have seen and lived longer than we ever could. It wasn’t easy, let me tell you this, knowing everything about life at such a young age. It look a few heartbreaks, a few fists,  a few cries, and a few accomplishments, but we did finally conquer life. It was no longer a mystery. It was something we know by the back of our hand. But, we were still kids, struggling to get that perfect circle with the tools in hand.


Then it hit us.
The blatant reality that was hiding in plain sight, that trapped us in this monogamous routine – wake up – get ready – go to work – work – eat –   work – sleep and repeat. Life, the entity that transformed the once comfortably sitting kids with the legs on the table to a almost lost soul struggling to find who the person they have become. Life is beautiful, someone said. They realized it now. It was beautiful, until they realized what life was really about.
At one point, it didn’t even matter. 
But then again, all this melodrama wasn’t what we had anticipated. So, we weren’t going to let it so easy. It became our quest to find the lost carefree-ness, the freedom, self. It took a while to realize that it was not about finding the lost self, but creating the new self, like a phoenix from the ashes. It was our time to rise from the ashes of the misery that we so brought upon ourself, the agony that we created within is, the chaos that surrounded us.

Rise, we will as a phoenix from the flames with a new hope, new purpose and determination, and forge a new self. 


ak, xxɪ x 20xɪᴠ


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5 responses to “Mystery called Life.”

  1. You have perfectly described the trajectory of life, enjoyed the truthful details that you bring …and thankfully it becomes possible to realize, whose drama whose truths are we living anyway …we realize our capacity of lending to our own creation of life in our own unique ways …

  2. Posts like this inspire One to look beyond the depression of the hard reality and make you realise that maybe, there’s still a chance of having a go at Life. Making it a place where I can live and not just survive. Maybe, it wouldn’t be a lost fight after all.
    Maybe I will be that phoenix to rise from the ashes.

    Thanks Ajay, for such a lovely post. 🙂

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Mystery called Life.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Mystery called Life.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ