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“Good things happen to good people. Wait, what good things?”
– ak

At the start of the year, I got an unusual message from an unusual person. The message was “Happy New Year”. Why was this unusual? Because I don’t such messages, personally. I might be a part of a group and there might be someone sending out the forwarded messages in the group and I would sometimes acknowledge it. But this came in a separate message in Facebook Messenger. Now, this is very unusual for one basic reason what there are very few friends on my Facebook inspite of the seven hundred odd number, there are quite a few who would actually message there. And moreover if they are friends, they would use Whatsapp instead. To increase the awkward unusualness, the person at the other end was a girl. A girl whom I haven’t even met. But then how come she is in my friends list? Fair question. The answer to which is obvious : Hot girl + Mutual Friend of a few friends. So, luckily my request got accepted. Yeti yeti yeti, it was the start of the year and here it was a message from someone who barely knew me.

I should have been smart enough to guess the reason and not jump into cloud 9 just as now, because come on why would anyone send me a message, more over a girl. I was in kind of high spirits, I guess. But there it came, the favor. Apparently, the photos I posted online got quite some credit and it kind of gave away the vibe that I was good at this thing called photography. Let me clear this before we go ahead with any assumption. I am not at all good at it. So, it began, the pitch. This was similar to sending a resume, or in more simpler terms pitching an idea.

The Pitch :
Since I was trying to show off my meager photography skills, I was asked by, lets call her my friend, whether I knew about making videos and what would be needed for making a normal video. I was hesitant to say that I had no idea about video for the obvious reason that I didn’t want to look bad, especially in front of a girl and more so, a pretty hot one. But, I didn’t want to be stupid either, so I told her right there that I had no idea about videos and also gave the impression that it wasn’t that difficult either; as if I knew. It is difficult, by the way. So, I sent her some links for the video editing software, and what all she would need for making a video. I was thanked for being so generous, but the goal wasn’t getting the list of software.

The Trap :
The discussion about making that video went on for quite some time, which was when I realized that I was being asked to make the video. I told her right there that I had no idea about how to make a video and may be she should consider someone who was good at it. After a few no’s and can not’s, I finally gave in. I was pretty sure that I was going to make a fool of myself. I did actually. Anyhow, we decided to meet, she laid out a plan, the date and a story (pfft, there was a freaking story, like the short movies we see on the television, like the very very moving short movies which have a bigger message kind of story). I was already feeling so proud of myself that my photography has come to some recognition or sorts. But here’s the titbit just for you : Why does the western countries give their business to countries like India and likewise? If you know the answer, the same answer applies here as well. Anyhow, I was in this mess I was so trying to avoid. Because for starters, I am the worst at social interactions. I am even worse when it comes to girls. And despite knowing for a fact that I was going to make a fool of myself, I was tied down. I did try to get out of this tangle menace I got myself into, but it was too late. I just couldn’t say no.


So, I decided to check my video and see how it actually comes. The video was getting stopped after 1-2 minutes. I thought it might probably because of the low memory, hence I emptied the memory card and trying shooting. A video of less than 2 minutes. I wasn’t able to understand the reason for this. I had to consult the expert, so I used Google. It was then that I came to know that the SD Cards which I had didn’t support fast data transfers and the video recording needed a specific data transfer rate. The next thing I did was order a SD card online from Amazon. I didn’t had to do that, but I was looking to impress. Anyhow, the date finally cam and I was trying my best to be cool. The meeting was in the evening and as per the story, we had to some remote area. Awesome. Wait, but I did’t know this language, nor did she. I was the camera guy, what would I know anyway. I will just shoot, she was the director. I took my camera and got ready. To cut some time,  I decided to watch a movie, so I carried my camera to the theatre and since they didn’t allow it inside, I deposited and watched the movie always checking my phone for some message or the other that the plan might be cancelled. I watch the movie and still no response. To which I concluded that the plan was finally off and was very relieved. I get out of the theater and there is an Auto Expo going on at the mall I went. The automobiles were great, the prices of which were even great. I had a camera and the plan was cancelled, since no reply, so  I started clicking. But then I realized that the camera would be a too much of a thing, so I didn’t open it and used my latest phone to click some photos.

… to be continued.


P.S. : No, this isn’t the end of the story. I just thought that these automobiles were far better than my story of getting used. Yes, there aren’t many photos here, because this is part of the #ProjectPerspective, something I started and is currently on hold, indefinitely until further notice. Anyhow, if you would like to know what happened next, let me know, I will write it in the future posts. I was kidding, I will write it anyway.

I am participating in ‘The Ultimate Blogging Challenge’ which involves writing continuously for the whole month of October. This is #Day7 but post number 2. It is not that difficult to write bridge the gap with something or the other but I will try to see it through the end. 

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