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Concealed beneath those grayish-blue eyes is a life long agony, a misery hidden , making a void in the vastness.  She can’t hide. She can’t run. At the end of the day she cries to death. She isn’t weak. They have made her weak. But still she isn’t weak. She fights every single day. For herself, for the people who still believe in her. 

She might not know but she is an inspiration to a lot of people. She seeks justice. She doesn’t fear death. She just wants equality. A place for the kind of her. The society has annihilated them , media has flaunted them as helpless souls who thought that these people need sympathy. A place where they can be normal. Normal ? You say. How can anyone be normal? When I can’t even forget a white lie that I told to save my ass, which bothers me every single day. How can a traumatic incident be forgotten over a few weeks or months or years?
They left a scar, that can never be removed. A scar that reminds of the horror past. A scar that, in a way makes her possible to live every single day. That is a constant reminder of her past that the world isn’t safe. The safest places aren’t safer any longer. That the people who were once dear to you now stay a million miles away. She did not make a mistake. She was perfect in her own way. She is a successful woman. Yet, the society sees her a little different. Because she is a she, a woman. When the nation bloats about equality, one shouldn’t get excited about what a great nation we have. It is like a myth. No, women aren’t denied anything. But there are places where people have the same mentality that people are discriminated on the basis of gender. That woman are supposed to be attached to the kitchen and do the chores. 

When will that discrimination stop? When will the atrocities on women stop? Women aren’t weak. Just that they weren’t given a chance to prove themselves. And now that caterpillar is finally breaking out of the cocoon and the society treats her like she doesn’t even belong here. And to the men who take advantage, what kind of a beast are you? 

There is an unseen apocalypse on the rise. The human mind. Though it hasn’t infected the major lot of people, but it sure is spreading. 

Now lets take a step into history and see what history has taught us. There are these three monkeys of Mahatma Gandhi which depict the nonviolent way of living. These as we all   of us know are “Don’t see bad”, “Don’t speak bad”, “Don’t hear bad”. The non violent way of living. Easy , isn’t it? So what’s happens when something really bad is happening and someone is really getting hurt. Should we just close our eyes , close our ears and do nothing while the people do whatever they want to do.. What about the third one ? Oh, we do speak bad don’t we. There is this media in the name of whatever-that-is-called just takes out the best bad in anything. I don’t see whether they are praising or seeking justice.  

Our politics is corrupt. No doubt. The whole justice system is corrupt.  No doubt. We as people try to find justice in this half baked society where everything feels so wrong, even fighting for justice. It feels like a crime to voice out our opinions while the culprits have it their way enjoying the freedom that this democratic country have bestowed upon us. They walk away, the culprits while the people fighting for the same justice go behind bars. Because they voiced their opinion? Because they are criticizing the whole political system? Because they are blaming the whole justice system? The candle marches, the reforms to the safety of women for the betterment of the women go in vain when they are held more often. 

Lets keep aside the justice seeking and justice giving ideologies aside for a moment. And lets speak about the people. Like I said, an apocalypse. I thought that the people who are responsible for any heinous act against women were uneducated people, that they had no knowledge of how to respect a women, how to live in a society. But I was wrong. I knew I was wrong. I wanted to blame that on something. But lets stop the blaming game for a moment and see what’s really bothering the society. Educated or uneducated – The same things happen. People are just out-of-their-minds. The other day someone shared something related to the rapes that are happening in India. I didn’t see the photo but a guy in my room was sowing the other guy and talking about it. So the picture was like even if the girl is fully dressed or naked, she shouldn’t be violated. So what happens is that this guy laughs and says if a girl is naked how can anyone control themselves? THAT. That thinking is the apocalypse that I was talking about. No matter how educated one is, there is still that thinking that is corrupting the minds of people. Is it really a reason? How can one control themselves? Seriously, what is wrong with people. If you don’t know how to control, learn to control or just die.

How can anyone even think like that? And that thoughts that revolve around in the minds of thousands other people saddens me. How can this thing, this apocalypse that is spreading like a wildfire be stopped? How can one man, or even a million men bring a change in the thinking when they don’t even care to listen? I have lost hope. In a couple of years, I would still be furious and angry at the people probably writing this same thing, but change, the change in that thinking, that I so wish to see would never happen. Is there a way, writing this could change the thinking of people? Then I would be writing every hour of the day. But, there are people like me, writing for a cause, for a change. And there are people who are struggling each day to see that change happen, working on a noble cause. But I don’t see it. I don’t see the change at all. Is there a simple way, or even the hard way to stop that thinking process, that apocalypse? 

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0 responses to “An Apocalypse.”

  1. Writing for a change will never help. People read and just forget. We read so many articles on rapes everyday. But nothing happens nor anything might happen. Those who suffer will go on suffering.

  2. Writing for a change will never help. People read and just forget. We read so many articles on rapes everyday. But nothing happens nor anything might happen. Those who suffer will go on suffering.

  3. Exactly, my point.
    Like I said, I would write a post every hour if that made some change. People are stubborn in their own way. And those who try to being a change can't achieve the same for reasons too many.

    I feel extremely sorry and helpless for those people suffering in silence. I so much wish I could do something, to bring a change.

  4. Exactly, my point.
    Like I said, I would write a post every hour if that made some change. People are stubborn in their own way. And those who try to being a change can't achieve the same for reasons too many.

    I feel extremely sorry and helpless for those people suffering in silence. I so much wish I could do something, to bring a change.

  5. Wow. That was powerful. I loved the first three paragraphs. It forced me to think and widen my horizon. Talking about writing, I strongly believe that a pen is mightier than the sword. We might see the current situation and feel that writing brought no change but, we can never see the absence of some sins which were brought due to reading or writing. I am not able to explain here properly.
    For eg: I wrote a post on how people like and share stupid pages and posts on Facebook and after that there was a very strong amount of decrease of such stuf fon my homepage. Few people really stopped doing it.
    This is a small and stupid issue but, what I am trying to say is, your words are powerful and do no underestimate the power of words. If an innocent child is reading your words, he might not turn up to be a better man rather than a sinful one. We have to see the future, not the present.
    Please don't stop writing such stuff, it is gut-wrenching and thought provoking. I would love to read something like this again.

  6. Wow. That was powerful. I loved the first three paragraphs. It forced me to think and widen my horizon. Talking about writing, I strongly believe that a pen is mightier than the sword. We might see the current situation and feel that writing brought no change but, we can never see the absence of some sins which were brought due to reading or writing. I am not able to explain here properly.
    For eg: I wrote a post on how people like and share stupid pages and posts on Facebook and after that there was a very strong amount of decrease of such stuf fon my homepage. Few people really stopped doing it.
    This is a small and stupid issue but, what I am trying to say is, your words are powerful and do no underestimate the power of words. If an innocent child is reading your words, he might not turn up to be a better man rather than a sinful one. We have to see the future, not the present.
    Please don't stop writing such stuff, it is gut-wrenching and thought provoking. I would love to read something like this again.

  7. You inspire me, my friend.

    I am always happy to write things that concern anyone as a matter of fact. And if its about creating awareness, I would love to do it again, again and again. There is no limit to that.

    Like you said, if it helps a kid to turn out to be better man, I wouldn't ask more. Rather I would do the same through writing and continuing that. I know words are powerful than anything, but most of the times people don't even care about the depth of the words, the reason behind the depth of those words. If that is achieved, that realization by people, I would be more than happy.

    Thanks for dropping by and giving a little motivation to keep on writing.

  8. You inspire me, my friend.

    I am always happy to write things that concern anyone as a matter of fact. And if its about creating awareness, I would love to do it again, again and again. There is no limit to that.

    Like you said, if it helps a kid to turn out to be better man, I wouldn't ask more. Rather I would do the same through writing and continuing that. I know words are powerful than anything, but most of the times people don't even care about the depth of the words, the reason behind the depth of those words. If that is achieved, that realization by people, I would be more than happy.

    Thanks for dropping by and giving a little motivation to keep on writing.

  9. Couldn't help but notice how well the title suits your content. People have been angry, people gawk and tsk-tsk when they see cases of rape on the newspaper, but do they change their mindset? Do THEY take initiative? The Gandhi-ji 3 monkeys part was food for thought, I had actually never thought about that before. Again, I agree with every word you have put across there. The society needs a reframing of mind, and honestly, I'm exhausted waiting.

  10. Couldn't help but notice how well the title suits your content. People have been angry, people gawk and tsk-tsk when they see cases of rape on the newspaper, but do they change their mindset? Do THEY take initiative? The Gandhi-ji 3 monkeys part was food for thought, I had actually never thought about that before. Again, I agree with every word you have put across there. The society needs a reframing of mind, and honestly, I'm exhausted waiting.

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An Apocalypse.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

An Apocalypse.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ