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Dear Readers,
I am back. I had been a sort of busy with the exams. Though, they were completed a week ago, but I had been too much obsessed with the after-effect of these exams. God, it was like hell. The whole week of the calcareous insufficiency of time and exploitation of human brain. I actually wanted to write at length about it, but later called it off. I actually don’t want to remember that horrible week again. I actually don’t know what exams are for. Are they for testing our caliber and how well we know the subject and how well we can manage the knowledge we gained through it. If it is so, then they could have made the paper easy for testing the depth of the subject. Instead, they make it tough like they are preparing to fail all people. Secondly, they test our ability to make decisions under pressure. The syllabus is vast like the  ocean and the time is too little. It feels as if someone puts a gun at the head and tells to study. The ticking clock is the gun here. I look at the clock, it moves too fast as usual but it sure imbibes in me another new element called “Tension”. Damn, it is horrible to study under pressure and the newly added tension. The tension in mind that the syllabus can’t be completed on time. And to add to the new element just found are the previous papers. They are like counting stars in the sunny morning. Where do they get all those questions from?  I sometimes wonder what if I give the toughest paper ever with the least known questions to the students to the people who prepare the paper and give them a half-day to study. How would they write? They know everything, so they could write everything perfectly. But do they know everything?
Anyways, the exams are over. And the college was to begin immediately after the day of the exam. But, as a known fact no one turned up to college. But what was more to think was that they didn’t turn even after a week and some are enjoying with the self-declared holiday. And about me, I am a little worried about the consequences of bunking. We already got quite a good blow in the previous semester when all the students bunked. I just hope that it doesn’t happen like that. Well, coming to me now. Why hadn’t I been writing even after a week’s break? I reason is what I mentioned earlier. Adding to it, when I am at home, I surely can’t think anything when I am obsessed with TV and internet 24×7 hours. What about sleep? I don’t remember when I sleep, but I know that I sleep the least unlike during exams. I don’t know what happens during exams. Instead of my various activities to keep me alive the whole night, I tend to fail to study as well as keel me awake up the whole night though I really want to stay.
Leaving about it, next up is about my blog. Yeah, I planned a lot of things pre-exams. But, I am finding it a bit difficult in merging with my thoughts. I am thinking of changing the writing procedure and including new things for you dear readers. Please drop by your comments if there is any difficulty in reading due to the theme with which I dressed my blog, thinking that it looks good. May it’s just my opinion. So, if in case there is any difficulty in reading due to the contrast or anything, please feel free to drop by your suggestions.
I would like to thank all the new followers and my readers who take their time to read my posts. Thanks a ton. I would like to keep up the traffic and would try fascinating you with my new posts. So, keep reading and don’t forget to drop by your valuable comments. Now leaving you to continue with your daily chores, I am signing off. And as I mentioned earlier, I am changing the outlook of my blog. SO, I would be adding some puzzles, trivia or anything similar so that even if you get bored by the content above, may be you could survive with the ending lines of my blog. So, enjoy reading if you could. And today’s puzzle:

Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total number of bullets remaining is equal to the bullets each had after division. Find the original number divided.
Note: Answer will be written in the next consecutive blog. Please try your hand at the puzzle.

P.S.  :: Thanks for your time to read my post. If you have any suggestions regarding any changes to be me made, please drop your suggestions in the comment box below. Thank you. 

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0 responses to “Dear Readers …”

  1. answer to your puzzle:
    let x be total no. of bullets. after dividing equally each of them have x/3 bullets. this has got nothing to do with sum. after all of them shot 4 bullets..(not 4 each).. the total bullets left is equal to x-4. and this according to the question equals x/3. hence from these equations x=6 , which is the total number of bullets!! right??

  2. answer to your puzzle:
    let x be total no. of bullets. after dividing equally each of them have x/3 bullets. this has got nothing to do with sum. after all of them shot 4 bullets..(not 4 each).. the total bullets left is equal to x-4. and this according to the question equals x/3. hence from these equations x=6 , which is the total number of bullets!! right??

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Dear Readers …

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ