There is unjust and he just couldn’t figure out what was happening. The light at the end of the tunnel faded and there was no more hope. While he wished and strived in-spite of sinking down the hole, he wished for a little faith, a reason to make up the lost trade. The road was hazy filled with something unheard something unknown. Which way to go, seemed difficult while he was covered in the cloud of confusion. The anguish and the dilemma were taking the little life whichever was left. While the mind played the little game of its own trickery to deceive its own body seemed unaffected by whatsoever was happening.
The life seemed pointless, as a matter of fact everything. The reason is far beyond the normal perception. As he kept drowning into the swamp of troubles crying for help which was unheard. In his darkest despair seeking for a hand to spare and pull him out of that dreary dreadful place called earth. What he wishes for was bit riches nor fame nor that would make him proud or his family proud. All that he wanted seemed so strange. God seemed to have got confused by his prayers. He wished for the salvation from the suffering , from the world where nothing seemed to go his way.
The strength drained as he saw himself fall down the ladder. He was helpless while he realized that his own creation was destroyed by thyself. Helpless, he lay on the deserted journey of life. In-spite of his pessimistic thoughts which prevailed his mind, he fought for the little hope. No matter what he did, it went wrong, the other way. He tried, he tried harder. But alas! He lost it, he lost it.

0 responses to “He Lost It.”
🙂 I really love this piece. Just for the emotion, and the way you've expressed it.
Contentwise, “All seemed pointless for a moment.”
For just a moment,… 🙂
🙂 I really love this piece. Just for the emotion, and the way you've expressed it.
Contentwise, “All seemed pointless for a moment.”
For just a moment,… 🙂
Thanks, I guess. 🙂
Thanks, I guess. 🙂
Loved it ☺
Loved it ☺
Glad, you liked it. 🙂
Glad, you liked it. 🙂