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“Always remember to slow down in life; live, breathe, and learn; take a look around you whenever you have time and never forget everything and every person that has the least place within your heart”
– Anonymous

” To live is the rarest thing in the world, Most people exist, that is all.”
– Oscar Fingall O’Flahertie Wills Wilde

I live in the wilderness of man’s unseen, unknown and undesirable thoughts. I live with a stupid notion of the life waiting for when will it all end. I live in the craziest of the happenings when its hard to decide what actually I am doing. I live in the critical stage of life when I could see the time pass by me and I don’t give a damn care about it.
I live with the pejorative. I live in the whole ego world. There is a strong human alibi called EGO which sometimes never leaves the skin of a man.

I live with the stupidity of the people thinking something, telling  something and doing something else. I live with a greatest desire of achieving what no one has ever achieved. I live with the thoughts of my own, clearly uncared and untamed.

I live in the humorous society which have some principles just to giggle and make the hell out of it.I live in the complete boredom of today’s unbiased work and the laziness of the next moment.
I live in the generous state where team work seldom means one does the work and the others take the credit. I live in the pronominal state where the people always have to depend on others for their and every single work. I live in a seducing society where money is given much more preference than the people and their thoughts. And people would get down to the meanest things for the sake of money.

I live in a diversified state where promises are broken like the old glass and blown to ashes. And as if no promises were made and cherish their own insignificant in-adolescent behavior. 

I live in a self determined state of achieving  where reaching goal is the limit. I live in an educational society where everyone is educated but doesn’t act like one. I live in the complexity of the human character where the so called protectors  are themselves corrupt .

I live in  a human grooving incapability where a word given is forgotten.I live in a ever criticizing human artificiality and duplicity. I live in the mans stubbornness of in-perplexity. I live in the human obsessed and attractive world where there is desire for everything and if not achieved leads to fatal consequences.

I live in  a harmony of good company where they respect my ideologies and I accept and respect theirs. And there is mutual understanding among each other and everyone.I live in patriarchal society where there is  male dominance and the dominance is sometimes wrongly utilized. 

I live in a state-of-unknown where people realize their calibre only after they have achieved which they never thought could achieve and when pointed by a foreigner  I live in a excellence at extremities  of human thinking where one spends money for work and the other thrives for the same money.
I live in the complexity of the future which is unknown and optimism is a path for it. But sometimes ruled by pessimism.I live in the frustrating present and the ever criticizing un-laid future thoughts. I live in the rebellion of mankind who consider themselves superiors and the rest trash.
I live in the uncertainty of tomorrow and the gruesome of the ticking clock. I live in a multitude of people where there is every liability of wrong conception. I live at the edge of everyone’s wrongly guided  misconception.I live in the odyssey of human unlikeliness spending much time in the ugliness rather than creative.
I live in the whole rational world and awkwardness of reality. I live with the irrational, unbiased, critical and revolutionized thoughts.
P.S. :: There are too many thoughts in the beginning. Ok, this is something I wrote like 2 years back. I don’t seem to get the essence of the whole post. But now it is out , it is upto you to decipher/analyze/whatever. 

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0 responses to “iLive.”

  1. with everything n everyone changing around one thing that's constant is that we keep on goin../
    no matter what we never stop moving forward
    loved that whole chaos n confusion that prevails majority of our lives and it's well expressed in your post

  2. with everything n everyone changing around one thing that's constant is that we keep on goin../
    no matter what we never stop moving forward
    loved that whole chaos n confusion that prevails majority of our lives and it's well expressed in your post

  3. Heartfelt post AK :')
    You've penned 'living' exquisitely!
    “I live in a diversified state where promises are broken like the old glass and blown to ashes.”- I loved this line!

    Life has it's fair share of black and white. Merely existing is like letting your life lay dormant in these 2 shades, and it confuses you and breaks you and challenges you. I think “living” in the truest sense, would mean discovering the rainbow, and not just confining ourselves with the stipulated shades of black and white. Well your post took me to the “ponder zone” and I don't even know if what I said makes sense, so please feel free to say- “er…what?” 😛

    Anyway, keep up the great thoughts pouring!

  4. Heartfelt post AK :')
    You've penned 'living' exquisitely!
    “I live in a diversified state where promises are broken like the old glass and blown to ashes.”- I loved this line!

    Life has it's fair share of black and white. Merely existing is like letting your life lay dormant in these 2 shades, and it confuses you and breaks you and challenges you. I think “living” in the truest sense, would mean discovering the rainbow, and not just confining ourselves with the stipulated shades of black and white. Well your post took me to the “ponder zone” and I don't even know if what I said makes sense, so please feel free to say- “er…what?” 😛

    Anyway, keep up the great thoughts pouring!

  5. Each point in the post have some seriously observed thoughts..as if on one random day leaving all you works behind you were sitting at vantage point of city with big cup of coffee, breeze was slowly blowing the hot steam from the mug, you closed your eyes for a while and then wrote the post..he he..:P(*How poetic and pensive effect your post has! Lol!*)….It's really a-post in the herd of some-posts. Commendable for tuning out the chaos! 🙂

  6. Each point in the post have some seriously observed thoughts..as if on one random day leaving all you works behind you were sitting at vantage point of city with big cup of coffee, breeze was slowly blowing the hot steam from the mug, you closed your eyes for a while and then wrote the post..he he..:P(*How poetic and pensive effect your post has! Lol!*)….It's really a-post in the herd of some-posts. Commendable for tuning out the chaos! 🙂

  7. Wow. I would really like to do that. Seriously, I had that scene playing in my mind for so long now but haven't been able to do that.

    Why, Thank You. 🙂 Poetic and pensive! Hmm, That's too much of a praise for too little of a post.

    Thank you so much. 🙂

  8. Wow. I would really like to do that. Seriously, I had that scene playing in my mind for so long now but haven't been able to do that.

    Why, Thank You. 🙂 Poetic and pensive! Hmm, That's too much of a praise for too little of a post.

    Thank you so much. 🙂

  9. I couldn't get it fully either but I got what it is all about. You have confessed the what real life is all about. Yeah, it is made this way by us and hence we call it real life and I am not sure if life was actually meant to be like this. I would this is the best of your serious kind of posts so far 🙂

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  10. I couldn't get it fully either but I got what it is all about. You have confessed the what real life is all about. Yeah, it is made this way by us and hence we call it real life and I am not sure if life was actually meant to be like this. I would this is the best of your serious kind of posts so far 🙂

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

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