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Life is a struggle.
We live it with our choices.
Battling with the decisions we made, and have to make.
We encounter ourselves in a constant tug-of-war; with the choices/decisions.
The alternative option seems so satisfying than the choice we make. 
But we cant alter it. We are bound with the choices.

We dream ourselves to be rich; even richer. 
But when we look at the present condition, we find it difficult to achieve.
Make Sky the limit, people say. How many have touched it; I may ask?
We are inspired, sometimes.
Sometimes, we are dejected
We can’t stop at other’s competence.

To reach a goal, It needs hard-work.
Motivation, Inspiration sometimes help.
Even failures does inspire some.
For the rest, its a back-bone for more.
Isn’t the mind overloaded, frustrated?
Can we help it ? After all its our destiny, isn’t it ?

Aren’t we in a constant rambling, from our childhood.
Television has created a false notion for a child with the Happy endings.
Rarely does in real life we encounter a happy ending.
If at all we do, it’s with ultimate struggle.
Struggle is the definition of life. 
Unless you struggle, life isn’t as easy you want it to be.

Till when, do we have to keep battling?
Battling with the decisions, choices & life! 
Aren’t we losing life in the struggle for existence?
Darwin’s theory holds well for the evolution of mankind.
But it doesn’t quite well define the exact meaning of struggle for existence.
I too know, without struggle nothing can be achieved. 

With all the peer pressure and the unbalancing human mind,
What is easy, to live or to die?
Living is a struggle for a life-time,
Death is a momentary struggle.
Isn’t it cowardliness to end life, just because we can’t decide. 

Just because, we failed in making the right choices.
Just because, we see life as a constant struggle, rather than a way to live life.
Just because, we are summoned/discouraged/disrespected.
Just because, we can’t face challenges and find problems as a problem.

Life is never easy, I say. I know.
It isn’t a struggle also. 
Its a way to live life. Struggle is just a part.
Life isn’t fun without struggle/problems/difficulties.
Once we overcome them, we feel the unknown happiness.
The one thing which can never be bought.
We feel alive. Alive with the achievement.
So, all that you have to do is live life as it comes your way.

After all, we end at where we began, the CHOICE.
Whatever we choose, we have are bonded it with for the rest of life.

SO CHOOSE WISELY. Whatever you decide with your life, take it seriously. Life is serious . Don’t ever think that it’s easy. It is, when you have dad who gives you money at the expense of nothing. For the rest, which covers the whole world, your choices do make a difference. Think and act. You still got a life time to enjoy for the right choices you make. 

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0 responses to “Life – Choice.”

  1. Very true….
    In Life depending on the situation, we make choices. At times, even we are unaware of the consequences of or choices. It might be good from one way. Otherwise, it leads to a new struggle. Even if its correct, it links to a new struggle.
    Life continues to go on as a struggle for existence. New struggle everytime. I guess struggle is directly proportional to the scientific and technological development.. More comfortable we are, More complex becomes the struggle…. A great post indeed.. Truly an eyeopener and inspiring…..

  2. Very true….
    In Life depending on the situation, we make choices. At times, even we are unaware of the consequences of or choices. It might be good from one way. Otherwise, it leads to a new struggle. Even if its correct, it links to a new struggle.
    Life continues to go on as a struggle for existence. New struggle everytime. I guess struggle is directly proportional to the scientific and technological development.. More comfortable we are, More complex becomes the struggle…. A great post indeed.. Truly an eyeopener and inspiring…..

  3. @Sushanth : Thank you.
    Yes, Life is a never-ending-struggle for existence.
    And you said it rightly.. Struggle is proportional to the scientific and technological development. 🙂

    Thanks for dropping by and sparing time for the comment. 🙂

  4. @Sushanth : Thank you.
    Yes, Life is a never-ending-struggle for existence.
    And you said it rightly.. Struggle is proportional to the scientific and technological development. 🙂

    Thanks for dropping by and sparing time for the comment. 🙂

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Life – Choice.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ