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The silent wind ruffled through the empty spaces. The sun played hide and seek with the clouds and the world was just as busy as it has always been. I stood at the middle of the day in the middle of the road. I could feel the lime light upon me and blurred images revolving around me. I stood there silently watching the world as it faded into night and there I was standing without a clue of what I had been doing so far. 

The sky lamented as the stars froze in silence. The unheard screaming voices yet have a story to tell. I have always been a spectator, a silent one observing from the last seat of the stadium. It has always been like that. I could see everything and anything under the sun. Now the stadium is empty, the ground is clear and tired and I am still there sitting in my seat and watching. What am I still doing there? The answer to which I don’t have yet.

The dawned to give birth to a pleasant and bright morning. The sun was lovely and the breeze was cold. As the birds chirped their morning song, the wind blew through my face. 
One could call it a lethal combination of a perfect morning. As I saw the birth of a beautiful morning and a yet another great day in creation, I was numb to all that was happening around me. I was lost in my own world, a world of temperament. What would I be called if I can not appreciate the beauty that just in front of me. The blindness to the exquisiteness has turned the admiring mind to an impeachable mind which questions the very existence of me. 

I question the existence of me. And then I question the creation and the creator. Because without which this world is just another barren land.  Life seems to be so tangled in the questions with no answers. And then there are the silent prayers; for a little hope, for a little change. But they seem to be unheard. May be after all, they are as silent as they sound like. If silent prayers can’t help, then what can? Is it that one has to go to the top of the mountain and shout so that the prayers are heard? 

Among all these, at the end of the day it is always dark and people prefer silence to anything. The darkness gets dearer and the prayers are still done in silence.  Because life is such. And may be I should also be adorning the silence and let life takes its course. But an agitated mind like mine can never be silent. And questions, will still remain to be silent and unheard.

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0 responses to “Life is such.”

  1. I feel the same almost everyday. These unanswered existential questions bother me no less. They are always hovering somewhere in the vicinity, constantly poking me.

    I sit and I observe. Silently. Reflectively. Maybe, just maybe, that's all I'm meant to do. (?)

  2. I feel the same almost everyday. These unanswered existential questions bother me no less. They are always hovering somewhere in the vicinity, constantly poking me.

    I sit and I observe. Silently. Reflectively. Maybe, just maybe, that's all I'm meant to do. (?)

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Life is such.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Life is such.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ