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Aren’t we just the perpetual anagrams of the greater things. Great things which we had dreamed every single day. The blatant philosophy we preached and was preached.  Don’t get me wrong, for we were the philosophers and the students. While a few stories had been inspiring, Isn’t it all a little too serene, unreal? Their stories, their life. This life. “Life is beautiful” they said. I struggled to understand what beautiful meant, every single day.

What does it mean anyway ? I’ll define when I find it. But you, yes you reading this charades of fragmented words, meaningless, pointless abstractions , tell me how beautiful is your life? Don’t tell me in quantity. Don’t give a number to it. Don’t materialize it, but tell in a way you see it, be the guide, and may be, may be I would understand something, someday. Do you think I won’t understand ? Probably you are right. I’m nearly the quarter century and still lost. What will I understand right? They said you are young, you should be living your life. I never understood what ” living a life” meant. Is it the happiness, is it the drive for passion, is it the fight? What is living a life, really?

Anagrams!  The fragments of moments as the clock turns the seconds into years. Between understanding what we need and what we want to do, life passed by, slowly, meticulously, shredding the anagrams of so called life.

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0 responses to “Life that passed by.”

  1. *slow clap* very nicely done… “Life is beautiful” they said. I struggled to understand what beautiful meant, every single day.” I guess this is one of my every day thoughts… Very nice Ajay, seriously 🙂

  2. I find myself asking this too 😉
    And 'life is beautiful' and 'living a life', for every person this may differ. And I can't be the guide, for it is something to discover on your own, and I'm striving to do the same…in my own little ways…trying to understand life and what it means for me!

  3. Well, I am glad that I am not alone in the journey to find answers. 😀

    Yes, every person has a way of living, thinking and interpreting things and which makes it unique from each one. But I understand that there must be a central essence to all that, I wish to find that.
    I guess that is what life is all about. Finding our place and what it really means.

  4. This is amazingly written!

    Each day in life is an experience where we may go through ups and downs. And keep wondering on what we have made of our lives. But then it's all about keeping the faith and believing in oneself.

    Life is like the sea where one has to learn to ride the crests and the troughs in equal measure!

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Life that passed by.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Life that passed by.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ