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I am an easy person to talk to. Some might say otherwise. Yeah, I was kidding. You will probably and definitely make an attempt to shoot the gun until its empty after say ten minutes of sitting with me. That is, if you had a gun in the hostler. Oh, you are not one of those guys. Well, how about a knife? Not a medieval knight either? Either way, you got the point.  What? You are not a killer. Don’t worry about it. You will become even before you know it.

Two years ago I completed my Engineering in a city which was filled with relatives. And I choose not to stay in hostel because I liked the solitude. But on occasional visits I was being pampered. Sounds great, right? Not exactly. I was pampered by kids, who are like a decade younger to me, literally. No, I wasn’t cuddly or anywhere near sweet. They just loved me. I HAD NO IDEA as why. Because, psst.., I am no talker Sir. My grandma would tell anyone she could find that this guy’s (umm, that would be me) words are like diamonds, so he doesn’t speak at all. I wish man, I wish. I would have been the richest person ever alive or dead. But the point is I am still poor. Oh, not that. I had no idea what was the reason. I didn’t get them any gifts unless it was their birthday. An occasional chocolate was what I used to give them. And that’s pretty much it. I never understood then, neither now. 

Last month when I had to attend a cousin’s marriage. And they were there, those kids, gradually growing up. I had a feeling that 2 years of absence from them, with no contact whatsoever, they might have forgotten me. Umm, they are kids right? So, that was what I thought. Yeah sure, one of my favorite cousin was a little angry because I didn’t call on her birthday on the last two years. But her brother was my biggest fan, or at least that is what I think. The bummer was that he wanted to be like me. WHHAATTT? I was like “Dude, Don’t do that! I am stupid, you are not!”. There was much more to say about this kid. He was fond my style, which I too liked. But that is no good. Because my style or whatever you could it, sucks big time. There will be innumerable examples that I could give about my friends laughing their asses off behind my back, but still point out that I have a great style. Because for a fact I know that there is none and whatever there is, is the worst of its kind.

But the anatomy of a child’s mind works mysteriously. One kid likes, that other kid also likes, and the other one also likes. But only one of them is genuine, the rest all are imbibed. And that leaves me where? At the center of their exploitation. I have no much say when it comes to kids. One kid starts crying for no apparent reason, and the finger points towards me. And I didn’t even say a word or did anything in that aspect. Why me ? The other kids wants something desperately to play and the eyes point towards me. Apparently, there are like a hundred people in the family (okay, I was exaggerating a lil’ bit) and no kid wants anything from anybody else when there are much more shiny and better things with them. Again, why me? This guy wants to play, the others want to play. And more join. My phone becomes a pass on thing where one passes on my phone to the other kid when they failed to complete the game. At the end I am left with a heated mobile, a sweating fear that it comes back to me safely, and no battery. My say in all this? Nothing. No one would even listen to me. Not even Kids

Then there is this chubby cheeked cute cousin sister whom you just can’t stop adoring or pulling her cheeks, she is just the cutest thing. And she was the one angry on me for not calling. Yeah, right! How could I ? I am as guilty as you could ever think about. So, she pulls our her invisible make up kit, which she claims only she can see and no one else and starts doing her tricks on me. And I can see nothing. Its all invisible and she, only she has those again invisible glasses with which she can see. She almost completes her make up session on me and can’t stop giggling about it as she just did everything she wanted to do on me. And mind you, no one can see it except her. I am the barbie doll here, but a little too old and big and not that fancy either. Yeah, again KIDS! She was among one of the kids who just loved to have me at their home. But things have changed now. I don’t see that now. Like I said, people change. Even kids. 

P.S. : Revolutionary blog-titles I used to pick up to attract readers or whatever never worked anyway. So, I am planning to shift to the stupidest, meanest and if possible will try to keep them funny ( no promises there). Sometimes, I feel I am just talking to myself. Of course I am. Who reads a P.S. anyway. 

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0 responses to “Looks like we have got our ‘bakra’ .”

  1. Well, so you are the bakra for kids huh? I would consider you lucky because ever since I remember kids don't come to me easily. I love playing with them but I won't know what about me makes them shy. Now it's better, a few kids take a liking to me 🙂

  2. Well, so you are the bakra for kids huh? I would consider you lucky because ever since I remember kids don't come to me easily. I love playing with them but I won't know what about me makes them shy. Now it's better, a few kids take a liking to me 🙂

  3. The trick is to amaze them. Like a phone with games. Believe me it always works. I have a laptop and ofcourse a phone. And then a camera. They get intruiged by these things and come to us. Well if they have a fancy phone for themselves we can't do anything. 🙂

  4. The trick is to amaze them. Like a phone with games. Believe me it always works. I have a laptop and ofcourse a phone. And then a camera. They get intruiged by these things and come to us. Well if they have a fancy phone for themselves we can't do anything. 🙂

  5. The chubby one sounds very cute 😀
    I like very few children :p, I don't like to play with them in general or like them, it's just one of those rare 1-2.
    The title thing sounds fun, look forward to it! x

  6. The chubby one sounds very cute 😀
    I like very few children :p, I don't like to play with them in general or like them, it's just one of those rare 1-2.
    The title thing sounds fun, look forward to it! x

  7. I try but can never find catchy titles…my posts are rather more interesting than the titles lol

    I disagree that its like a spree with kids…they like someone they like..that is simple with them..anywez nice reading you

  8. I try but can never find catchy titles…my posts are rather more interesting than the titles lol

    I disagree that its like a spree with kids…they like someone they like..that is simple with them..anywez nice reading you

  9. Wait, your titles are catchy. Believe me.
    And ofcourse, your posts are even better and interesting. Everybody knows it. 😀

    The spree that I was talking is more like this : One kid likes me, he keeps telling stuff about me. The other kids believes it and as a result he pretends to like for the benefits that he may receive. But still he doesn't actually like me.

    Oh, Thank You so much. 🙂

  10. Wait, your titles are catchy. Believe me.
    And ofcourse, your posts are even better and interesting. Everybody knows it. 😀

    The spree that I was talking is more like this : One kid likes me, he keeps telling stuff about me. The other kids believes it and as a result he pretends to like for the benefits that he may receive. But still he doesn't actually like me.

    Oh, Thank You so much. 🙂

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Looks like we have got our ‘bakra’ .

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Looks like we have got our ‘bakra’ .

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ