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The story of your life in 250 words or less 
(or one paragraph… no one will be counting your words… probably)

There is no story a such. But life has been in a way on its own, or let us just say I haven’t given much thought to it. That being said, I don’t really agree to what I just said. As far as I am concerned, I am still trying to figure out the whole idea of what this life is, what it holds for me, what I should be doing to make it …say..beautiful.

I am twenty something software engineer who recently acquired a job, which pretty much  no one likes but me; I am still confused. I am a writer as all of you know. Ok. Not a great one, some sort of mid-crisis writer, per say. To add to that, I really enjoy writing. Though, I can give a million reasons why, but then again I don’t have one specific reason. I am also interested in photography, still an amateur and learning the ways.

So, my story life has some interesting aspects which include travelling a lot. Thanks to my dad’s frequent transfers ever three years or so. I have been able to meet up with a lot of different people from different diversities. I got a chance to make some nice friends from different areas. All this frequent travels and moving around has not helped me in learning my native language. Though I can speak because everybody at home speaks, but I have never leaned to write or read. This is one awkward thing when I get back to my native place and people give a surprised look when I say I can’t read/write my native language.

That pretty much sums it. So far, I haven’t able to understand life. Nor have I been able to understand love, for I haven’t had a chance of it. 


Ok! I admit this is the worst I have written about myself. Looks like I don’t even know myself . Seriously, I couldn’t write a single line. What I did was just babbling and rambling. 

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0 responses to “Recap.”

  1. Yayyy we're both doing the challenge! This should be fun 🙂

    And just like you, I just don't know what to say about life. There's too much to say right?

  2. Yayyy we're both doing the challenge! This should be fun 🙂

    And just like you, I just don't know what to say about life. There's too much to say right?

  3. Yeah, Thanks to you. I came to know about it through your blog only. 😀

    Yeah, agreed. There is so much to say and I don't have a clue where to begin.
    Btw you disabled the comments on your post. Was trying to comment, but couldn't find the option only. :O

  4. Yeah, Thanks to you. I came to know about it through your blog only. 😀

    Yeah, agreed. There is so much to say and I don't have a clue where to begin.
    Btw you disabled the comments on your post. Was trying to comment, but couldn't find the option only. :O

  5. Hi. I loved your bumblings and ramblings 🙂 I remembered The guy in the Hat from my blig trawling so I had to come and comment. Can you point out the persob who knows about love? I need to talk to them O.o

  6. Hi. I loved your bumblings and ramblings 🙂 I remembered The guy in the Hat from my blig trawling so I had to come and comment. Can you point out the persob who knows about love? I need to talk to them O.o

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