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People are amazing. Just simply amazing. I have strived to understand them. No, please don’t get me wrong. I am no alien here. I have always tried to be able to understand what they say when they say. Oh no, I ain’t no perfect. But let’s keep me aside for some time. Its not I, that jump into conclusions. Is that right? Does anyone agree to that ? Or do you want me to point it out. Dude, come on. Please, don’t kill my vibe.

And this is partly related to girls. Oh boy, girls. GIRLS! (with an exclamation mark). Okay. Have you ever seen a guy not talking about girls in a daily routine? Umm, would you call him gay if he didn’t? Probably. But there might be some people who might be so busy with themselves and their lives and work and untold reasons that they overlook to talk about girls. Hmph. I try to imagine such a guy. All get is a alien picture with round big eyes staring right back at me. (Aaah, Not a pretty picture) *Snaps out of it* . Unless a guy is busy playing some fascinating game, a major portion of the time is dedicated to girls, either it is how to win them over, or learn some cheesy flirtations or whatever, to impress perhaps! Am I wrong? 

The whole debate of the girls surprises me (especially when guys have). When I say surprises me, I mean like one of the moments when you turn your head and accidentally spill a little coffee because you forgot that you were having a coffee and leave an expression of “What the hell did I just listen to?”. We might not debate, but there sure is a lot to talk about. And I wonder why we keep our minds full with the thoughts of the inevitable. Look, that girl in the blue dress is never gonna look at us, keep aside the smile you were expecting. That girl in the bus who did smile at you may be was thinking about something funny and you were just in the way and you misunderstood that. That girl with the blue eyes was so friendly that you started falling for her, but come on lets wake up to reality. But still a little hope has never killed anyone nor did it hurt anyone. So, when people admire or crack jokes or discard them for their looks, it is not such a big thing. But it sure is when people start making conclusions or should I put them as vague comments about them. One can never know a person by how they look, by how they talk, by how they walk, whatnot. If that is the case then GOD made a pretty big mistake by making people different from each other. Seriously, if God is the creater of all life forms he made a big mistake. He made each one different. The purpose or his intention may be to live in harmony but it’s people we are talking about. They judge. They draw conclusions. They are the worst critics ever known. They spread what they think is right. People.*Sigh* 

So the other day when a friend asked my casuals talks with a few friends as flirtation, I was taken aback. I have never even thought that this kind of thought might cross somebody’s mind. But it did! And I didn’t see this coming. Believe me, I am no good at flirting, because it sounds so stupid, like really stupid. So, when I was put in a spotlight, I contemplated the ideology of the people. People! How did I not see this coming, I wondered. Then I got down into drawing the points that might lead people to think like that in the first place. 

When a friend asked me about a girl whom they saw hanging out with a friend of hers whether that guy is her boyfriend or not. I was like, “Why do you want to know?” Guys are so obsessed with girls, are they not? I asked myself, why? I think I might have an answer to it. 

When a friend eavesdropped on me who caught me talking to an old friend from college, he responded like, “Oh her, isn’t she a bi*ch? She used to hang out with *so-so* guy. If I were you, I would stay away from her! You know right what they did!” I really didn’t know what they did because it was none of my business. And dude, what the f**k? . Come on, seriously. First of all, you don’t get to pass judgments on someone you barely know. And second of all, why do you even care what she does! 

When a person is friendly with another, does that mean that he/she is hitting on her/him. The people are crazy for sure. We sure have to draw a line over here and put an end to this crazy think tank of these people. 

Like I said, people. They think more than they should about people they know the least about. To put it bluntly, it is none of their god damn business, but they make it their business. Is it always about love/infatuation? Does it always get down to it? Or is it people being jealous? That could be the only explanation. Else why would anyone even bother about others? Why can’t just people leave others alone? Why do they have to think about them, about what they do, about whom they hang out with, about whom they love? Is it their business or work or part time job? No. But people make it their business, more like a money making part time job, only that it doesn’t fetch even a single penny, nor is their mind at rest because they will keep banging their head about what they might be doing. 

I’m no different. But I don’t go to the extremes of what people think. I am basically a shy person and don’t open up often. And I find it rather interesting to talk to a complete stranger than to a person whom I know. Because again people judge. So, I have a bunch of people whom I talk to, either it is on blog or twitter or through comments, and I found it rather fascinating. And all this is on the social platform. If any of the people whom I talked to over the internet/blog/twitter meet me, I am sure they will put a question mark face  and wonder whether I am the same person they talked to. 

And yeah, I do draw conclusions. I am no perfectionist. But I could gladly say, I am little different. So, when I come across some person however random they might be, I do pass judgement. I would probably say, she got nice eyes. “She has beautiful hair, may be she should let it loosed.” “She looks perfect in so many ways.” “God, why are you so unfair to me but beyond fair to them?”. “She has….”, wait a second, are you judging me now? You were, weren’t you? Probably thinking, what a creepy guy this person is, or what is wrong with him, or something? And did I just mention your comments as well? Ah, great! I thought I was the good person here. Clearly, I couldn’t prove that to myself. *Sigh*

People jumping into conclusions and judging others, Stop. Why do you even bother? (yeah, yeah, I am telling myself also.) Seriously though, you have no business or right to judge or pass comment on them, (got it boss! Can we just end this now?) 

P.S. : I just changed my display name. I know I am so random and manipulative and unsteady and you name it! I know that it sounds kind of crazy and stupid, but lets see how it turns out to be. 

– The Blue Phoenix (AK)

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0 responses to “The Conclusions.”

  1. Oh god!! These people!! 😀
    Even I got trapped in this whole 'being judgmental' thing and would highly dislike this person, but when I actually got to know the person, he was so damn opposite… and now he is one of the two closest friends I have ever made. Because of him, I have learnt this lesson for life- to never be judgmental at all, specially when you don't know the person! So now when ever someone pass a comment, I get all mad at them

  2. Oh god!! These people!! 😀
    Even I got trapped in this whole 'being judgmental' thing and would highly dislike this person, but when I actually got to know the person, he was so damn opposite… and now he is one of the two closest friends I have ever made. Because of him, I have learnt this lesson for life- to never be judgmental at all, specially when you don't know the person! So now when ever someone pass a comment, I get all mad at them

  3. Nope they certainly don't!

    Oh ya I can get mad a lot but my sweet innocence over shadows it 😉 and so every one just start laughing at me
    But when I am angry, I really am red as angry
    I hope someday u c it too 😛

  4. Nope they certainly don't!

    Oh ya I can get mad a lot but my sweet innocence over shadows it 😉 and so every one just start laughing at me
    But when I am angry, I really am red as angry
    I hope someday u c it too 😛

  5. I hope they learn that.

    Sweet innocence too? I would have to see that too. 😉
    You are funny. 😛

    Red as angry! Scary stuff!
    Yes, I really want to see it soon. 😛
    Any chance to motivate you to bring it out? 😛

  6. I hope they learn that.

    Sweet innocence too? I would have to see that too. 😉
    You are funny. 😛

    Red as angry! Scary stuff!
    Yes, I really want to see it soon. 😛
    Any chance to motivate you to bring it out? 😛

  7. I m funny!!! Thnx man!!! Certainly means a lot to me!!!
    Uh I dont know if it will come out on u but u can for sure watch me while I take it out in someone else

  8. I m funny!!! Thnx man!!! Certainly means a lot to me!!!
    Uh I dont know if it will come out on u but u can for sure watch me while I take it out in someone else

  9. Of course you are. 😀

    Why not on me? I am not a good person at all Believe me. I can get on anybody's nerves pretty easily. I am not joking, seriously I am not (if in case you are laughing or don't believe me). 😛
    Well, that is also fine. Just don't forget to call me. I will take over. I promise . Why would I let you get all red and angry? 😛

  10. Of course you are. 😀

    Why not on me? I am not a good person at all Believe me. I can get on anybody's nerves pretty easily. I am not joking, seriously I am not (if in case you are laughing or don't believe me). 😛
    Well, that is also fine. Just don't forget to call me. I will take over. I promise . Why would I let you get all red and angry? 😛

  11. Ok first of all I m laughing!
    Secondly how can u b nt gud, u r my bro aftr all
    Thirdly how can u get on someone's nerves (hasnt haapnd wid me yet – so I don't believe u
    Fourthly u r not serious 🙂
    Fifth why wud u take over?
    Sixth y wud I let u take ovr
    Seventh – I thought u wantd to c me red as angry:-)

  12. Ok first of all I m laughing!
    Secondly how can u b nt gud, u r my bro aftr all
    Thirdly how can u get on someone's nerves (hasnt haapnd wid me yet – so I don't believe u
    Fourthly u r not serious 🙂
    Fifth why wud u take over?
    Sixth y wud I let u take ovr
    Seventh – I thought u wantd to c me red as angry:-)

  13. I warned you not to laugh! 😛
    Aww, so sweet of you. :'-)
    Damn, I am trying my best, you know! *plans another strategy* .
    *Makes a serious face* That looks serious to me. 😐
    I am your bro. That's my responsibility.
    Umm, no comments. 😐
    Yeah, but I won't let that happen. Trust me. 😀

  14. I warned you not to laugh! 😛
    Aww, so sweet of you. :'-)
    Damn, I am trying my best, you know! *plans another strategy* .
    *Makes a serious face* That looks serious to me. 😐
    I am your bro. That's my responsibility.
    Umm, no comments. 😐
    Yeah, but I won't let that happen. Trust me. 😀

  15. Dudeeee! I don't talk about girls on a daily basis!! #FeelingAwkward
    and i am NOT gay #Depressed #Onmyknees #HeadDown #Gloomyexpression Y U SAY THAT?

    This is also because of what you mentioned. Too many sleezebags out there, i feel sick when i talk to them about this stuff and lately i haven't had a real hearty conversation with someone who i am cool with #DirtyCorporatePolitics is sickening me more and more that i feel like my sould is getting sucked out!! Seriously!
    Yesterday, that crazy owl eyed dude (my PL) whose cubicle is right behind me was trying to crush me down with a #Staredown because i have sametime conv tabs open of people who are not work related!!
    My life is going to dogs! Oh! Sorry dogs…you are better and cute and lovely…oooh what was i saying? girls? #Depressed #Onmyknees #HeadDown #Gloomyexpression Nooooooo……

  16. Dudeeee! I don't talk about girls on a daily basis!! #FeelingAwkward
    and i am NOT gay #Depressed #Onmyknees #HeadDown #Gloomyexpression Y U SAY THAT?

    This is also because of what you mentioned. Too many sleezebags out there, i feel sick when i talk to them about this stuff and lately i haven't had a real hearty conversation with someone who i am cool with #DirtyCorporatePolitics is sickening me more and more that i feel like my sould is getting sucked out!! Seriously!
    Yesterday, that crazy owl eyed dude (my PL) whose cubicle is right behind me was trying to crush me down with a #Staredown because i have sametime conv tabs open of people who are not work related!!
    My life is going to dogs! Oh! Sorry dogs…you are better and cute and lovely…oooh what was i saying? girls? #Depressed #Onmyknees #HeadDown #Gloomyexpression Nooooooo……

  17. Yeah, you are one of those guys who are more indulged in work or
    wait are you homosexual? Nah, you can't be. The girls dying for you will prove otherwise. 😛
    You took that literally!
    What else could be the reason? Please enlighten us, Sir !

    Soul sucked out? What's happening dude?

    Lol. Wait, you didn't ping me. That means all the other people were … oh okay.. your girlfriends? ( I can't see any other possible explanation to that).

    Haha. Lol. What's with the girls? Who has left you heartbroken this time? I mean whose heart did you break? 😛 😀

  18. Yeah, you are one of those guys who are more indulged in work or
    wait are you homosexual? Nah, you can't be. The girls dying for you will prove otherwise. 😛
    You took that literally!
    What else could be the reason? Please enlighten us, Sir !

    Soul sucked out? What's happening dude?

    Lol. Wait, you didn't ping me. That means all the other people were … oh okay.. your girlfriends? ( I can't see any other possible explanation to that).

    Haha. Lol. What's with the girls? Who has left you heartbroken this time? I mean whose heart did you break? 😛 😀

  19. Girls dying for me? lol..more hilarious than that zipper thing 😛

    right now on my back there is a tight ass PL who likes to show off his authority by scolding others and that too scold like 100 times for the same mistake. I almost said GET THE FUCK OVER IT! out loud and then i imagined me jobless and shut my mouth.

    Diagonally, there is our manager who is cool but likes to chitchat a lot with this PL somewhere ultimately leading to me and they joke about me, the kind that makes me wanna puke but when i turn back out of curtosy they would say “meru pani cheskondi” ….FUCK U!

    As u can see from all these depressions, where have i got the time to talk about girls or even think? wait ….did i tell you about my college who is 1 and half year senior to me but knows fuck and thinks the way to dominate me is incriminating me infront of my PL…..fuckkkkk

    ewww….looks like i ended up ranting in your comments!

    actually it was a couple of friends asking me “Where on earth are you?” “Do you remember me?” “wtf…you wont reply to my whatsapp?” and such messages

    How come my life turned out so depressing? Curse you god! oh wait! I don't believe in you…Great! Now i don't even have someone to curse

    #Depressed #Onmyknees #HeadDown #Gloomyexpression

  20. Girls dying for me? lol..more hilarious than that zipper thing 😛

    right now on my back there is a tight ass PL who likes to show off his authority by scolding others and that too scold like 100 times for the same mistake. I almost said GET THE FUCK OVER IT! out loud and then i imagined me jobless and shut my mouth.

    Diagonally, there is our manager who is cool but likes to chitchat a lot with this PL somewhere ultimately leading to me and they joke about me, the kind that makes me wanna puke but when i turn back out of curtosy they would say “meru pani cheskondi” ….FUCK U!

    As u can see from all these depressions, where have i got the time to talk about girls or even think? wait ….did i tell you about my college who is 1 and half year senior to me but knows fuck and thinks the way to dominate me is incriminating me infront of my PL…..fuckkkkk

    ewww….looks like i ended up ranting in your comments!

    actually it was a couple of friends asking me “Where on earth are you?” “Do you remember me?” “wtf…you wont reply to my whatsapp?” and such messages

    How come my life turned out so depressing? Curse you god! oh wait! I don't believe in you…Great! Now i don't even have someone to curse

    #Depressed #Onmyknees #HeadDown #Gloomyexpression

  21. Is it? Really? Why am I not finding it funny? Bleh! 😛

    Haha. Lol. Can't you report this to someone? #justAsking

    Haha lol. “Meru pani cheskondi” EPIC. 😛

    I can't stop laughing. I know this is not something to be laughed at, but still. 😛

    It's allright! No worries!

    All girls , I suppose. Strike that, I know that! And you don't reply to my pings!
    If you say you never received my pings, “How dare you delete my pings?” 😛 #Kidding

    The last line is like that fast “All blabla are subject to market risks bla bla…..” Whatever that is (which that voice says for all mutual funds advertisements) . 😛

  22. Is it? Really? Why am I not finding it funny? Bleh! 😛

    Haha. Lol. Can't you report this to someone? #justAsking

    Haha lol. “Meru pani cheskondi” EPIC. 😛

    I can't stop laughing. I know this is not something to be laughed at, but still. 😛

    It's allright! No worries!

    All girls , I suppose. Strike that, I know that! And you don't reply to my pings!
    If you say you never received my pings, “How dare you delete my pings?” 😛 #Kidding

    The last line is like that fast “All blabla are subject to market risks bla bla…..” Whatever that is (which that voice says for all mutual funds advertisements) . 😛

  23. report? Damn sure i will find a way to own his ass! or help someone to do that…probably the later!
    Even if you say that, i always reply to your pings :/

    ooh! what like my signature? Dudeeee! you are making me even more depressed!

  24. report? Damn sure i will find a way to own his ass! or help someone to do that…probably the later!
    Even if you say that, i always reply to your pings :/

    ooh! what like my signature? Dudeeee! you are making me even more depressed!

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

The Conclusions.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ