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To fall or not is the question. There is  chemistry that needs to be involved in the whole process. The chemistry is related to something inside, or as visual as the eyes. Or like blind stupidity of one unable to read other’s thoughts ( Yeah, Edward Cullen ) or I don’t know. Seriously, I don’t know. I wish I knew. I wish I fell somewhere in that whole damning pit that people so profoundly want to fall again and again. The only thing I remember about falling was from a one storey slide while playing a game. And believe me the brief moment of flight was awesome. Thankfully, I landed on the lawn. Else I would have had to deal with broken legs/hands or a broken skull. The point being, you fall in places where you least expect to fall. And I have an example to go along with this. I always thought what it would be to have a couple in a group of friends and this was not what I had expected. But people do fall, fall in love under mysterious reasons. 

To understand or not is the whole damn question. I have been told that it happens when it happens and we will know it. Ah, yeah I agree to it absolutely. So have you seen the movies. Most of them, I mean all of them deals with an encounter that goes like this : Guy comes from one side, Girl comes from another side. May be they were blind or something, there is a clash, Guy catches the girl magically or girl falls on guy like a blanket and they look into each other’s eyes and there it begins. If you are thinking of more typical movies, guy is an asshole and tries everything to get the girl and finally she falls for him and  there is an epic dialogue that she would say, “I fell for you the first time I saw you”. *BHAM*. Yes, that was a gun shot. I just blew my brains out. So, you see, it always has to be like that because sometimes the guy has to kill like a thousand guys (read : villans, probably the girl’s father’s rowdies), blew up a few cars, petrol tanks, whatnot, and for what, to live happily after. Bleh!!! Happily Ever After? It is a myth, don’t believe me? Ask any of the last page(s) of the Disney books. They are probably blank and there is a reason for that. Now, you know. 

To say or not is the whole damn question. I have nothing on my side that I could account myself in this aspect, not now, not before. But I have a friend who makes up stories about the love of his life. And when I tell to man up and tell those in quotations “magical words”, he is just too damn scared. That’s what he says though. He would rather risk being a friend for life than make the move. May be she is also struggling with the same dilemma. The risk of losing is far worse than the closeness that you get without saying. Yeah, right? So, what happens when neither of them reveals and end up marrying someone their parents have decided for them. I wouldn’t go that far into it. It sucks, I know and I will leave it there.

To pursue or not is the whole damn question. Last night I was graced by a friend of mine. I have no idea why he still keeps visiting me occasionally even though I have been avoiding his calls and all. Whenever he calls, I keep it aside like one of those customer care calls where they keep calling to take up a postpaid connection or whatever pisses off people. So he shows up late in the night and I was like, Oh, hey. Whats up? Long time. Kaise ho. …and all that bullshit with voluntarily giving a lame excuse for unable to pick up his call. And then a small talk, he goes into the topic he always goes into. Girls. Man, this guy needs to get a life and not to mention a girlfriend. The project I used to work earlier had a few nice girls, per say. And yeah, all were/are awesome. And he had almost everyone in his hit list. But nothing seems to have worked out as one, oh wait four people got married. Oh crap! Everyone is getting married. The livestock is decreasing in population. So as usual he goes on giving his “love advice” as if I will succeed in making a small talk even, leave aside late night calls. I don’t know how he does whatever he does, he has just gone fishing in like 4 different ponds and one is already a bust, so left with three. And you should listen to his unique techniques of persuasion or not. Frankly, I know none. I just nod and give a plastered smile which actually means what the hell is he even saying, GOD. So, there goes our love guru still yet to fall in love somehow.

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0 responses to “To love or not to.”

  1. Welcome back!

    To fall or not is the question — This is not a question and even if it is you don't and won't hold the answer to it.

    To understand or not is the whole damn question — This is a really good question 🙂 However, it is nothing like in the movies. You will know when you are in love. Just that you won't acknowledge it. You will be savoring the feeling deep down but won't still acknowledge it. It's weird but it works that way 🙂

    To say or not is the whole damn question — IMHO, you always say. It's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all. One should get their shot. Else it would be a lifetime of what-ifs.

    To pursue or not is the whole damn question — If you get it, you must pursue it. Only one reason, it's worth it. Whether you succeed or not, you will have a reason to smile for at the end.

  2. Welcome back!

    To fall or not is the question — This is not a question and even if it is you don't and won't hold the answer to it.

    To understand or not is the whole damn question — This is a really good question 🙂 However, it is nothing like in the movies. You will know when you are in love. Just that you won't acknowledge it. You will be savoring the feeling deep down but won't still acknowledge it. It's weird but it works that way 🙂

    To say or not is the whole damn question — IMHO, you always say. It's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all. One should get their shot. Else it would be a lifetime of what-ifs.

    To pursue or not is the whole damn question — If you get it, you must pursue it. Only one reason, it's worth it. Whether you succeed or not, you will have a reason to smile for at the end.

  3. Hey, Thank you, K. 🙂

    I knew you would comment on this. 😛

    Right. Got it. 🙂

    Oh, I could never tell. Or at least now. I hope to feel that feeling.

    Exactly my opinion as well.

    Ah, great words. “Whether you succeed or not, you will have a reason to smile for at the end.” Will remember this!

    Thanks much for dropping by. 🙂

    I have tried to fix that feed problem. Umm, Still working on it. It is working one time and then again its' not. And I could tell the people following to correct that, but I don't want them to waste their time on that.

  4. Hey, Thank you, K. 🙂

    I knew you would comment on this. 😛

    Right. Got it. 🙂

    Oh, I could never tell. Or at least now. I hope to feel that feeling.

    Exactly my opinion as well.

    Ah, great words. “Whether you succeed or not, you will have a reason to smile for at the end.” Will remember this!

    Thanks much for dropping by. 🙂

    I have tried to fix that feed problem. Umm, Still working on it. It is working one time and then again its' not. And I could tell the people following to correct that, but I don't want them to waste their time on that.

  5. Hmm!!!
    Was there a question anywhere? -_-

    You are more optimistic than I ever am. Good for you that you did. I don't find much(read:any) chances to FALL IN LOVE. ( I am one hundred percent sure of it).
    Thanks for the confidence, though. But reality sucks. I know!

  6. Hmm!!!
    Was there a question anywhere? -_-

    You are more optimistic than I ever am. Good for you that you did. I don't find much(read:any) chances to FALL IN LOVE. ( I am one hundred percent sure of it).
    Thanks for the confidence, though. But reality sucks. I know!

  7. Well, yeah of course I would comment on it, especially with the post being about love and all 😉

    Thank you for recognizing my words.

    And I think the feed problem would work only if the readers get the correct URL of the feeds, i.e, to remove your blog from their reader and then add it using the correct URL. It'd only a couple of minutes. Anyway, good luck on that.

  8. Well, yeah of course I would comment on it, especially with the post being about love and all 😉

    Thank you for recognizing my words.

    And I think the feed problem would work only if the readers get the correct URL of the feeds, i.e, to remove your blog from their reader and then add it using the correct URL. It'd only a couple of minutes. Anyway, good luck on that.

  9. Well, yeah of course I would comment on it, especially with the post being about love and all 😉

    Thank you for recognizing my words.

    And I think the feed problem would work only if the readers get the correct URL of the feeds, i.e, to remove your blog from their reader and then add it using the correct URL. It'd only a couple of minutes. Anyway, good luck on that.

  10. Well, yeah of course I would comment on it, especially with the post being about love and all 😉

    Thank you for recognizing my words.

    And I think the feed problem would work only if the readers get the correct URL of the feeds, i.e, to remove your blog from their reader and then add it using the correct URL. It'd only a couple of minutes. Anyway, good luck on that.

  11. Happily Ever After? It is a myth, don't believe me? Ask any of the last page(s) of the Disney books. They are probably blank and there is a reason for that. Now, you know

    hahaha Happily ever afters are no myths..they are real and practical the only thing is you gotta keep working for it..like ALWAYSSS

  12. Happily Ever After? It is a myth, don't believe me? Ask any of the last page(s) of the Disney books. They are probably blank and there is a reason for that. Now, you know

    hahaha Happily ever afters are no myths..they are real and practical the only thing is you gotta keep working for it..like ALWAYSSS

  13. Yes, Exactly. We have to keep working on it, like always and forever.
    And I am not saying that in generality. There are people who do work every day in and day out for a happy life. It may not be their best or what they hoped for but still they are happy. But I guess not all can be on the same page.

    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  14. Yes, Exactly. We have to keep working on it, like always and forever.
    And I am not saying that in generality. There are people who do work every day in and day out for a happy life. It may not be their best or what they hoped for but still they are happy. But I guess not all can be on the same page.

    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  15. To fall in Love or not to fall in Love…. But the real question is, “Will you be able to stand on your feet and walk again, without the help of toxic spirits!!?” 😉

    P.S: Did you by chance change your blog's name or has it always been the shaded shadows?! or maybe I'm getting out of touch from blogging i guess :/ 😛

  16. To fall in Love or not to fall in Love…. But the real question is, “Will you be able to stand on your feet and walk again, without the help of toxic spirits!!?” 😉

    P.S: Did you by chance change your blog's name or has it always been the shaded shadows?! or maybe I'm getting out of touch from blogging i guess :/ 😛

  17. Well to be frank, its a long way ahead. And I am still waiting to fall, somehow. Only then I would be able to tell whether I could walk again or not.

    It has been the same since the inception. I know its a little weird, sounds even weirder. But no changes, I am guarantee you that.
    Or may be, I haven't been regular on your space, perhaps.

  18. Well to be frank, its a long way ahead. And I am still waiting to fall, somehow. Only then I would be able to tell whether I could walk again or not.

    It has been the same since the inception. I know its a little weird, sounds even weirder. But no changes, I am guarantee you that.
    Or may be, I haven't been regular on your space, perhaps.

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To love or not to.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

To love or not to.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ