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He woke up to the beaming sunshine which filled the room in its entirety. With his half naked eyes he saw her, the beauty so pure, so serene beneath the dispersing sun-rays that struck her. He was happy. She slept happy. He slept in devouring her beauty. He fell asleep. 

When he woke up, she wasn’t besides him. He panicked. He searched the whole house. She was no where to be found. His heart missed a beat. He searched again. He went back to their room. He found a note. “Come and Get me. Love .” He sighed a breath of relief. He knew where she would be. She loved plants. She loved flowers. She grew them in their backyard.   

Years passed. He grew old. He stood in the backyard enjoying the shade beneath the tree which she planted years ago. He placed the flowers from their backyard on her grave. He held that note in his hand as a silent tear trickled down his cheek. At the Back of the note, he wrote. “Soon, Love”

-Ajay Kontham [2013]

P.S. : I thought I was writing too serious posts. So, I stumbled at this. Don’t kill me now. And I found some illustrative images related to this. hmm… Bear with me… 

Okay, Fine. I will stop now. Last one…

Phew. Done. 

Is anybody gonna kill him or should I? 
A million bucks for his head. 
No Kidding.
*Draws the Gun from the Drawer.* 
*Gun Shots are fired*. 
*Takes a Million bucks and Goes away*.

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Soon, Love!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Soon, Love!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ