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It only takes a spark to get the fire going.
And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing.
That’s how it is with God’s love,
Once you have experienced it
You want to sing
You feel like spring
You want to pass it on…

A few of us gathered together for Secret Santa tidings, divided by names and united through a common Christmas spirit of sharing. And it is in this spirit that we bring this blog chain to you.

I am thankful to Kala for passing on the baton of spreading Christmas joy and spirit. 

As the stars twinkled in the sky,
The carols lighted the night
With merry and melody.
For the festive thrives in joy, and
All we hear are the jingles all the way.

What does Christmas mean to you? I tried answering this, but there is no perfect answer. We may try to define it, put it in words and all, but then we will realize that it is so much deeper. It is the feeling which we could not define but only show. But then again, what does Christmas mean to you? What does Christmas mean to me? Let me put it one word : Joy. Togetherness. Love. Food. Happiness. Gifts. Santa. And so much more. And yes, I tried the one word but, like I mentioned its’ an feeling we could never measure or quantify.

Every year we used to put up the decorations at school and then at home. Yes, two places, since decorating the Christmas tree has always been fun and the spirit of togetherness that it brings upon is something to remember for a lifetime (each year). And not to mention the food and the delicacies that were prepared during this time is an added bonus. As we grew up, people drifted, be it studies or work or any other reason, this one season brought everyone close, together.

Talking about gifts, we have this debate on whether there is Santa or not. Let me just ease your mind by telling the truth. Santa is real. No, he may not come on reindeer carriage bearing gifts, but he does exist. The thing is we consider Santa to be a person, but we should rather see it as a feeling, a way to share joy and happiness. But we want gifts and we will be surprised to see the gifts near the Christmas tree that you might not have told anyone. Because there are people who know you and what you want. And it is not about getting a gift, though I agree on the joy of getting a gift is unexplainable and equally the person who put the gift is equally happy. 

So, this brings me to the most popular game Secret Santa. I was actually surprised that I hadn’t known about this during my college or school. The idea of the game is sharing, duh. For the past two years, we had been playing the game at office and believe me no one goes home disappointed. Well, it’s the season of joy and sharing. And most importantly its the season that symbolizes togetherness. So, embrace the people around you, give them a hug, they might not need it, but they will feel much better nevertheless. And if you are stuck in an office working, or cribbing over the pages of your book for the exams, or may be just alone, remember that the warmth of the season and the close people will reach you and embrace you, Happy Christmas.

A Merry Christmas to each and every one. Let’s spread Love and Happiness.

I now invite Jaibala Rao to spread the message of Christmas and new years on their blog.


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0 responses to “#UnwrapChristmas by spreading Happiness and Love.”

  1. The spirit of Christmas is sharing and caring! And everyone has a right to expect that! Gifts will delight us, however old we get! Thanks for being a wonderful Santa dear friend. Stay blessed!

  2. Ajay, your writing is always simple and there is that unique honesty that comes through to me… Thank you for being you on this Christmas here and every where else. *hugs* May this new year bring you the best of things you have hoped for 🙂

  3. Whether believe in Santa or not, the fact is that we all have the ability to be like Santa. Each of us can make other people’s lives better and a little brighter with our small gestures and acts. Good to connect with you through this Secret Santa, Ajay and Merry Christmas to you 🙂

  4. Merry Christmas Ajay :). Lovely post. Really love the happiness, fun, joy and love which Christmas brings around. Even I hadn't played Secret Santa until this year. Must say it's quite fun and yeah everyone goes home happy for sure :D.

  5. Thank you to you to for being a part of this. 🙂

    Well, the credit goes to Richa to make this all happen.

    Happy Christmas to you and your family. 😀

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#UnwrapChristmas by spreading Happiness and Love.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

#UnwrapChristmas by spreading Happiness and Love.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ