Water on the Laptop. Chicken Stains on the Shirt. Almost Dead Cell Phone. Broken Heatsets. Lazy feet. Chicken Bucket from KFC. Chocolate Wafers. Messy Room. TV on Mute. Cold Wind. A Pen and an Empty Book. Flickering internet connection. Insensible Discussion by Roommates. Sudden loud shouts. Sarcastic heavy laughs. Girl Boy Talk. Sensitive Guys. The Mindless Critics. Highly functional stupids. A Silent Spectator.

Well this is one of the statements when one(or I) doesn’t/don’t know what exactly should be said in response. I was too dumb-folded and wondering what he just said or did I hear right?. Well, this is just the beginning of a small, yet a big story. Hopefully in the future posts, I’ll probably tell the whole story. I know that guy would kill me for this. But, wth!
- I don’t know what is it with people these days. Last week, I was sitting in a bus, near the door. A guy boards the bus and since there were no more seats available he had to stand besides me. And he was listening to songs as like many other in the bus but I too could hear what he was hearing. Yeah! That Loud. So, his friend boards the bus after two stops. And this guy standing beside me goes like this : “bow chicka wow wow”. And No! It wasn’t an Axe advt. going on there. The other guy was looking stylish-sort-of. But the guy besides me without knowing how loudly he was speaking in between his blaring music in his ears, shouted out loud. I just burst out laughing. So, did all the people who heard that. And thank god, he didn’t take off the other guy’s clothes. God Bless Axe. 😀
- I usually stay at a hostel-kind-of which is generally called Paying Guest(P.G.) here. They serve food two times a day. Though it always sucks, everytime, each day. Most of the times I don’t even go for having dinner. The sometimes when I go, I wonder Why did I come? Because going for a dinner was like go-and-have-a-look kind of drama. And mind you, you get vexed with the preliminary taste-test. Once I gave them the opportunity of my presence and the preliminary taste-test failed. And I just couldn’t eat anymore. So, I thought of going out for a nice restaurant. I go to clean my plate where I find the RIN bar (which is used for washing clothes). At first, I think it must be some sort of new dish-washing soap. But, I linger about still in confusion. My doubts get solved when I see the wraper of the Rin at the far end corner of the kitchen. Idiots, I cuss them. But then some other guys come and begin washing thier plates before I could tell them that they are using the wrong soap-bar. But I still don’t tell to the remaining people. I quietly laugh and come back to my room and wash with the dish-washing soap present in my room. Phew! Kya hoga is desh ka ?
- Recently my email has been almost empty. Well, I have sort of two mail id’s. One for all the Facebook and Blogger stuff and the other as in official mail id, and not the office Email. That is another one, the third one. My inbox was literally empty. But my Spam Folder is filling like anything. I have a habit of checking the mail almost every hour, to kill time, may be, or may be to find out that I won a million bucks and that I have to pay some 20 grand to some guy at the airport customs who would bring me New Nokia Lumia phones, two in number from somewhere I haven’t heard of along with the cask prize of about 1.2 million. The stupider it sounds, the stupider it gets. Anyway, I have had so many such encounters where I even gave my details, without having the idea that I would have to spend some money even before I get any. And later they used to call me saying that the guy is at the Airport Customs and I have to wire something like 20-25 grand so as to clear the customs and then he would give me my million bucks along with some Nokia phones. I may be stupid, but not that. Anyway, I still had some of those in the SPAM folder which I graciously deleted. And then I stumbled upon one mail. It was dated February 3rd, 2003. Two Thousand and Three. ‘What the hell?’ was my immediate response. I wasn’t aware of email word only at that time. I might have a little but I was totally restricted from using the computer and internet back in those days. And more over , I didn’t even had an email. The email to which I got the mail was just recently created like to years ago. And now I see a mail dated 03/02/2003. Well, it no longer is in my spam now. But I am still wondering whether it is some sort of a glitch in the system or no other thoughts strike me.
- The marriage story… The beginning :

Well this is one of the statements when one(or I) doesn’t/don’t know what exactly should be said in response. I was too dumb-folded and wondering what he just said or did I hear right?. Well, this is just the beginning of a small, yet a big story. Hopefully in the future posts, I’ll probably tell the whole story. I know that guy would kill me for this. But, wth!
- There is too much discussion for the casting of ’50 Shades of Grey’. I just stumbled upon a discussion on the social forum that its should be him, it should he that guy, bla bla. Well, Ian Somerhalder is one in the race, who said, “Whoever would be enacting Christian Grey would have a lot of fun”. No argument there.
Ajay Kontham © 2013
Now we got a problem. I saw a lot of people telling this Ajay guy to get his mind back. And there, we got a problem. May be that mind of his might have donned some sort of invisibility cloak or whatever. I saw him searching under TV as suggested by a fellow blogger. Seriously, not kidding. And then someone even mentioned about getting mad trying to stick the pieces of the puzzle, the content he writes. I am way too sorry to say that, he has just lost it, his mind. And the integrity is no where to be seen. He just jumps from one topic to another and sometimes his language seems totally alien to me. I just can’t understand a word of his. Anyway, I am trying my best helping him to get his mind back, because in some way or the other, its affecting my mental stability as well.
‘The Red in the Redness’
Dear K,
You got a valid point. If I wear a red shirt, I should also write in red ? But you see, I am not as cool as I look. I am actually the opposite. And I don the Red for a reason. Yeah, I am hot. Smoking-Hot. Smoking-Burning-Hot. And what color better signifies the hotness?
Now there you go. And also, I tried using other colors, but turns out they don’t look as cool as they should be. (I hope K, a fellow blogger doesn’t kill me for this. Ah! I forgot! Even if anyone tries to kill me, they would be doing the damage to AK, not me. Ha-ha. I am IMMORTAL.)
And on second thought, the little title for this ‘The Red in Redness’ sounds cool, I mean red, I mean Hot. No doubt, I am Awesome. Period.
– The Guy in the Hat, with a red shirt and a red pen. 😀
0 responses to “Hilarious Stupidity V3.0”
GOD! I was literally on the floor, laughing by the end 😀
Keep us updated!
Hopelessly Hopeful
GOD! I was literally on the floor, laughing by the end 😀
Keep us updated!
Hopelessly Hopeful
I am glad this made you laugh. 😀
Yeah, sure. 🙂
Thanks for dropping by. 🙂
I am glad this made you laugh. 😀
Yeah, sure. 🙂
Thanks for dropping by. 🙂
Hahaha Bow chika wow wow moment right there! AXE should make a commercial out of this!
And about the rin bar story..happened in my hostel too. Now I dont stay there anymore!
And every person has their 'I WANNA MARRY NOW' moment.. so chill coz it doesnt last long 😛
IAN SOMERHALDER!!! I would kill him with my drool
Hahaha Bow chika wow wow moment right there! AXE should make a commercial out of this!
And about the rin bar story..happened in my hostel too. Now I dont stay there anymore!
And every person has their 'I WANNA MARRY NOW' moment.. so chill coz it doesnt last long 😛
IAN SOMERHALDER!!! I would kill him with my drool
Ha ha … this was fun 😀
Ha ha … this was fun 😀
I think my eyes are currently spinning around like Kaa in Jungle Book from all the red text…wicked Mr Red should be happy.:P
Spam folders keep your morale up till your next moment of brilliance when people go all out emailing you!
Oh yeah,Ian Grey…promising to say the least.:)
I think my eyes are currently spinning around like Kaa in Jungle Book from all the red text…wicked Mr Red should be happy.:P
Spam folders keep your morale up till your next moment of brilliance when people go all out emailing you!
Oh yeah,Ian Grey…promising to say the least.:)
Haha, Yeah,It definitely should make one one this.
Oh. What did you people do ?
Really? May be mine will be about 10 years from now, and probably that would be too late by then. 😛
Poor Ian. 😛
Haha, Yeah,It definitely should make one one this.
Oh. What did you people do ?
Really? May be mine will be about 10 years from now, and probably that would be too late by then. 😛
Poor Ian. 😛
Glad you had a nice laugh, GS.
Glad you had a nice laugh, GS.
Hehehehahaha. Of course, I am happy.
And the name sounds cool. Mr. Red. Awesome. Thanks. 😀
Yeah, you're right.
Hehehehahaha. Of course, I am happy.
And the name sounds cool. Mr. Red. Awesome. Thanks. 😀
Yeah, you're right.
lol@bow chika wow wow
But i think you are mistaken. Its definetely Chika bomb! Look it up…and no one can resist a chika bomb 😉
A mail dated to the past? May be Danbrown's fiction isn't really Fiction 😛
The Red in redness sounds hot and intenseee….may be you should also apply for enacting Christian Grey ?
lol@bow chika wow wow
But i think you are mistaken. Its definetely Chika bomb! Look it up…and no one can resist a chika bomb 😉
A mail dated to the past? May be Danbrown's fiction isn't really Fiction 😛
The Red in redness sounds hot and intenseee….may be you should also apply for enacting Christian Grey ?
You got a point there. 😀
I guess so. Dan Brown, why me? 😛
I would love to. 😀
You got a point there. 😀
I guess so. Dan Brown, why me? 😛
I would love to. 😀
Bow chika bow wow was hilarious!!!!! And the rin bar for washing dishes??!!! Oh man, the horror.:O I too get more spam than emails and that's just because I had given out the email id senselessly wherever asked. Glad I stopped that stupidity for a while now. And the date thing, baffles me. Maybe there was a some mess up in the server timing or something.
Dear Guy in the hat,
First things first! My eye says that shirt is pink and not red! Is it me that is color blind? 😛 Have a look at it again and re-consider. 😀 And yeah, you helping Ajay in getting his mind back? Fat chance!!! It's you who stole it in the first place, I suspect.
Until later,
Keirthana 🙂
Bow chika bow wow was hilarious!!!!! And the rin bar for washing dishes??!!! Oh man, the horror.:O I too get more spam than emails and that's just because I had given out the email id senselessly wherever asked. Glad I stopped that stupidity for a while now. And the date thing, baffles me. Maybe there was a some mess up in the server timing or something.
Dear Guy in the hat,
First things first! My eye says that shirt is pink and not red! Is it me that is color blind? 😛 Have a look at it again and re-consider. 😀 And yeah, you helping Ajay in getting his mind back? Fat chance!!! It's you who stole it in the first place, I suspect.
Until later,
Keirthana 🙂
Yeah, may be some mess up in the server.
Dear K,
You don't get the point, do you. Pink or Maroon(to be precise) is the new RED. And I suspect you have a very good eye. So, you don't have to go and get an eye check-up. 😛 .
What..No…How…umm…I..I mean how did you find out?
Am I that transparent? Wait, on second thought I am not a thief.
Try your might, AK can never know. Remember, he lost it.. Hahahahaha. 😀
The Guy in the Hat.
Yeah, may be some mess up in the server.
Dear K,
You don't get the point, do you. Pink or Maroon(to be precise) is the new RED. And I suspect you have a very good eye. So, you don't have to go and get an eye check-up. 😛 .
What..No…How…umm…I..I mean how did you find out?
Am I that transparent? Wait, on second thought I am not a thief.
Try your might, AK can never know. Remember, he lost it.. Hahahahaha. 😀
The Guy in the Hat.
HAHAHA!!! my state- ROFL 😀
This was one hell of an amazing post! Specially the first incident u described 😀
Ok, I am seriously in no state to write anything sensible now!!
And once again, Sir You are AWESOME 😀
HAHAHA!!! my state- ROFL 😀
This was one hell of an amazing post! Specially the first incident u described 😀
Ok, I am seriously in no state to write anything sensible now!!
And once again, Sir You are AWESOME 😀
I am glad you had a nice laugh.
Its' okay.
Thank you.
I am glad you had a nice laugh.
Its' okay.
Thank you.
Damn it! you nail the hilarity like you do in most of the posts.
Damn it! you nail the hilarity like you do in most of the posts.
Why, Thank You. 🙂
Why, Thank You. 🙂
One hell red er…smoking-burning-hot red post 😀
One hell red er…smoking-burning-hot red post 😀
Thank You, Kriti. 😀
Thank You, Kriti. 😀
I think there is something that can make you look hotter than this red shirt pic…guess what…use the Salman Khan formula. He he he.
I think there is something that can make you look hotter than this red shirt pic…guess what…use the Salman Khan formula. He he he.
Haha, Nice.
Will try that. 😀
Thanks. 🙂
Haha, Nice.
Will try that. 😀
Thanks. 🙂
I am just back from my native after a looooong vacation. Gonna read through all the posts I missed out and comment (though I know it is late :P)
Mr. Guy in the hat,
Hmmm, your color palette is different from mine 😛 For me, maroon is maroon and red is red. I even get teased by my friends for trying to describe the exact shade of colors. A few examples of my color palette for you – Ruby red, Diamond white, Golden Yellow, Parrot green and I go on like this. So let me give it to you. Because I am the crazy one with the color shades 😉
And yeah, you are transparent and that's good! As long as AK doesn't know, I guess he should be fine in blissful oblivion 😛 Okay instead of babbling here, I am off to read the rest of the posts. 😛
Until later,
Keirthana 🙂
I am just back from my native after a looooong vacation. Gonna read through all the posts I missed out and comment (though I know it is late :P)
Mr. Guy in the hat,
Hmmm, your color palette is different from mine 😛 For me, maroon is maroon and red is red. I even get teased by my friends for trying to describe the exact shade of colors. A few examples of my color palette for you – Ruby red, Diamond white, Golden Yellow, Parrot green and I go on like this. So let me give it to you. Because I am the crazy one with the color shades 😉
And yeah, you are transparent and that's good! As long as AK doesn't know, I guess he should be fine in blissful oblivion 😛 Okay instead of babbling here, I am off to read the rest of the posts. 😛
Until later,
Keirthana 🙂
Oh, Nice. 🙂
I hope you had a great time.
But come on, you don't want to ruin the good mood by my mindless inquisitions. Wait.. You already did. And I so very much thank you for your patience. Well, its' never late. 😀
Dear K,
You can say that. And OMG. You must be a painter or something. How do you know all those minute colors. Well, I don't even stand a chance in front of your knowledge of colors. Ah, Nice. I thought you would mention the color of the shades also. 😛 And you ain't no crazy. Believe me. 😀
It's good? Then its fine. He won't. What? Blissful Oblivion? Where did the bliss come from to his oblivion? Seriously, there is no bliss. Just oblivion. Well, Thanks for babbling ( you only said it. I would have said, you wasted a lot of your precious time. 😛 ).
Sooner than later,
The Guy in the Hat
Oh, Nice. 🙂
I hope you had a great time.
But come on, you don't want to ruin the good mood by my mindless inquisitions. Wait.. You already did. And I so very much thank you for your patience. Well, its' never late. 😀
Dear K,
You can say that. And OMG. You must be a painter or something. How do you know all those minute colors. Well, I don't even stand a chance in front of your knowledge of colors. Ah, Nice. I thought you would mention the color of the shades also. 😛 And you ain't no crazy. Believe me. 😀
It's good? Then its fine. He won't. What? Blissful Oblivion? Where did the bliss come from to his oblivion? Seriously, there is no bliss. Just oblivion. Well, Thanks for babbling ( you only said it. I would have said, you wasted a lot of your precious time. 😛 ).
Sooner than later,
The Guy in the Hat
Am that jobless 😛
Dear guy in the hat,
I am no painter. I suck at painting but I love colors. So I try to find out what each shade is called 🙂 Anyway thanks! And since he is in oblivion he won't know he lost his mind, that I call blissful 🙂 See, when you don't know what you lost and what you are missing it is still better than knowing that you lost it and suffering. Okay, this has gone beyond words. I will shut up 😛
Am that jobless 😛
Dear guy in the hat,
I am no painter. I suck at painting but I love colors. So I try to find out what each shade is called 🙂 Anyway thanks! And since he is in oblivion he won't know he lost his mind, that I call blissful 🙂 See, when you don't know what you lost and what you are missing it is still better than knowing that you lost it and suffering. Okay, this has gone beyond words. I will shut up 😛
You Jobless?
Not gonna believe that. 😛
Dear K,
Oh, I was wrong I guess. And good for you. Knowing is good. Oh yeah, that is indeed bliss.
And truly said. I don't think it went any beyond. They make perfect sense. Thanks for that.
And you don't have to stop telling ever. 😛
The Guy in the Hat.
You Jobless?
Not gonna believe that. 😛
Dear K,
Oh, I was wrong I guess. And good for you. Knowing is good. Oh yeah, that is indeed bliss.
And truly said. I don't think it went any beyond. They make perfect sense. Thanks for that.
And you don't have to stop telling ever. 😛
The Guy in the Hat.