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I have been blurting about my Insomniac problem. Well, it actually isn’t a problem as I am an active part of it . I mean I am the one leading myself into Insomnia by engaging myself into some or the other activities which could be trickled down to either watching TV series or playing games. I think by now most of the people reading my blog would know about that. Not only these people, the people at office also know that. And also the people who are in a totally different state and as a matter of fact , people in other countries also know about this. Whoa! Wow, I sound famous. But alas! It is just a distant dream. What ? Being famous, of course. Being insomniac doesn’t make one famous. 

As I have already mentioned earlier about some of the incidents that happened to me when I was being sleep-ridden over the whole night. Let me point out a few and come to the latest one that happened just yesterday. Let me just skip to the latest one. I don’t have much time now. I am attending a colleague’s marriage. And in order to attend it, we have to start here as early as 4 am in the morning. So, yeah my so called Insomniac problem will help me better this time. And also I have to go to my friend’s room since the pick up will start over there and I live on the other side of the city. So, yeah, I am writing this as fast as possible. Why the hurry, you may ask ? No reason as such. Umm.. well, I want to write a total of 200 posts by this year end. And with over a month remaining I still have to write 30 odd posts. 

The night before yesterday, I didn’t sleep as usual. Nothing new there. And the odd thing was that I wanted to go for a movie the other day. So, by keeping in mind my insomnia I planned that I won’t be able to go to the movie in the morning if in case I don’t sleep the whole of the night. But that’s a known thing that I won’t be sleeping the whole of the night. So, I didn’t sleep. The odd thing that I did was that I booked the ticket for the first show which I felt might give me some encouragement to sleep or not sleep at all till I had completed watching the movie. Everything was going fine till seven in the morning. That is the time I wash my clothes (on a Saturday morning). I completed that and the time was eight. No biggie since the movie was at 10:10 am , I still had over an hour to get ready. I was feeling a little sleepy by now. I really don’t know why! May be because I hadn’t slept the previous night as well. So, I get myself into the hot shower. But after I come out, I don’t know what I did. When I opened my eyes, I was in my bed and the time was twelve. What the hell happened in the middle? Did I watch the movie, came back and slept on my bed or I just slept after the bath. The time in between is lost. I really don’t know what happened. One thing to feel nice about is that at least I wasn’t sleeping naked in my bed after the bath. Now, that would be disappointing when my roommates find myself in that situation. 

P.S. Okay, I gotto run. Bye.

Recent Comments

0 responses to “One Aftermath.”

  1. Apart from all the jokes that you make of your insomnia, I really feel you are pushing your body beyond limits. This kind of insomnia should not be taken lightly. Out of concern for a fellow blogger, I would suggest you to look into it.

    Wish you a good night's sleep 🙂

  2. Apart from all the jokes that you make of your insomnia, I really feel you are pushing your body beyond limits. This kind of insomnia should not be taken lightly. Out of concern for a fellow blogger, I would suggest you to look into it.

    Wish you a good night's sleep 🙂

  3. Sleeping naked in a shared room? well you didnt meet the first and foremost prerequisite for it….so dont worry. You should be atleast two bottles up to do that either to get the courage if you are conscious or as an excuse after you wake up no?
    wanna try? I can only imagine how the next blog would be 😛

  4. Sleeping naked in a shared room? well you didnt meet the first and foremost prerequisite for it….so dont worry. You should be atleast two bottles up to do that either to get the courage if you are conscious or as an excuse after you wake up no?
    wanna try? I can only imagine how the next blog would be 😛

  5. Dude…I have tried insomnia but could nevrr catch the fever. and dude get some sleep coz it aint good for you otherwise. I am's ure u knw it well by now especy after ur Ghajini Style bedroom sleeping fiesta… Hehehe

  6. Dude…I have tried insomnia but could nevrr catch the fever. and dude get some sleep coz it aint good for you otherwise. I am's ure u knw it well by now especy after ur Ghajini Style bedroom sleeping fiesta… Hehehe

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One Aftermath.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

One Aftermath.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ