So Far – Till Now.
The year has almost ended. It is over. Almost over. This is the last day of the year. Glad, I am still here to write this post. I feel it was just yesterday that I wrote a post claiming my new resolutions and a greetings about the new year. A year has passed by then. Does it feel like the same to me? Nah. Not even a bit. Its all mixed up, crazy doodly-voodly in my mind. What was this year all about? Yeah, there were some tough days. Were there? I don’t remember. Am I getting forgetful? Oh, yeah! Sure I am. There were really crazy turn of events lately this year. Some gave me a fine solid blow. Do you want to know ? Well, I am all yours today. I will tell anything you ask. All that you have to do is ask.
So,like everybody else would probably say.. This year has been great for me and the year yet to come will be promising and I would like to do each and everything I wanted to do that I couldn’t do in this year. But lets rewind back and see what this year had for me which I wouldn’t have thought of.
So Mr.AK (a.k.a AJ) How has the year 2012 been?
In short, Nice and Unexpected.
In Long, the year has been nice and a little bit unexpected. There you go .. in long. #JustKidding
I did a lot of things, wasted a lot of time, bought a lot of things, spent a lot, roamed a lot, bla bla. Let me summarize that.
- First of all, I completed my B-Tech Engineering. Yay. Cool. But I didn’t feel anything. I mean come on, I have a Bachelors degree and the percentage that I scored was also nice. I mean pretty great for a person like me. And whats’ not to celebrate that? But I did’t feel a thing like the sort of attachment, or the sense of achievement or whatever else the people would feel about completing college. No. Nothing. You are stone-hearted person, dude. Sorry, what-hearted? Never mind!
- In the process of completing my engineering, a lot happened. I will make it short. I was the project leader for the fourth year last semester. Yeah, No kidding. Me? Serious LOL. So, the project was a total bust and practically and theoretically we didn’t do anything. The little work that we did was done by me. But at the last, all went fine. We got our grades. Phew! And there was another incident where I was about to be beaten up by some of my classmates just because I wrote something about them on the blog. Yeah, that’s me being INSANE. And did I stop? Hell No. And that was just before the college was about to end. Look at me! Well Don’t. And Phew! to that also. All was over in the first quarter.
- I joined a JOB and my dad got transferred on the same day. Totally UnCool thing to happen to me. I started working and earning also. Well, technically speaking that wouldn’t be called working yet, because I still haven’t worked for the company so far. But I have been earning since I joined. So, I tell my friends that I am practically ‘Jobless with a Job’.
- I have spent a hell lot of money. You wouldn’t believe if I say I have zero balance in my bank account. And the fact that I am home for holidays just saved me for the last week of the month.
- Of all the things that I bought 80% of them are online. So, you can call me a online-shopaholic or may be lazy.
- I traveled a lot. I mean I have to a lot many places that I could ever be in a year so far. So, this gave a chance to click more pictures than I usually could. So, traveled a lot , clicked a lot.
- I made a lot many friends. Keeping aside the fact that I am one extremely calm guy and the one who doesn’t talk unless provoked, I managed to make a good number of friends. Though the amount of friends made would probably be less. But still I managed some.
- To be precise, I might have wasted a total of may be about 5 months. Though I have got a job, I haven’t been to office like forever and thats’ three months of forever and the remaining 2 months are the time that I wasted in the remaining 9 months.
- I have been on flight the most this year. Something I always like.
- The second was self-immoralization. Yeah. I am quite bit of order right now. Once I used to keep track of things I used to do, now I am losing that track. And also, I used to remember what I used to do and at what time(not precisely though). But now I am a total blunder.
- The only thing that I might have done least is Sleeping ! No kidding there.
- The End of the World didn’t happen for which I was eagerly waiting. But that day, I didn’t even remember and all that became a big practical joke of the millennium.
To summarize, I have outlived what I had never expected. And hence 2012 was one great year. Yeah, of course each year has its ups and downs, but at the end of the year I can just remember only the ups’. The harder I try to find the down’s, I just can’t find many.
Now, Resolution Time ! Wait a minute, what were my this year’s resolutions? Hmm… Let me think.. Nothing strikes… hmm… lemme check my blog post where I might have mentioned some of my resolutions. Oh, Darn! I just can’t find any. I must have written them somewhere. Or may be you just didn’t even make any. No. That’s not possible. OR May be you are so obsessed to make a resolution list that you totally forgot about. Dear Mind, Give it a rest. Let me think. *Thinking* … *Thinking*… ! Told ya. Ya, Ya, right! If I am not wrong, I made the resolutions in my mind. And If I had ever done any one of it, I would know. But the fact that I don’t remember any makes it clear that I didn’t strike anything of my list. So, this is what I am going to do. I will make up a list with exactly opposite of what I want to do and since I won’t be remembering what those were anyway on the 1st day of the next year. No worries there. But if I do remember, I could gladly strike down the list one by one because it would have exactly of what I want to do. Didn’t understand. Yeah, me neither. This guy is crazy.
Most Awesome Moment?
I don’t have some awesome moment, some sad moments. I just have moments in which some are good, some not. Wtf was that? Just answer the damn question. hmm, okay… At the top of the Ponmudi Hill Station covered in clouds.
I don’t have some awesome moment, some sad moments. I just have moments in which some are good, some not. Wtf was that? Just answer the damn question. hmm, okay… At the top of the Ponmudi Hill Station covered in clouds.
Most Saddest moment?
Thats’ a long list actually, but there are so many that I just can’t find the right one. And what is with the question formation? Just like your answers, these questions are also blunt. Deal with it.
Most Horrifying Moment?
The Delhi Gang Rape Incident.
The thing that you would recall when the year ‘2012’ is mentioned?
2012, The movie. No Jokes man.
Ok, fine. The year I got my first Job and first Salary.
No more questions. Thats’ it for now. Yeah, you are spared. Because the answers are hard to digest.
Thank God. Whatever!
There are so many things that happened, I think. I don’t remember any of those. Didn’t I mention earlier that I am losing track of myself and forgetting things. This is one of it. Like everybody say, in this year there were many ups and downs, there were many mistakes that were done and some good things also. Learning from the mistakes and moving ahead, I would like to be prosperous in the year to come. Seriously Kidding!! No shit. I was just shocked when I saw you write that.
So, Looking back to 2012 in Style. 😀
What the hell was this photo for? You’re just impossible.
Whatever man!
Anyways, Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New year. May this year bring you many surprises (good surprises) and add a lot of sunshine to your lives.
Happy New Year 2013.
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Take Care and Have Loads of Fun. 😀
Bidding Farewell to 2012.
AK (Ajay Kontham) [2012]
0 responses to “Adieu.”
Haha. Happy New Year 2013.
Thank You.
And, Happy New Year to you too. 🙂
Haha, love the post and the photo 🙂
Happy New Year!
Thank You.
Phew at least some one likes the photo. 😀
And a Very Happy New Year to you too. 🙂
Your year seems so eventful! It's so cool the way you retrospected and actually conjured up the most memorable moments. So glad the year wasn't a complete waste. Now to gear up for another. Haha, Happy new year 🙂
Now that you said, I feel it was eventful and not a complete waste. 🙂
And Happy New Year to you too. 🙂
Happy New Year even though today is the second of January and hey,when should we officially stop saying Happy New Year??
Anyway,the post was way better than my pathetic attempt at recapping…Here's to another crazy,fun and totally unpredictable year!:)
Thank You.
Happy New Year to you too. 🙂
No, It could be said all year long.
You must be kidding. I bet your blog is far more better than mine. #NoKidding
Yeah, here's to another crazy, fun and totally unpredictable year! 🙂
Oo. Awesome job and happy new year again 😀
Why, Thank You. 🙂
Happy New Year to you too. 🙂