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” Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you.. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I may not forget you. Love me and I may be forced to love you. “

– William Arthur Ward

As I looked at the time at the lower corner of my laptop, it sure was changing. Last time I saw it was passing 10:10 pm, now it is passing 12:12 am. Well, not much difference but actually there is. In these two hours, I was at the same place, same way and frankly speaking doing nothing purposeful. Well, now I sat down to write something after a long time. Last time I wrote it was from my iPod. Now, I prefer to continue no matter what. Its like a diary to me, the day I don’t write and postpone it to another day, it doesn’t feel good to me in any way. I keep a diary, though; but I tend to use it for writing stories. And actually didn’t write much, only one so far. Next is my blog. This is my online journal and would like to continue for the days to come.

A can of 7Up or diet coke and a Veg Burger with a Veg Sandwich or either of them has been a routine for me. It would be a bottle of rum/vodka/something alcoholic with a cigarette for some other person who is endorsed with such habits. But for me, these are enough. And this has almost been a routine for quite some time. Yeah, I had been spending a lot money on junk food and this hostel fees is also enormous. So totally, I am like a spendthrift, left loose and with a few bucks in the pocket can do anything, mostly nothing but eating. Well for now, I am developing a pot belly. And if I continue like this for another one month or so, surely I would have a big stomach which would be quite difficult to satisfy. If eating junk food was one of my daily work so was driving. I go outside almost everyday, to the beach, sit for some time and drive back and do NOTHING useful. I get back and think what did I do? Why did I went outside? I do not know. But the thing to worry about is the prices of the petrol. I am spending a lot on that.

In other news, I have thought of writing a story , which I have been inspired by some other blogger. He indeed writes well, and so I too am trying for writing something related to psychoism which I guess is becoming famous these days. May be I will start a new blog for that so I am thinking of a name for it and will link to that blog from here. So, may be I will try to make it interesting. But its getting postponed daily. 

Time is running out like the wine in a drunkard’s house. The more he has, the more faster is gets empty. The lesser he has the more impatient he becomes. Similar is the case with me. Now I have time, but feel too lazy to do the thing which I planned to do. But when time runs out, I think of this time and curse myself saying, ” Once I had time and I wasted it”. Precisely, it is now. I don’t realize the importance of time when I am having it. But when I don’t have, I get tensed, frustrated and I forget things. In one end time is getting scarce and in the other money. I totally hate the idea of staying in a college hostel. I have to pay more than what I actually consume and and utilize the utilities. Thats really sad because with the same money being spent by me staying outside at my home or some other place I could buy a lot of new things. Now, I and slowly getting into 0 bucks in my purse which I never thought would happen. Yeah, that’s sad. And staying up at hostel and saving money and again spending the saved money on food because its not always at least good and other things.

Lately, I had been wandering around the city, the beach and the roads. Unfortunately, i was caught up by the traffic police two times. Instead of having everything in hand these idiotic people in a way to suck the money tell things which I never knew. I think may be they are right. It better not to get the vehicle impounded and circling around the nasty traffic policeman by paying the fine. Only if I knew the codes which he wrote on the fine slip, I would have dragged him out of his position. I don’t know those codes. And I had met people and learnt also. What more was that I am actually having a doubt about my friends. I was wondering whether they really are my friends or not. Oh my god, you must see people pretending and it would give you a realization about yourself. And you tend to search yourself everywhere. It would be like searching something in the Yellow Pages Telephone directory without knowing what you are searching for. Anyways, wait up till I write about the amazing people around a sophisticated self. 

Puzzle #6

 A man lives in his house. He also works out of his house and his job is very important. Everyday the man must sleep with the lights on to avert from tragedy. One night the man gets so sick of the light he turns it out for the night. The next morning he reads the newspaper, takes out a gun, and shoots himself. Where did the man live? 

P.S. :: My apologies for the change in text font in this post. The earlier half was written in iPod Touch, and the latter in the blogger window. The answer to the puzzle will be given in the upcoming post. 

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ