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People are complicated. I have always tried to understand people. And as I have peripatetic, I believed that there are indeed a wide variety of people, each different from one another possessing unique qualities that are absent in others, all of which were interesting. Because anything new other than routine is always a good sign. But as time progressed, adjusting to the newness turned out to be a little bit difficult than expected. The result was that even though I was able to keep track of the differences, but adapting to these was a hurdle of sorts. Whenever I used to get comfortable with someone, lets pack up and move. And then again, the whole process starts over again. And believe me, it isn’t easy. 

So, I got so habituated to this kind of thing that I didn’t show much forwardness when it came to becoming comfortable with people. Because at the end of the day, I mean a year or two we are going to part ways and come across some other new people. And I am no different to others. People have always to understand me. Me as in my behavior and what I withhold and I guess they believe myself to be a mystery. Given time, people would know the real me, more than I could even know thyself. And no, I am not that complicated of a person. But I am weird. People don’t say, but it is quite evident. Because I think I can tell that about myself with surety.

When people call me silent and all, I totally agree with that because indeed, I am. Only till you know the better of me. Once I am a little bit comfortable with other people like I already mentioned earlier, they would rather think Why God, Why? Believe me, I am not that silent person anymore to them. And they would tell others that this guy isn’t as silent as he appears to be. To which the obvious reply comes out to be “I want to see this guy talk”. But that is totally another story altogether, probably for some other day. 

When the last month began, I was already heavy with thoughts regarding the current work that I associated myself with. I had a few sleepless nights, but that wasn’t the problem, well because insomniac, duh! There was a sense of strangeness when I was trying to sleep, but the mind kept on working that I was looking here and there with my eyes closed as well. And it was something I now feel was a good thing. No, not that sleeping part but everything else. So anyway, the place where I stay was made up of 5 people, the fifth one being the extra baggage, as in like he didn’t get a room and the room he was offered was declined by him after a stay of one month. Needless to say, he is totally an extra baggage, in every possible way, as in thoughts, things he say / do and whatnot, nothing in a good way. 

Guy 1 : After staying at home for a whole month, which itself was a big mystery, he gets a call immediately after getting back asking him to shift to some other location due to the work requirement. Within a week he flies off. Now the equation is Five minus one.

Guy 2 : He has had a little beef with the work he was doing for a long long time. But still he was literally stuck and could do nothing. So he went off to his home for a period of nearly 3 months, claiming to be ill, writes GRE and the last month decides to ditch the company for good. Great decision. 

Guy 3 : This person acts totally weird for the whole month with random visits to his home, calls in which he cries and shouts and what not. But the last day of the previous month, he just comes and says I am staying at my Uncles’ home for a few days and then I will go to Switzerland as the Visa has been approved.

Guy 4 : The perverted guy and also the same guy whom I mentioned earlier in the para. So, this guy ditches the room which I saw coming, because he is good at it. He would ditch anything if there is a girl involved, last time I checked. You will be a nobody to him. So anyway, he plans to ditch, but leaves all his things in the room. So, as the duty of the landlord, they find a replacement for all these guys who just left with in a days’ time without a little heads up. And this guy wants me to take care of his things till he comes back. Freaking Genius. 

Now, I come home to a cigarette smoke infested room. Not that the new guy stays in my room but the adjacent room and unfortunately for me, I stay in the place which is accessible by all rooms. So, I am being the victim. That isn’t the problem because adjusting isn’t a new thing for me, either if they are new or old, but a little intimation about the future plans would be admired. But I don’t see minimum decency nor the courtesy factor. I don’t know what are these people made up of. I am really glad that these people are gone, not that the new people are any good. But at least I don’t know them and nor do they.

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0 responses to “Rambling.”

  1. I probably understand how you feel.
    But honestly, kudos to being the adjusting type of guy.
    I can never be like that. I'd probably be more melodramatic.
    But that's another story altogether 🙂

  2. I probably understand how you feel.
    But honestly, kudos to being the adjusting type of guy.
    I can never be like that. I'd probably be more melodramatic.
    But that's another story altogether 🙂

  3. Oh, thank you. 🙂
    Ah, thats' nothing. 5 cities and nearly (approx) over different 300 people (known and unknown) can do that. 😛 Okay, I was kidding, I mean exaggerating a little bit.

    Come on, if I can be, anyone can be. I would like to hear that story. 😛
    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  4. Oh, thank you. 🙂
    Ah, thats' nothing. 5 cities and nearly (approx) over different 300 people (known and unknown) can do that. 😛 Okay, I was kidding, I mean exaggerating a little bit.

    Come on, if I can be, anyone can be. I would like to hear that story. 😛
    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  5. Yes, I don't have problem adjusting. Though it takes a little bit of time, I mean a lot. But I get along somehow. What I hate is people running over me just as you warned me in the last line. I just hate that.

  6. Yes, I don't have problem adjusting. Though it takes a little bit of time, I mean a lot. But I get along somehow. What I hate is people running over me just as you warned me in the last line. I just hate that.

  7. I am so much like you. I am very adjusting and adaptable and I have witnessed a lot of people taking advantage of that fact. I have stayed with over 35 room mates (not hostels, like real room mates) and I agree, it's a nightmare.
    All these guys sound horrible and I have to agree with the above comment. Don't let them run over you.

  8. I am so much like you. I am very adjusting and adaptable and I have witnessed a lot of people taking advantage of that fact. I have stayed with over 35 room mates (not hostels, like real room mates) and I agree, it's a nightmare.
    All these guys sound horrible and I have to agree with the above comment. Don't let them run over you.

  9. Well, high-five to that. 🙂 We totally belong to the same species. 😛
    Wait, 35 roommates? That must have been hell, unless all these 35 people were angels or something (read : really really nice / sweet people).

    They are. -_-
    I think they already have. But that doesn't bother me anymore. People are sometimes unexpected and give a taste of what they really are. We can't do much about it, but we learn from that and make sure that things like this never happen again.

  10. Well, high-five to that. 🙂 We totally belong to the same species. 😛
    Wait, 35 roommates? That must have been hell, unless all these 35 people were angels or something (read : really really nice / sweet people).

    They are. -_-
    I think they already have. But that doesn't bother me anymore. People are sometimes unexpected and give a taste of what they really are. We can't do much about it, but we learn from that and make sure that things like this never happen again.

  11. Ah, about that. Whenever I enter the flat, I am like “Where the hell did I just step into? A humid cigarette smoke absorbed room?”
    Believe me, that is not such a good picture or thing to feel.

    Thanks. I hope everything turns out fine.

  12. Ah, about that. Whenever I enter the flat, I am like “Where the hell did I just step into? A humid cigarette smoke absorbed room?”
    Believe me, that is not such a good picture or thing to feel.

    Thanks. I hope everything turns out fine.

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ