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Time, a passed moment, a moment now, a moment later.

We have always complained about time. Be it the time that passed, or the time that is yet to come. Having said that, we have also appreciated time, recollected the good memories that this so called time had to offer. And then something goes wrong and another thing, followed by another wrong. Perhaps, the times are bad. I am having a really bad time. My time is bad. Or that one second that we sleep after waking up turns out to be an hour. Oh time, you mean little thing. When we are behind schedule and this time just runs at you as if it is going to the last and only flight. Even light would have a hard time figuring out, how could time beat it.

Why am I speaking about time? Because, time is what defines us, the things we do, will speak a lot about is in the time that is about to come. We are told to make the right choices and time holds an account for all the people, and it holds just not the right choice, but the wrong choices as well. And it does everything in its power to make remind us of those wrong choices and what the consequences were and how it impacted us. Some of us take it in the positive light, while others just can’t handle but this so called ‘time’ doesn’t have emotions of any sort. It just does it’s job, without no one to control it. Control! How great would it be to control time? How great it would be to know what this so called time will bring to our doorstep? How even more great it would be, if we could change the time? Control. How powerful can we get? May be the most powerful person ever, don’t you think?

There have been great many theories, books, TV series and movies. I am going to speak specifically about three of the TV shows that I am currently watching.

a. The Flash

Coming fronm DC Comics, Flash is an iconic character. An adaptation of the comic books was a delight to the comic fan enthusiasts, like me. Most adaptaions don’t meet the hard core comic enthusiasts, as the graphics are a little off or perhaps the story, or may be the characters. But the TV show does deliver a great story line with good script, screenplay and characters as well. Oh to people who don’t know what Flash is about. Here’s a little intro : Barry, the protagonist is a forensic analyst. One fine day, there is a catastrophy at a science lab, who were experimenting on a technology called Particle Accelerator, which doesn’t go as planned and that results in an explosion. A huge gas cloud is generated as a result and the protagonist is struck by its lightening. As a result, Barry Allen gets speed, he could heal faster, everything about him is accelerated. And he can travel fast, so fast through time. Also affected are a lot of other people, most of whom later turn out to be the villains.

The FLash

So, in the latest season, Barry knowing the consequences of time travel, having faced it himself and after all that he still wants to go back in time and saves his mother from getting killed. And even we know what happens when someone changes the past, the future is not the same anymore. That’s what happens in the show as well. He realizes his mistake again, and goes back to change it again. So, he goes back in time and thinks he sets everything back to what it was. So, he travels to the normal time, only to find a lot has changed since his magnificient feat of changing time and trying to set it back right.

b. Timeless


Timeless is another TV show which was started recently and it also involves time. In this the people are normal, just normal people, but then there’s a time machine. Two actually. The new one gets stolen by some people who in their words are trying to save the world. So, the protagonists ( three actually – a historian, a military man, a Time Machine pilot, of course they need a pilot for time travelling. Apparently it isn’t a one push button thing). So, the people with the new time machine goes back in time to change the world, while the people (the heroes as we would call them) try to stop from changing history. But time is a fragile little thing. Even a grain of sand out of its place would cause ripples in timeline. And the same happens in this. The historian once had a sister and a mother who was suffering with cancer, she comes back from time travel to find that she no longer has a sister and her mother is completely alright. She for one is confused, heartbroken and completely angry for dragging her into this. Everything else almost seems to be the same. Though I would like to counter argue and all point out what’s all wrong with this, but I will just let it slide under the rug on the pretext that it is for another blog post. 😛

c. Frequency


Frequency also deals with time, but no time travel. Thank God, right? No, wait. Here it out. Like I said, it deals with time and some concept called Quantum Physics. Does that make sense to you? Yeah, me neither. Anyhow, the protagonist in this a woman, and she is a detective. Lady detective shows are probably my thing, just saying. Anyhow, in the story, her father went undercover and gets killed and the news was that he had turned. And some lightening and stuff happens and she was able to communicate with his dad through the ham radio. His dad (who is in the year 1996) communicates with her daughter ( who is in present time, 2016). She them helps him stop his own fateful death, thereby changing everything in her present. His dad however dies in a car accident a few years back, but her mother, her mother gets abducted by a serial killer. Oooooh, Nooooo! What’s more is her boyfriend is no longer her boyfriend. Almost everything is the same, but not exactly same. Just because she knows both sides of the things. The catch is that she remembers both sides of the timeline. Like she takes time to recollect but she remembers both. Her current goal is to solve that serial killer case because he is still alive and killing people. And her mother’s life is at stake in the past, but she is already killed but the serial killer(still at large) in the present. So, a lot is riding on her finding out the serial killer so that they both could prevent her mother and his wife’s death.

In short, what I am trying to say is time in all is a very powerful entity, that doesn’t stop for anyone, doesn’t care for anyone, doesn’t wait for anyone. It keeps us on our toes, it acts as a constant reminder, it is the one thing we can’t really control, we could just manage it.


NaBloPoMo November 2016

I am participating in #NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) and this is Day #13 post.

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