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Write. Because it’s the passion, the peace, the freedom, the music. There is a whole world to be explored, a world beyond what we see, a world where there are infinite possibilities. The world that is inside of us. Because writing takes us places we have never imagined before, lets us be the architects building houses, doctors curing people, scientists discovering sustainable life, astronauts saving the earth from aliens. And most importantly, it lets us be the hero we always are and wish to be.

It is the music to our soul, the strings that sing the songs of untold stories, echoing under the new light of dew drops and misty lands. It is the peace that takes away the vary of the day, the chaos we live in, the maligned reality we are surrounded with. It is the freedom to fly and touch the sky, the stars and just float in the nothingness.
It is solace to the mind.
It is peace.

” Write what should not be forgotten…”
– isabel allende


I couldn’t have summed it better.  Why? I mean I don’t understand why would anyone write? Because I have asked people to write. I have begged people to write. I literally have. “I am not good at writing”, “I am not good at English”. Because I know what writing means, I know the deeper connection the people who write feel. I wanted the others to understand and feel that too. Nonetheless, I have failed.

But have you seen the quote? Have you really seen the quote? The quote just didn’t end. It has two more periods. It continues, like the stories, the poems, the songs, it goes on and on…


3 Days 3 Quote Challenge : Day #2

I would like to thank Sasha for nominating for the 3 Days 3 Quote Challenge. She has an amazing blog and you can find it here. “Sasha’s Writngs”. Do give the blog a visit.

I am supposed to nominate three people. But I will leave it open for people to join in. Because I feel that we all have a quote or a thought that connects to us, on a personal or a mental level. And I would love to hear, I mean read your take on it.

NaBloPoMo November 2016

I am participating in #NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) and this is Day #4 post.

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Write what should not be forgotten.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Write what should not be forgotten.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ