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The beauty of the night
Adorned by the moon
The cold wind ruffled
While the dark clouds scattered. 

The luminous darkness
Surrounded the life
In colors of two
The black and the white

Drowned in admiration
Which never ceased
The unspoken glittering stars
That shone the cold windy night

Stories that spread unheard
Mysteries that are left unsolved
Float in the visible darkness 
Almost invisible in the naked light. 

Stories we create, under the dome
Of glittering stars, of diamonds in the sky
But, what story do that tell ?
What mystery do they hold ?

Ajay Kontham 

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0 responses to “Lost in Translation.”

  1. To tel you the truth, I too have no idea. I wanted to write a poem and I was out and the cold wind and the moon were pleasant and I just wrote whatever came to my mind. And I feel I did not quite complete the poem in some way.

    What made you interested to ask this question? I am curious! 😛

  2. To tel you the truth, I too have no idea. I wanted to write a poem and I was out and the cold wind and the moon were pleasant and I just wrote whatever came to my mind. And I feel I did not quite complete the poem in some way.

    What made you interested to ask this question? I am curious! 😛

  3. Finally that you blogged here…aahh..after an age perhaps..and tell me one thing how can find so mysteriously beautiful things in this boring night and why I can't see all these thing and come up with such a fascinating verses!! Well I'm not jealous. I am happy and inspired!

  4. Finally that you blogged here…aahh..after an age perhaps..and tell me one thing how can find so mysteriously beautiful things in this boring night and why I can't see all these thing and come up with such a fascinating verses!! Well I'm not jealous. I am happy and inspired!

  5. Yup. I blogged.
    I wanted to write from a long long time, bit since my laptop was acting crazy, so I couldn't.

    Well, I too don't know. That's why it's mysterious I guess.
    You are jealous. 😛 #Kidding
    Well, I am glad you feel inspired.

    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  6. Yup. I blogged.
    I wanted to write from a long long time, bit since my laptop was acting crazy, so I couldn't.

    Well, I too don't know. That's why it's mysterious I guess.
    You are jealous. 😛 #Kidding
    Well, I am glad you feel inspired.

    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

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Lost in Translation.

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Lost in Translation.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ