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Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.
Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth
– Marcus Aurelius.

I have procrastinated too long. Lets get back the writing thing, which I have been longing to write for quite some time. Before I go any further, 740FA6E3 – this is my #BBMPIN. Though I was the first among all of my friends to download this #BBM4ALL app and tried to use it only to fin myself alone. So I sent out requests to most of the contacts in my phone. And there was this waiting list. Cool. No, seriously! 

The Strategist.
There is always a little zeal to win a game whatever that game might be. As part of the Diwali celebration a great deal of games are being conducted. All this started last week so that by the time it is Diwali all games would be over and everybody could celebrate in whatever way they wish to celebrate. So, I participated in a few games as well. The first game to be played was Lagori. My apologies as I don’t know any other names by which it is known. Let me state the rules, and may be that could shower some light on the dimension of the game. There is a stack of seven stones placed one above the other. A player from one team (A) has to hit the stack of stones with a ball. If it hits the pile of stones, the players from the team (A) have to pile up the stones while the other team(B) would hit the players of team(A) and whoever is hit, that person has to forfeit the game. Okay, I agree I am way too bad at explaining. May be Google will help. So, if you already know, why didn’t you tell me that before. The game was actually postponed due to rains. So, my team members had a chance to practice; as if we were playing one international match. The day finally arrived (which was yesterday to be precise) and my team members went out to the ground a little time before just to practice. There is this guy who was the one who wanted all of to play in the first place. Lets call him Mr. P. So, our dear Mr. P was analyzing the possible strategies to win the game no matter what! Everything fell into order when in the practice session everyone was performing way too good. But when the time came and the game had started, nothing went according to plan. Oh wait, there was no plan as such. There was just the “TALK” about some sort of plan. And believe me this talk guaranteed us the win which we hoped. The table turned, the chicken died, the rain stopped, the coin flipped, and the evens(odds) were(weren’t) in our favor. We not only scored NIL, but lost miserably. To avoid any more humility, we just came back. Truly, ‘There is no honor in game lost’. 

If you are thinking it is all over. Let me finish this paragraph as well, then it would be. Today was for another game. “Hitting the Pot – Blind folded”. This time I told Mr. P that there would be no strategies and that we will act upon that very instance. This does sound like an easy game. But believe me when you are the one blind folded and are in the arena trying to hit a pot which is suspended about 8 feet in the air and you don’t know where you are headed even though your team members are trying to guide you in the right path, but still there are a hundred other people who are shouting at the top of their voices trying you to misguide. When Mr. P and I saw the game, we actually thought of not playing it at all. The ground is a rectangular shaped and a person has to start from one side to the another side, where the pot is suspended in the air and hit it. We were laughing our asses off when the people of the other team were totally misguided. And then there was my name his name and another persons’ name. We were a team of three. Though the third one was no where to be seen. We two went to the spot to play. They blindfolded Mr. P and rotated him in a near 360 degree and the game began. The funny part was this Mr. P wasn’t listening to anything I am saying. Well, I have to tell I was laughing my ass off in the first place. The reason being that he was going in exactly the opposite direction where there is no pot, no nothing, only one basket ball pole. He was going and going and though I was trying my best to guide him in the opposite direction he wasn’t listening to me. There was another guy shouting louder than me and guiding him perfectly in the wrong direction. You can’t even imagine how hard I was laughing. I almost fell on the ground. So, that is enough humility for two days. And there is another game tomorrow. Preparing myself for some more humility. Wish me luck.

The Asshole.
Now before you pass any judgement, hear me out. I just came to know a hard fact about one of my roommate. Firstly, I thought I was the one having a pair of undergarments for each day of the week and an extra pair. But there was another, which was a recent discovery. And I like those branded ones. I was equally surprised when I encountered another guy with almost the same number of garments and precisely the same brand. I thought , well everybody is following the trend may be. What shocked me more how he came to own these things. He goes to the Malls and on an excuse to try out a trouser, takes one or two undergarments along with him, wears them, tries out the trouser as if he is going to buy but doesn’t buy, gives back the trousers but not the undergarments. When I heard this, I was like “I don’t want to live in this planet anymore”. Seriously! Whats’ wrong with these people? I wouldn’t have thought much about it if it were a T shirt or something other than the undergarments. 

P.S. : I promise to come up with more interesting posts, if only I could. 

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Humility Pangs.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ