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Sometimes the word seems so overrated. Sometimes it is never cared for. Sometimes we just don’t give much thought to it. And sometimes, we treasure it. I have been on every ground that I mentioned. But I prefer to ignore it most of the times. May be because I am better off myself. Like I said, it is overrated. I am wrong. And I know it. But sometimes you might as well feel the same. And that’s when someone leaves you hanging in the middle of the rope, no strings attached. These are the people we call them friends. Yes, We call them friends because we tend to share with them. But we have been on the wrong train all this while. Because at the end of the day, we are just one pawn in their game, or more like a necessity. A necessity? Yes, like a need that they need to fulfill. A gap that we help them cover. I was shocked when I first realized. People talk cheesy, at first. Believe me, they do. Lets take me for example. If you don’t know, I am an extremely silent guy. Though you may not believe it with all the rambling that I do in this blog space. I shout here on my blog, I mean write here on my blog because I don’t talk much and writing is an great escape from the daily chores. You would agree with me, right? So , where was I? Yeah, the silent guy. You don’t believe me, do you? Well, you must sometime read the words in my About Me at the top. It is mentioned in my resume, you see. 😛 . 

Well, anyways, I just mind my own work and in between exchanging a ‘Hi’ looks just because we have been working/studying together for some time now. After a few days or so, there is this entity called friendship that is developed. Or is it called acquaintanceship? Because for a silent guy like me, I don’t see myself making friends so easily. So, whatever it is , it just happens. It goes fine for a few days. Till that time, I don’t understand. The reason for people hanging out with me in a interested sort of way. But after a few days, they tend to do that with some other person. What I realized is that I may be a friend but I am not their only friend. It doesn’t work both ways, because I don’t categorize people. But now I am compelled to. Because when once when you are loved and then that changes to pretend-love, I damn sure have to change my policies like they do. And not all are like that. I too have a few good friends. And they don’t change like the few others do. That’s why there is the concept called BFF’s. Don’t know about the forever part, but BF still holds strong. 

Office Humor

The office floor where I work is divided into small sections, divided by the glass walls. Initially it was one big room, but later divided it into two parts. Though I wasn’t there before or while it was divided. But I figured that one out because the switch for the lights in my ODC(also known as Offshore Development Center, which is a room filled with cubicles for around 30 people or so) are placed in the other room. So, being lazy or whatever people don’t switch on the lights because it is in the other room. But half of the room where I say are already lit up, or were never switched off. So, it looks like one side of the room is filled with light and the other dark. But people still work in the little-bit-dark side with the help of the monitor light. So, once a comment on that flies around in the office. A person says, “Hey L, It looks like the sun is rising in your side of the room or are you the reason for the light?”. Well, it looks exactly like that. As if the sun is rising and only a few places are touched by the sun and the remaining are still in the dark.

We were busy working and suddenly there a small fire and one of the computer goes off. Some sort of malfunction may be. The person who was working on the system has recently taken up that place and before that she was in another group but same room. After a few trials at restoring and failing at it, they called the IT department for fixing it. In the meanwhile, there were so much going on. One person says, “See, Before she did’t had much work when she was in out group. Now, she is given too much work”. Another says,” What were you working on? May be we should be careful with that as well.” And the best one is “You should put that in your resume saying that I work so hard that once the system couldn’t take it anymore and went ablaze“.  

P.S. I named this In a Day’s Work  because “Rambling” was becoming sort of obsolete these days. Or else you can consider this as the #Rambling series and this would be Day 4 = Rambling #4.

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0 responses to “In a Day’s Work.”

  1. Ha ha ha..even if she doesn't I'm sure gonna put it in my cv “I work so hard that once the system couldn't take it anymore and went ablaze”.
    seriously couldn't they find any better reason??? Or like the virus in your body infected the system? LOL!:)

  2. Ha ha ha..even if she doesn't I'm sure gonna put it in my cv “I work so hard that once the system couldn't take it anymore and went ablaze”.
    seriously couldn't they find any better reason??? Or like the virus in your body infected the system? LOL!:)

  3. “acquaintanceship” might define that in a better way!! Coz exchanging just 'Hi' looks means you identify that person and there's a fine line between identifying and knowing!! 🙂

    P.S. “Ajay and The Guy in the Hat – At The Comic Strips” When did this split personality disorder came into play :O

  4. “acquaintanceship” might define that in a better way!! Coz exchanging just 'Hi' looks means you identify that person and there's a fine line between identifying and knowing!! 🙂

    P.S. “Ajay and The Guy in the Hat – At The Comic Strips” When did this split personality disorder came into play :O

  5. Yeah, you are right. 🙂

    Dear Kriti,
    I think we haven't met each other. I am The Guy in the Hat. Hello. Nice to meet you. Its' not like a split personality. I am called the Alter Ego. Welcome to the world of two sided conversations. And all the red in the posts is Me, the awesome.
    The Guy in the Hat.

  6. Yeah, you are right. 🙂

    Dear Kriti,
    I think we haven't met each other. I am The Guy in the Hat. Hello. Nice to meet you. Its' not like a split personality. I am called the Alter Ego. Welcome to the world of two sided conversations. And all the red in the posts is Me, the awesome.
    The Guy in the Hat.

  7. Literally you are very lucky to have such a funny place to work in (though they are lightened as much a bird's nest under moonlight, compact and sulky)n also wonderful co-worker with pint size brain that also filled with marriage nonsense.. ha ha ha..just kidding. 🙂 😀 🙂

  8. Literally you are very lucky to have such a funny place to work in (though they are lightened as much a bird's nest under moonlight, compact and sulky)n also wonderful co-worker with pint size brain that also filled with marriage nonsense.. ha ha ha..just kidding. 🙂 😀 🙂

  9. You make your work place come to life through such posts as if I am there, witnessing such _______ incidents happening before my eyes!!


  10. You make your work place come to life through such posts as if I am there, witnessing such _______ incidents happening before my eyes!!


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In a Day’s Work.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

In a Day’s Work.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ