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Solitude | 

We find ourselves among charades of people, running around in the monotony of life. We keep ourselves busy, from one hurdle to another; or perhaps from one milestone to another. We say to ourselves that sky is the limit, the stars are the limit. As we strive to reach the hypothetical sky, we live our whole life along the way. Life. A fragment on a tiny dot on the vast universe, endless and eternal as they may be, it goes on, and on. And it all comes down to that tiny dot on this eternity. Live. As we progress in this unstoppable force of time, we find ourselves contemplating over the choices we made as we sink in the dilemma of the decision we need to make. Scribbling in the last page of our book, we wondered what all this life was all about. Sipping the hot cup of coffee and leafing the pages of the book as we immerse ourselves in the vastness of the human imagination, we wondered what our purpose was. As we lay and stared at the countless stars in the sky above, we wondered how precious the moment was, this moment; this moment that you are reading this very line, I urge you to pause. Look around, the world may be moving, the people may be busy, the life keeps going on, and as the clock tick-tocks unapologetically, look around and embrace the moment, embrace the present in your own solitude.



p style=”text-align: right;”>Strangers in our midst
Berger XP, IndiBlogger Meet xx16,
Bengaluru, Karnataka
© ajaykontham
© theShadedShadows 
© FramedParadox 



p style=”text-align: center;”>Solitude
A weekly photo challenge prompt by The Daily Post. 


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