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The darkness became dearer. The light lost his hope. He lost his anxious character. He started stumbling. The room was always dark. Even in mornings the room filled with TV, laptop and other home theatre systems, along with a softy comfy couch. The curtains were always in place hiding the morning sunshine ray to the evening last blespathetic ray. The room flickered with the ambient colors, fluorescent in appeal, illuminated the dark corners of the room. The potato chips favor lied on the floor along with the pizza left overs.

His thinking declined as he was too much attached to tv & laptop rather than anything else. the cells slowly started dying. He became untamable, just like a fierce beast hungry for ages. The slightest attempt to recover that maniac into normal condition failed when he denied listening. It became unbearable. The continuously running tv and the laptop was taking the toll on the high power consumption. Frequent gaps of power cuts was a relief on the burdened power cable. Something had be done, real fast. The person developed a pot belly, though rather considered himself as a thin and athletic person. Really? Asked the people around him. This guy? Impossible! Dynamic was this guy, with rational ideas And idealogies. Steadfast was he in thinking and acting his goals, once. This guy? Laughed the people.

Writing was his hobby, a passion which he intrusted in himself. What was he write about? The scorching heat of the corrupted politicians? Or the suicidal lovers fateful story? Or the unhappily-happy divorced families? The Global Warming? Or about the Osama Bin Laden’s fateful death? Or the mad politics? Enough! It was for him. The indespensible mankind with their utter flawless thinking of hatred, power, money has driven this man against the society. The complicated lies of the heated politics and the broken promises of the promising leaders stand at no level. The whole crap of untamable world and wasting time to bring change in the behavior of reckless rascals and the beasts has let the heart down for that maniac person. What was he to write about? When the voice raised is suppressed like a sponge and disposed off like garbage. When the people concerned play with time and justice investing their money to bail out their conspired illegacy. When power is ruled by power and money, the filthy rich. When the poorer are suppressed and the injustice is justly done the weaker section. Here The Power is Money and Money is Power. And no other stand in the way, none otherwise rich with power. They win no matter what. No matter even they are wrong, totally. Frustrated was that person when people called him maniac and those people leaders. Hell bent was that man when he tried to change till he realized that change is easy; which changed him. No matter what, those people couldn’t be changed. They might change you, make you suffer, torture you with the finest equipment ultimately changing yourself and finally decide not to take a risk again. Who can change them? Justice is INJUSTICE. May be GOD could help. Said who? They are gods. They rule. They supress. INJUSTICE is new JUSTICE.

Who can change?? CAN YOU?

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A Maniac.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

A Maniac.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ