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There are people all round me. And there is Me. I deal with most of the people almost all the time, whether it is by contact, talking or whatever the means be and even without with talking / touching, but just by watching. I always appreciated myself as a good watcher. This  is the easiest thing to do unless it is a girl who would mind if she catches me and I too would mind that. Sometimes, watching becomes hard. The reasons for that are complex but it does happen. Then, what I would do is pull out my cell phone and pretend reading a text or doing something. I do this most of the times. The most probable reason for the same is that I don’t talk much. I sit alone. Both the seats to my sides remain vacant most of the times. And even if it is occupied, I don’t make past time talking about anything, unless I am a little bit out of my mind. So, People call me Silent. And so do I consider myself. For this reason, (what reason : being silent? Why the hell are you supposed to be silent and try to keep everything to yourself like an i-d-i-o-t). Okay, I just didn’t hear that. I never knew the reason. The hell you know. Hmm, I think I know but I always thought it would be difficult to make people understand it. (Just tell that you are a d-u-m-b idiot who thinks he is the only unique person who is f-r-e-a-k-i-n-g genius. To h-e-l-l with it !) Whatever.  And also as I said I am a good watcher (or so I think) I don’t usually spend much time on that. ( Now, don’t start all over again )! Okay, Whatever!

…{ Topic Changed }…

My mind has been so deceived by the talks of the people that it starts thinking without my knowledge in most aspects. The people say a lot of things and this rusted mind captures all the things that they say about the people and about them. But never does it captures a lesson taught by the lecturer. So, there were a lot of things people talked about others. What else does any body do? Seriously, It is either about you or your thought of interest or obviously other people. So, all those things get recorded in the mind somewhere which are more easily reached than anything else. Technically it is called cache memory, I guess. 

Recently, I watched a movie “Faces in the Crowd. That’s a nice movie. What I came to know from the movie is about the Human Mind. We all see many faces everyday. We have a lot of faces in our mind. When we look at a person, the mind automatically matches with that in the memory and we recollect everything associated with that face. Its’ actually amazing when we realize the fact. And in this movie, the lead actress has the problem with this very part of the brain which identifies people with their faces.More to this problem was that the faces kept changing for the same person. It would be one hell of a problem in reality. I found this ability of the brain very compelling. I wonder how the mind stores information. Neurons, or some thing like that I guess, if I am not wrong. In another instance, some while back on the eve of New Year, I attended a party for the New Year at my dad’s office. I don’t know anyone in that crowd except a few of my dad’s colleagues. Rest are all aliens. But when I saw one person, I felt I saw him somewhere. I just couldn’t make it where and when. After sometime, when his mom came to speak to my mom and introduced me to him, I realized, Yeah, this is the person whom I saw 13 / 14 years back. I didn’t realize the power of the mind then, but eventually when I think about it, it feels good. Good because when I saw him I was small & was in 2nd grade and also saw him in 3rd grade if I am not wrong. So after so many years, people would change a lot and so did he and also so did I. But still I kind of recognized the face from somewhere. His name is Rahul. And god save me, when I learnt about his academics. He studied from IIIT, then did his M.S. in US, then got a job in Amazon, worked there for some time and realized that he wanted to study more and so he is doing his PhD right now in US. My God! I am tired of studying now only. My mind stops right here.

P.S. : The opening paragraph was supposed to the the beginning paragraph of some other post in some other blog. But as I started writing, I thought it was more relevant over here and also I could link it with some of the facts. And the italicized text is a person called Inner-self speaking / saying / commenting on the situation.

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

A Mind Game.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ